John - part 2 - Unlocking The Bible
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Part 66 of the David Pawson 'Unlocking the Bible' Podcast series  In this 2nd talk on John’s gospel, David Pawson shows that he was correcting misunderstandings which had developed after Jesus’ death. He had to correct ancient Greek thinking. They divided the sacred from the secular so had difficulty in seeing that Jesus was both God and man at the same time. So John emphasizes Jesus’ full humanity and his prayer life as well as his full divinity. John introduces 7 witnesses to Jesus’ divinity, 7 miracles which are the most supernatural, and 7 words of Jesus which were absolutely unique. John’s interest in Jesus was in what he was. He went right back to the beginning to show that Jesus already was there as ‘The Logos’ who spoke creation into existence. Jesus is ‘The Reason’ for everything. John says 4 things about The Logos – In the beginning he was already there (eternal); he was ‘face to face with God’ (personal); he was God; and The Logos became flesh and ‘pitched his tent among us’. As believers in Jesus, John says we will know life which continues, we will not walk in darkness, we will live in freedom, not slavery, we’ll live a life of truth (reality), and we won’t live under God’s wrath. This gospel tells more about the Holy Spirit which enables us.