Hi beautiful ladies and gents. I want to help you so i have created a page called Domestic Violence kills on FB and i have created this Podcast. I will be uploading content daily. Please email me at [email protected] with questions. Have a wonderful day and remember you are special and God loves you.
Published 05/13/20
Listen to this word and let it build up your soul. With God we cannot make it. You can win with God's word when your in a battle for your soul
Published 05/11/20
A mothers day message to all mothers...... We saw all your labor. To all moms who have lost a child. To all lonely, sad moms. This message is for you. Happy mother's day everyday....
Published 05/11/20
Hi everyone, be safe, be encouraged, if you need to talk, here is my email. [email protected] God bless you
Published 05/09/20
Allow me to help you heal and find your way. An abused woman is often disoriented and confused from all the mental attacks and brainwashing. Allow me yo help!!!!!!
Published 05/06/20
I talk about my struggles as a single mom and things i did and things you can do. Whether a single mom or not, motherhood is a blessing. Enjoy it........ It goes quickly
Published 05/05/20
Here are some hotline numbers and some advice on a better life for you and your kids.
Published 05/05/20
Hear my story of a dream I had and a dream killer destroyed it. This is very deep, do not let a dream killer steal your life.
Published 05/03/20
After my worship service today, I felt inspired to share the word with you. In domestic violence relationships and in Covid we need Gods word. The death angel is in the earth. God bless you
Published 05/03/20
NO! I dont think so, its to soon. Let the dust settle. Its not worth your health for some Chinese food.
Published 05/02/20
Hi there, find an activity you love, there has to be something that you can do that will make you feel and look great, biking, running, jogging, a YouTube video, a yoga class, swimming. For right now speed walking until corona passes over us. God bless you all. Plus a strong body helps keep your mind strong.
Published 05/02/20
Becoming numb will never help you reach a high level in life. It is meant to keep you in the gutter, not achieving and eventually will take your light from this world
Published 05/02/20
When woman go throw Domestic violence in their home with children, the kids suffer immensely, sometimes they hold on to it and it rears it head in adulthood. This will be of many episodes.
Published 05/01/20
I have suffered all my life with a painful menstrual cycle and I have a few remediesto share that worked for me. I also will share a great remedy for menopause. Yes, im in menpause and I love it.
Published 05/01/20
If your being abused you must you must take care of yourself. Here are a few tips that I know will help you so much. God bless you. Happy eating.
Published 04/30/20
Loving an abusive man almost got me killed and I still loved him. Ladies here is an except from my book and I hope that one of you will make the decision to leave and never look back.... God loves you.
Published 04/30/20
When your a battered woman or a gentleman, you dont like looking at yourself anymore, especially if your skin is bruised and marked up, im also a skin Esthetician with some tips for you. God bless you.
Published 04/30/20
If your being hit, cursed at, cheated on, financially deprived, emotionally torn apart then you do not have a real man, you have a monster. Its time for you to make the decision that you deserve more out of life. My next episode i will give a Hotline to call to escape your abuser. God bless you all.
Published 04/30/20
Anyone can abuse us, mommie, daddy, uncle wife. There is an abusive personality and an abuse me personality, what is your worth, take a journey with me to shed all these layers to identify who you are and why are you not letting your worth be known.
Published 04/29/20