Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 09/28/23
No one, I mean absolutely no one, likes the feelings rejection brings. Whether it's from a heartbreaking relationship or not being picked for sports in grade school, rejection can urge the question: "Was I not enough?" In this episode, relationship counselor and rejection overcomer, Stefanie Rouse, shares how she found her foundation in God when faced with those same questions. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 09/21/23
Aladdin had his magic genie but now we get manifestation?! This concept is a hot topic these days with many people dabbling in the idea that we can wish something into the universe and it will respond accordingly. But that's not plausible anddd that's not actually what manifestation really is! Tune in for this chat about how we can correctly nurture our heart desires in a time of waiting. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 09/14/23
We asked Psychologist and Relationship Consultant, Dr. Morgan Cutlip, "What should a Christian woman be looking for when dating?" Her answer may surprise you! Through her field experience and as a wife and mom, she has advice for helping couples BEGIN on the right foot. Connect with Morgan at My Love Thinks or pre-order her book "Love Your Kids Without Losing Yourself" before its release this Fall.” Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 09/07/23
The standards for beauty today are widely varied, ever-changing, and quite frankly—unattainable. Even the woman we'd think is the most beautiful in the room, may be picking herself apart in the mirror. How can we find a genuine and secure self-admiration that isn't fleeting or fictitious? We hope this episode, with my friend Nava, will inspire your beautiful self. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 08/31/23
Have you ever been told you're too ___ to find someone? Maybe someone's told you that you're too ambitious or successful, perhaps they said you're too pretty, oh or too religious?! If someone has said who you are means you have to lower your standards, then friend you're in good company. In this episode, Nicole Renard (a.k.a Nicole the Nomad) shares how she could have let her God-given abilities make her downplay herself but why she's glad she didn't take that advice and settle. Connect with...
Published 08/24/23
Finding "the one" won't matter if we are not ready to keep the relationship. Self-sabotaging your relationships looks like avoiding emotion or conflict, ending without reason, comparing or compromising. If you've been there, this episode is to bring you awareness and hope!! If you're looking for a resource to help you overcome shame, regret or fear, get your copy of my new book, Break Up with What Broke You, today and let's go on this healing journey together. Connect with Christian or find...
Published 08/17/23
Every woman enjoys a little R&R but have we over-indulged in the idea of self love? Hannah Crews comes on to show how we can find a healthy fusion with loving ourselves and loving selflessly like Jesus. As a mother, wife, author, and hilarious human, she will stir you to think and cause you to laugh. Be on the look for her devotional launching March 2024! Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 08/10/23
A like on our photo or "good morning" text sounds like grounds for brownie points today, but have we lowered our standards to much for how a guy shows his interest? In this episode, Georgia Brown urges us ladies to raise the bar back in dating! Know how to decide if a guy is showing you mere attention or purposeful intention. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 08/03/23
Who better to speak to this topic than my friend, author, and business entrepreneur, Jenessa Wait. Not only is her last name complimentary to the subject, she has keen wisdom on how a waiting period can go from a setback to a setup! Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 07/28/23
Trusting God can be easier said than done. What do you do with bad news? How do you stay patient in the waiting? Podcast host, author and new friend, Tara Sun, shares the way she's learned to surrender her story and developed a steady trust in God and His Word. Get Tara's book, Surrender Your Story, wherever books are sold or at www.tarasun.com Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 07/20/23
There may be habits or areas in your life making you unprepared for marriage—Ouch! But here's the good news: we all have areas to grow in AND can become better from if we embrace the process. For this episode, Chelsea Hurst, author of "Marriage Minded" shares patterns we can overcome that will allow us to enter into marriage more whole and prepared. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 07/13/23
If you're single, there's about a 110% chance you've heard that you should be content in singleness. But what does that mean? Or better yet, what does that look like? I brought on a girlfriend who is embodying the idea beautifully, Ashley Hetherington, and she gave us an inside look at how she trusts God in the waiting while not waiting to thrive where she is planted! Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up with What Broke You" at ChristianBevere.com
Published 07/07/23
"Woah woah, Christian, did you just use sex and singleness in the same sentence?" Yes, I did!  When we pursue purity, it can feel like a minefield—how do we dodge all the temptations, shame, or desires? In this episode, I brought on Christian sex therapist Danisa Suarez to enlighten us on how we can nurture God's gift of sexuality in a manner that doesn't leave us exposed but prepared. You can find more from Danisa at https://www.ccicounseling.com. Connect with Christian or find her new book...
Published 06/29/23
What would you do if on your wedding night, you found out you couldn't have sex with your spouse? This was the reality of author and dear friend, Mackenzie Briel Nelson. Through a seven-year healing journey, she was finally able to be emotionally and physically intimate with her husband. Now she's sharing her testimony and valuable lessons so other women can be healthy in their mind, spirit, and body. Find her new book "Why Orange" everywhere books are sold. Connect with Christian or find her...
Published 06/25/23
There are plenty of fish in the sea, but do we really want to be baiting and luring in our spouse? I sat down with our friend, Caden Fabrizio, and asked him how he approaches dating as a single Christian male. He shares his red flags, guardrails, and methods for navigating dating with clarity and vision. Be sure to check out his podcast, Questions with Caden, or if you're in the LA area join him and other young adults for YONA nights. Connect with Christian or find her new book "Break Up...
Published 06/24/23
Shame is a complex emotion that can happen to any of us for a handful of reasons: regret, trauma, rejection, insecurity, etc. Any lingering shame will affect the way we see ourselves, handle our relationships, and move forward in the future. Take it from two girls who have had their own battles with shame... it's something you want to break free from TODAY! In this conversation, we discuss how shame affects us and why we must combat it. My friend, encourager and YouTube personality, Tori...
Published 06/24/23