【Green Development & Taiwan Ep04】How EIA works? Understanding the EIA Process and Enhancing Public Participation Mechanisms
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The Host: Yuping and James In this episode, James reflects on his three months in Taiwan, initially focusing on an environmental impact assessment (EIA) comparison and a case study on Agrivoltaics and Aquavoltaics. Then, the emphasis shifts to the concept of “just transition(公正轉型)” in Taiwan, with a focus on public participation and social engagement in renewable energy projects. Yuping and James talk about the challenges of implementing effective EIAs, discuss cultural perspectives on justice, and address the need for meaningful engagement with local communities. They also touch on the varying approaches to EIAs in different countries, highlighting the importance of trust-building, transparency, and finding a balance between environmental and social considerations in sustainable development projects. The conversation delves into the cultural nuances of Taiwan and how they impact discussions around environmental issues and community engagement. Overall, Yuping and James express a deepening passion for the role of EIAs in promoting sustainable development and the need for effective public participation mechanisms. Welcome to listen to this episode ! (本節目由主婦聯盟生活消費合作社公益金贊助播出)
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