Interior Designers Business Blueprint   Serving clients well and building an interior design business with excellent communication can be done without always being available.    Today's episode is all about how to create systems, processes, and communication that allow clients to feel nurtured and cared for without having to always be ON and responsive in the moment. This doesn't come naturally for most of us.   Here's a glance at this episode: [5:40] I share examples of when a client...
Published 10/19/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Ask yourself, what would happen in your business if you started to take up a little more space. If you continuously look for ways to move the needle even in small ways a little more each and every day. Those little needle-moving actions and behaviors over time add up to huge success. That’s what we’re going to jump into today to keep you from leaving money on the table. Here’s a glance at this episode… [03:45] I introduce the idea of taking up more...
Published 10/12/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Too often designers either miss red flags due to a lack of experience or choose to ignore them because they are eager for the work or the client was a referral from someone you know. They may be in your circle of friends or community and the hard question is really what do you do with these red flags? Today’s episode will shed some light on what to look for and how to handle the most common red flags. Here’s a glance at this episode… [04:20] I jump...
Published 10/05/23
I want you to have clarity in where you're heading and what you're focused on right now.   In today's episode, I share my 4 phase success path for interior designers to help you know what to focus on right now, gaining clarity on where you're heading and want to go without getting stuck in the comparison game with those around you   Here's a glance at this episode: [4:44] I share how to figure out where you may be on your success path and remind you that you have time! You control your...
Published 09/28/23
When you're a good listener to your client's needs, wishes, and visions, your clients naturally are excited and share this with their friends - making them natural evangelists for your work before you even finish the project.   In today's episode, I share how to develop a rock-solid concept design phase for your clients and how important it can be to truly utilize in getting your clients excited and ready for their project.   Here's a glance at the episode: [11:26] I dive into the...
Published 09/21/23
I did not become an interior designer to sit around and crunch numbers all day..... but numbers tell a story!   As interior designers, we can get caught up in the design work and avoid the numbers and need to track a few key metrics to really understand our business. In this episode, I share the 2 key metrics that I use in my business and why they are the most important to track.   Here's a glance at this episode: [9:15] I jump into why it's important to track certain numbers and why...
Published 09/14/23
Are you ready to really grow your business but you're still running it like you did on day one?   Today’s episode is all about creating the type of business you have always wanted. It's time to level up, create systems, and save you time and money all while forming a pipeline of client work that truly lights you up each day.   Here’s a glance at the episode: [11:50] I jump into when you know it's time to stop being "scrappy" in your business but rather a time to start truly investing in...
Published 09/07/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint Your first hire will always be the hardest. It’s kind of like having a baby.  Imagine this - You just returned from a much-deserved 2-week holiday with your favorite person or people and while you were away one(or perhaps all) of these things happened… You have a new client consultation on the calendar with a fully-vetted client.  You’ve received the as-built drawings and site photos from a brand-new project you are kicking off.  Drawings for a...
Published 08/31/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Today I’m chatting with Ericka Saurit of Saurit Creative, a STRATEGIC BRAND MARKETING + STORYTELLING for interior designers and home brands.  Ericka believes that HOW you tell your story matters. It needs to be clear, concise, and consitent. She’s on a mission to help interior designers clarify their value and get that message out.  Ericka shares the 3 pillars that you have to understand and get right - in order to shift from being a business to a...
Published 08/24/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Be willing to own your experience and the value that you bring to your clients and projects. If you feel you’re worth what you're charging, so will your clients! Want to raise your design rates? Your costs have increased and it’s time you raise your rates to match this. It’s tempting to put our emotions into these decisions but today is all about sharing how to make this a little easier! In this episode, we discuss things like… How to raise your...
Published 08/17/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  In order to know your profitability at the end of a project, it’s helpful to see what you estimated in the first place. Just like a budget for money, we need to budget our time.    Today’s topic is one of the most asked questions that I get about building your interior design business and that’s how to price your projects and come up with your service fees and feel more confident in your proposals when you send them out. In this episode, we answer...
Published 08/10/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  “You don’t have to get it right. You just have to get it going.” – Mike Litman In this episode I share:  A little about me  Share some of the early struggles I experienced  But also how I was able to overcome them and turn my little baby designer business into one that thrived and supported me and my family  3 core truths I believe can help you grow in business and accomplish your biggest dreams     Here’s a Glance at this Episode: ...
Published 08/03/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Is popular advice crushing your interior design business? Do you sometimes find that the advice you hear doesn’t seem to fit your business? Today’s episode is all about some popular advice that may be crushing your interior design business. I’m putting my stake in the ground on what I feel about some popular advice for interior designers and where I stand on these topics.   Here’s a glance at the episode: [2:50] I jump in with the notion that you...
Published 07/27/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Energy begets energy. Money is energy.  If we know that energy begets energy, what happens in your business when you sit down and you spend the time to commit some energy towards revenue-generating activities and lead-generating activities? In today’s episode, we are talking about revenue-generating activities and what that means, how and when to do these activities, and how they keep your business thriving! This episode was inspired by a listener...
Published 07/20/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Want to have better proposals? Start with delivering better consultations. Consultations are the first step in working with your client and the better experience they have, the more likely they will want to work with you Here’s a glance at the episode:   [6:36} I discuss how to effectively set expectations for your clients from the beginning - even before the consultation begins.    [9:08] I share how I prepare for a consultation and what...
Published 07/13/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Today’s episode is all about looking back and sharing with you all the 5 things I would do differently if I was starting from scratch again. I reflected back on what I would tell a new interior designer getting started in the industry. Here’s a glance at the episode: [5:25] I share how important it is to truly invest in your business early on. I share how I invest in my business regularly now and how I wish that I had started to do this...
Published 07/06/23
Great marketing should make our consumers feel like they WANT to open that email and look at the blog post or podcast. We have all had those moments where marketing may have put us off because it was a little “icky” or overly done but today’s guest Katie Boyce is going to help us with copywriting and brand messaging that feels just right!   In this episode, we discuss 👉  What a lead magnet is, why they are important, and how to decide that you need one (hint: we all do!).   👉  What type...
Published 06/22/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Have you been at this a while, but for some reason you can’t seem to either get to that next level revenue goal you’ve set and you feel stuck at the level you’re at?   Today’s episode is all about the habits that keep you stuck and broke. Those habits that keep holding you back and are keeping you from really thriving in your business. I want to share what I see often that keeps interior designers in a perpetual loop and how to make mindset shifts...
Published 06/15/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint    Have you had doors close for you that you can later look back on and realize it was pushing you into a new place, a better place?  Today I am joined my Crerissa McKinnis, an interior designer from San Antonio Texas, and a member of the Interior Designers Business Blueprint program.  After attempting career paths toward being a doctor. And then a lawyer, she had what she calls a “god moment” and she knew that design was her calling.  She shares...
Published 06/08/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Do you find yourself still on Instagram an hour and a half after you went on to post or engage with your followers? We all do!    In today’s episode I catch up with Jessica Norby, a social media strategist on how to lose the social media overwhelm while still allowing social media to work for you and help attract the right clients to your business.   Here’s a glance at the episode: [5:00] Jess shares how the strategy for  service based business...
Published 06/01/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  Are you tuned into your creative energy and how it ebbs and flows?    As designers it’s part of our job to read our clients minds and also be able to have time for creative processes but moving back and forth between the two can be a challenge. Tuning into her creative energy patterns, Carly shares some great tips on how to move between heading up long strategic conversations or taking in feedback, and producing work of a consistent quality all while...
Published 05/25/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  How much beauty comes out of the mess as a creative? When you have stuff all out on the table and  you are “in” in, that’s when the magic can happen.    On today’s episode, I chat with Jenny Footle about how to remain present, listen to our bodies, and how to prepare for focused work, client meetings, and handling mistakes. We talk about how to really tune into our bodies and find ways to manage expectations of ourselves and our clients and find a...
Published 05/18/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  What we say to ourselves matters, right? We listen to ourselves, and we're counting it as evidence so being able to notice and think about how you can shift your thinking or reframe thoughts to support yourself is important.     In today’s episode, we continue our discussions around mental health with Sarah Lovell, an executive function and ADHD coach. We will help normalize procrastination and overwhelm and learn skills and tactical tips to get s#!t...
Published 05/11/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  In today’s episode I have the pleasure of sitting down with Molly Crouch from In Her Company. Molly is a corporate-ladder-climber-turned-gentle-living-visionary who began to unravel the busyness in her own life after her youngest daughter was born.    Now she serves as co-listener and coach for busy women who want to discover the rhythms, routines and rituals that lead to a more sustainable life. Molly received her life coaching certification through...
Published 05/04/23
Interior Designer's Business Blueprint  In today’s episode I want to share the 7 money tips that I live by as an interior designer! Maybe finances come easy for you or maybe you’re more like me where it needs to be built into your schedule and you need a clear list of what needs to be done, what needs attention, and what to focus on.   Here’s a glance at this episode… [04:26] I discuss making a ritual out of looking at your finances each week to create a habit and create a ritual of...
Published 04/27/23