Bret and Matt welcome Michael Cade, the field CTO at Kasten by Veeam. If you've been around servers for a while, you probably have heard of Veeam. It made its debut back in the late 2000's when virtual machines and implementations of VMs were big. I first found out about them back in those days, because it was a great free product for small virtual machine environments and data centers. They've made tons of additional backup and recovery products over those years, and now they have Kasten...
Published 07/28/23
Bret and Matt welcome Jake Warner back to the show to talk about LowOps. What does LowOps mean? What can Cycle offer us as an alternative to Swarm and Kubernetes? Jake Warner is the CEO and founder of Cycle.io. And I had him on the show a few years ago when I first heard about Cycle and I wanted to get an update on their platform offering. On this show we generally talk about Docker and Kubernetes but I'm also interested in any container tooling that can help us deploy and manage container...
Published 07/14/23
Bret and Matt are joined by Corey Quinn to talk about AWS and containers. Corey Quinn is the Chief Cloud Economist at the Duckbill Group. You may have seen or heard some of his in-depth AWS content, including his Last Week in AWS newsletter and blog, Corey's podcast Screaming in the Cloud and the AWS Morning Brief, or his highly produced YouTube videos on the Last Week in AWS channel. Corey runs the Duckbill Group, a company of people focused on helping clients understand and manage their...
Published 06/30/23
Bret and Matt are joined by Brent Baude and Dan Walsh from Red Hat to talk about the latest with Podman, Quadlet, Podman Desktop and Podman machine, and how it all works with Kubernetes. Dan Walsh, a Senior Distinguished Engineer at Red Hat, has been working with containers since the beginning. He's a contributor to Docker, Project Atomic, SELinux, and a lot more. He literally wrote the book on Podman. Brent Baude, is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and an architect and a...
Published 06/16/23
Bret and his co-host, Matt, are joined by Jason Dellaluce and Luca Guerra from Sysdig to talk about Falco, a tool I recommend for production clusters and knowing about any bad behavior on your servers. -------------------------------------★ Enroll now for my next Live course, GitHub Actions + Argo CD, scheduled for July 10-21. Go to bret.courses/autodeploy to sign up. ★------------------------------------ Falco is a security tool I've mentioned multiple times on this show, because I mostly...
Published 06/02/23
Bret is joined by Lukas Gentele and Rich Burroughs from Loft Labs to look at a new project called DevPod, that supports dev containers and VMs. It works with local Docker instances and AWS, GCP, Azure, and several other cloud providers. The project is compatible with Microsoft's DevContainer standard, which means it works with the VC Code standalone app and VS Code in the browser. -------------------------------------★ Enroll now for my next Live course, GitHub Actions + Argo CD, scheduled...
Published 05/26/23
Bret and Matt are joined by two engineers in Docker's leadership - Chief Technology Officer Justin Cormack and Senior Manager of Developer Relations Michael Irwin, to talk about recent Docker Hub changes, as well as their latest product releases. -------------------------------------★ Enroll now for my next Live course, GitHub Actions + Argo CD, scheduled for July 10-21. Go to bret.courses/autodeploy to sign up. ★------------------------------------ We touch on Docker's latest updates and...
Published 05/19/23
Bret and Matt are joined by Chad Crowell of KubeSkills to walk through how you can contribute to Kubernetes open source. -------------------------------------★ Enroll now for my next Live course, GitHub Actions + Argo CD, scheduled for July 10-21. Go to bret.courses/autodeploy to sign up. ★------------------------------------ Chad started the kubeskills.com community and podcast to focus on learning Kubernetes by doing and in this episode, he's taking us through a detailed guide on how to...
Published 05/05/23
Bret is joined by fellow Docker Captain Nuno do Carmo to talk about desktop container solutions and the best Docker setup for Windows 11. Nuno's a Docker Captain, Civo Ambassador, Microsoft MVP, and a big fan of Windows and Cloud Native. I've had him on the show before, because the more you use the Windows Subsystem for Linux and Docker Desktop, the more you'll want to use WSL. Nuno helps answer many questions such as where are the Linux files stored, managing the CPU and memory resources,...
Published 04/14/23
Bret is joined by Project Calico's Tomas Hruby from Tigera to dig into Calico CNI features for Kubernetes and beyond. Calico can be used in a lot of places, including Linux, Windows, containers, bare metal, eBPF or iptables. Many of us learned about it as a CNI option for Kubernetes network and networking policy. Streamed live on YouTube on February 9, 2023. Unedited live recording of this show on YouTube (Ep. #202). Includes demos. ★Topics★Project CalicoTigera WebsiteProject Calico on...
Published 03/31/23
Published 03/17/23
Bret is joined by Kyle Galbraith and Jacob Gillespie, co-founders of Depot, to discuss their new solution to slow Docker builds.  If you've never dug into some of the details of Dockers BuildKit, that's the engine behind your Docker build command, then this episode is for you. I'm fairly confident that everyone who uses Docker will eventually come upon the problems that Kyle and Jacob were trying to solve with Depot. Their focus is on speeding up your Docker builds by doing them remotely, in...
Published 03/17/23
Bret is joined by Natan Yellin, the co-founder of Robusta.dev to talk Kubernetes and Prometheus monitoring, alerting, and maybe some CPU limit ranting. Robusta tries to fill the gap left by Kubernetes' own AlertManager which has a very specific and not so helpful way of describing events in your cluster. This makes it hard to diagnose the cause of the event and you're left with Google, StackOverflow and an awful lot of head-scratching. Robusta acts as a proxy between AlertManager and your...
Published 03/04/23
New Live Course Registration for March 20th, 2023: GitHub Actions and Argo CD for K8s Bret is joined by two pros from the NGINX team, Robert Haynes and Brian Ehlert to break down the various use cases of NGINX on Kubernetes, and help you decide when and where you'll be using it. There's a lot going on around NGINX and I wanted to focus this conversation around NGINX on Kubernetes, and specifically the two ways you can run it for cluster ingress. We also get into some of the advanced scenarios...
Published 02/17/23
Bret is joined by Matt Williams of Infra to show off their open source project Infra, which provides easy, centralized RBAC, auth to Kubernetes, and more.
Published 02/03/23
Bret is joined by Anaïs Urlichs of Aqua Security to talk container and Kubernetes security tools like trivy, kube-bench, tracee, and kube-hunter.
Published 01/20/23
Bret is joined by two Chainguard co-founders, CEO Dan Lorenc and Head of Product, Kim Lewandowski, to break down the ins and outs of supply chain security and talk about Chainguard's approach to securing it.
Published 01/06/23
Bret is joined by Nirmal Mehta of AWS and engineering consultant Laura Tacho, for the annual Best of DevOps.
Published 12/23/22
Bret is joined by Michael Irwin, Sr. Manager for DevRel at Docker, to review and demo our top 2022 new features and announcements from Docker Inc.
Published 12/16/22
Bret is joined by Brian Christner, a Docker Captain and Chief Online Gaming executive for Grand Casino Baden (jackpots.ch), who returns to the show to discuss his top recommended skills for improving your DevOps expertise.
Published 12/09/22
Bret is joined by Rosemary Wang from HashiCorp to show off Vault for Kubernetes, an open source secrets provider.
Published 11/25/22
Bret is joined by Lee Calcote and Nic Jackson, co-authors of the Service Mesh Patterns book, to discuss service mesh for Docker Desktop and Compose apps with the new Meshery extension for Docker desktop.
Published 11/11/22
Bret is joined by Liz Rice, Chief Open Source Officer at Isovalent, the makers of Cilium, to discuss Cilium and eBPF. Cilium is a multi-purpose networking, security, and observability tool for Kubernetes and more.
Published 10/28/22
Bret is joined by Shauli Rozen, CEO and Co-Founder of ARMO, creators of Kubescape. Kubescape is a K8s open-source tool providing a multi-cloud K8s single pane of glass into your Kubernetes security, including risk analysis, security compliance, RBAC visualizer, and image vulnerability scanning.
Published 10/21/22
Bret is joined by Martin Wimpress and Pieter van Noordennen from Slim.ai to discuss some ways to slim down your Docker images and reduce the attack surface of your containers in the process.
Published 10/14/22