Acclaimed personal development thought leader Katie Hendricks joins Done Being Single to talk about fear: how to face it and conquer it. In this episode, you'll learn about the five responses to fear: fight, flight, flee, faint, and flee. You’ll learn breathing and movement techniques, plus you’ll get the skills you need to maintain your sense of agency, reclaim your power, and get back into your body. A must-hear/see show for the times we're living in! Click here to see the video of this...
Published 05/19/20
Recorded before the pandemic, but always a relevant issue in life, love, and DATING! You can be your own detective, here's how.Former FBI Special Agent and counterintelligence specialist Robin Dreeke tells you how to catch a liar using his Five Steps to trust and Six Signs of predicting behavior. Learn how to size people up and recognize manipulation, control, subterfuge, and lack of transparency. Don’t be fooled again!HOT TIP: If someone’s overcomplicating their answers, they’re probably lying.
Published 05/07/20
When COVID19 is over, how will your life look? New job? No job? Dating or divorced? If there was ever a time to reinvent your life, and design your future YOU it’s now. This is the time to plan, pivot, and put the pieces into place.     Giving you the skills and tools you need to jumpstart your reinvention, is the mother of reinvention herself, Kathi Sharpe-Ross, brand & lifestyle guru, and author of the new book, "RE: Invent Your Life! What Are You Waiting For?”Her takeaways for...
Published 04/27/20
Author of the best-selling relationship book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, John Gray joins Done Being Single to discuss what happens when Mars & Venus are quarantined.Does the power dynamic change when you're quarantined? Can you find balance? What do men need in time of need? What do women need to feel safe? How do you give each other space? Get great tips and takeaways on keeping your sanity, and your love alive in the time of coronavirus.
Published 04/10/20
Even though this episode of Done Being Single was recorded just before the coronavirus hit, its message and lessons are right on time. Building habits, maintaining structure, keeping a sense of normalcy is EVERTHING right now. From dating habits to living habits, your survival depends on how well you adapt, change, and rewire. The question is, can you do it? Our guest, behavioral scientist and New York Times best-selling author BJ Fogg, shares small, actionable and science-backed steps to...
Published 04/02/20
Known for his many roles on TV and film, but probably best known for his role as "Jackie Chiles" on "Seinfeld," Phil Morris is way more than a talented actor: he's a martial arts guru, a spiritual seeker, and fount of wisdom when it comes to mastering a zen attitude in the face of crazy and chaos. He's also Treva & Robby's lifelong friend, and a great guy to talk to when all hell is breaking loose. On this episode, Phil shares his go-to tips and best practices for dealing with panic,...
Published 03/26/20
There's nothing like a pandemic to cramp your dating style. Should you keep swiping? Get tested before meeting? Can you go on a date and stay 6ft. away? When is it safe to hug, kiss, or get intimate? Physician Dr. Andre Berger and dating expert Sandy Weiner give you the 411 on ways to stay safe AND socially connected in the time of COVID19.
Published 03/19/20
At a certain age, most of us will find ourselves caring for aging parents or elderly loved ones. How do you do it and still have a life? If you're single, how do you balance caring for a parent with dating and relationships? Even if you’re married, how do you find balance and set proper boundaries? What kind of self-care techniques should you be practicing to save your love life and sanity? On this episode, Treva and Robby open up about their aging parents, the challenges they’re facing, and...
Published 03/12/20
Whether you're a Boomer or GenX, the midlife crisis is true, and the struggle is real. Buying fast cars and dating younger women are nothing compared to the existential despair of financial worry, unmet expectations, self-doubt, hormonal changes, aging parents, and the pressures of social media. On this episode, New York Times best-selling journalist and author Ada Calhoun shares her eye-opening, groundbreaking research on the new midlife crisis and how to deal with it.
Published 03/05/20
Your inner bully has been kicking the sh*t out of your self-esteem and confidence for years, convincing you you're not good enough. Now it's time to tell your inner bully (and anyone else who tries to bully you) who's boss. Empowering you with inspiration is our guest Theresa Byrne, global defense expert, business owner, 4th degree Black Belt, and a badass at slaying the inner bully. Her 2019 TEDx talk on "The Dangers of the Inner Bully," was recently listed as one of the "Top Ten Most...
Published 02/27/20
Daters, beware: it can happen if you're not careful. Getting burned out and bitter from being single too long is all too common, especially if you've suffered through repeated disappointments or chronic rejection. If you're going to be in the game, if you want to be a successful dater and find love, you're going to need endurance, staying power, and a better attitude. Coaching you with insight and experience, is psychologist and dating expert, Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell.
Published 02/20/20
On this week's episode, we're proving you don't need to have your s**t totally together to find love. We're all a work in progress, and the quest for betterment is noble, but trying to find yourself shouldn't preclude you from finding love. You shouldn't have to wait. As a wellness expert and single woman, guest Debi Carlin Boyle shows you how to do both.
Published 02/13/20
In this very real and raw episode of Done Being Single, we share our stories of losing loved ones: from processing grief and finding healing, to understanding the impact of loss on relationships and dating, to surrendering to the power of love. Joining the conversation with his own inspiring story is midlife dating coach Jonathon Aslay.
Published 02/06/20
Breadcrumbing, benching, gaslighting, and ghosting, are just a few hideous dating behaviors that must go in 2020. So are putting up obstacles and making excuses in your dating life. Whether you're a perpetrator or a victim of bad dating habits, make it your resolution to clean up your act and take back your power. With expert guidance from Behavioral Relationship expert, Tracy Crossley.
Published 01/16/20
You can’t be fully present, free of limiting beliefs, and living your best life unless you take deliberate steps to unshackle yourself from your past. No matter what mistakes you made, or who you were then, there's always a chance to course correct. Your past was then; your potential is now. Don't take your past into your future. Hit the reset button with best-selling author and acclaimed self-realization expert Guy Finley.
Published 01/09/20
When it comes to the gatekeepers of sex and relationships, who has the power, women or men? Who's got control? Is there even such a thing as power dynamics in today's modern world of love? Offering expert insights, keen observations, and smart takeaways, is Love & Life Transformational Coach, Suzanne Oshima.
Published 12/19/19
Hitting midlife is no laughing matter, but it is on this episode of Done Being Single! Allison Cane & Jillian Franklyn, hosts of the hilarious YouTube show “Pretty Over,” are laughing about all things post-50: sex and menopause, aging gracefully (or trying to), hormones (they love them), relationships, and dating age-appropriate people. As Frank & Alli say, there’s nothing sexier than a man who dates a woman his own age! Most of all, they laugh at themselves, because that’s really all...
Published 12/12/19
If life sucks, and you're mad as hell, depressed as s**t, or confused AF, and it’s not getting any better, you may need some therapy. For pros who’ve been on the couch before, you know the drill, but for those who’ve never unloaded in front of a therapist, the next hour is for you. Guiding you through the process is Gottman Institute psychotherapist, and Clinical Trauma Professional, Jenny TeGrotenhuis.
Published 12/05/19
Are you a love junkie? Do you need a fix of drama or a hit of psycho to make you feel alive? Does danger turn you on? Are you jonsing for crazy, or attracted to people who drive you insane? HEALTHY love isn't always about the thrill, chase, or buzz. You may need to seek treatment, but this week, the treatment comes to you. Our guest, Dr. Jud Brewer MD, will help you break your love addiction & craving for unstable relationships once and for all. Tune in and get your sanity back!
Published 11/21/19
Looking to improve your marriage, friendships, or business partnerships? Look no further. Your keys to relationship success are right here, and their names are Dr. Andrea & Jon Taylor-Cummings. Dr. Andrea & Jon are the foremost voices in building great relationships. Their 4-Habits is a simple, yet brilliant method that fosters better understanding, communication, emotional wellbeing, and it works for every kind of relationship. Tune in and get the keys to relationship success right now.
Published 11/14/19
To swipe or not to swipe, that is the question. What are the Dos and Don'ts of online dating? What should you look for in a profile? What are some red flags to watch out for? How can you design a profile that will get you maximum attention and traction? Answering all your digital dating questions with awesome cyber-insights is digital dating expert, Julie Spira. She's got everything you need to get a right swipe on the right person!
Published 11/07/19
There's no one better to speak on the topic of married sex and keeping it alive than our guest, Susan Bratton--sex guru, goddess, and trusted sex advisor to millions. She and husband Tim (who joined us for the interview) are a wealth of information, insight, and ideas. From the 30-minute orgasm to c**t massage to old-fashioned collaboration and communication, Susan and Tim offer their tips and tools to keeping married sex hot. Tune in! (your husband or wife will thank you)
Published 10/31/19
David Snyder, a world renown expert on hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming says, “Confidence is relentless determination combined with expectations of a positive result.” This was put to the test when Treva, who’s been recovering from bronchial pneumonia, experienced a little coughing fit, which enabled David to do a live on-air hypnosis with her. With guidance and visualization, Treva was able to calm down and regain her confidence. As David says, “Confidence happens in the absence of...
Published 10/24/19
"Doing the work" means everything and anything you need to do in order to heal, grow, change, evolve, and get stronger. It can include therapy, journaling, exercise, meditation, self-help books, blogs, coaching, even 12-step programs. This week, life coach Bex Burton expertly guides a client through the pain of divorce. As she shares her story, we witness first-hand what "doing the work" really means. A truly profound and personal episode you won't want to miss.
Published 10/17/19
If your current path isn't getting you anywhere, if you keep grinding it out without joy, if you keep hitting walls, or fail to get the results you want, it's time to quit. That’s right. QUIT. Contrary to popular belief, quitting isn’t only for losers. It actually can be a winning move, and used properly, it could be one of the strongest weapons in your arsenal. Giving you the expert tools and strategies to quit smart is "goal disengagement" expert Dr. Stanley Robertson, aka "The Quit Doctor."
Published 10/10/19