In 1992, Quentin Tarantino’s life would drastically change as soon as his first feature film, RESERVOIR DOGS, would debut at Sundance. Though among many stellar films at the festival that year, it would be RESERVOIR DOGS which emerged as a transcendent feat in filmmaking. Time to go back in time to remember its importance in independent filmmaking. //***Discussions include***\\ How Tarantino rose to stardom based on talent, confidence & luck; the script finding its way into fortunate...
Published 09/06/22
Creating a successful sequel which stands the test of time & elevates a franchise isn’t an easy feat. But LETHAL WEAPON 2 not only proved audiences wanted more from best buddies, Sgts. Murtaugh & Riggs, but that a sequel could be just as vibrant, alive & — in some ways — superior to the original film. //***Discussions include***\\ The evolution of creating a sequel, tonal variations in the script, challenges & major changes; blending action & darkness with evolved...
Published 08/09/22
After becoming the biggest buzzworthy phenomenon of mid-‘90s indie film, the bar was set extremely high for Quentin Tarantino’s third film, JACKIE BROWN. Often considered one of his most mature films, JACKIE BROWN tied together a classic style with a fresh voice, while also paying homage to a cinema icon. Everything about this films just gets better with age. //***Discussions include***\\ Where JACKIE BROWN fits into Tarantino’s career; adapting the novel into a screenplay & main...
Published 07/12/22
We’re back! And with an epic sequel which rivals its predecessor — James Cameron’s ALIENS. Though considered one of the best sequels of all-time, the road to fruition for this marvelously monstrous tour de force was a battle from start to finish. Stop your grinnin’ & drop you linen because this backstory has as many bumps in the road as the film itself!   //***Discussions include***\\ Why an ALIEN sequel took so long, James Cameron’s methodical scriptwriting & becoming the director...
Published 06/14/22
It’s the 4-Year Anniversary of Don’t Push Pause!   THE BREAKFAST CLUB is one of the most well-known American films from the 1980s. It roped audiences in with sarcastic, yet endearing humor, then captivated us with its sincere depiction of cutting teenage truths. It became an iconic pinnacle of achievement for all those involved in its creation, but continuing to have mass appeal makes THE BREAKFAST CLUB a legendary film.   //***Discussions include***\\ Pre-Breakfast Club career history...
Published 05/03/22
Ivan Reitman was an illustrious filmmaker whose creative ingenuity & lifelong desire for audiences to laugh was born from an unimaginable beginning. With more than 50 years of directing & producing, Reitman turned comedians into movie stars, reinvented careers & subgenres of comedy & sci-fi, while forging longstanding friendships throughout the business. Focusing on themes of friendship, family, perseverance & the fantastic, from toga parties to marshmallow men, Reitman...
Published 04/12/22
Throughout the last 30 years, Adam Sandler has remained current while evolving as an entertainer, yet staying true to his comedy roots. Cranking out hit after hit, join us on this ride through Sandler’s career, making a pit stop at a giant pivotal moment in time with 1998’s THE WEDDING SINGER.   //***Discussions include***\\ —Sandler’s break into comedy, acting & how college set the stage for his future career; early acting jobs & forming a creative pool of friends, partners;...
Published 03/22/22
Celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year, THE GODFATHER is largely considered one of the most influential & important films to date. While it catapulted careers, it also forever changed American cinema & the modern organized-crime film. But the road to fruition was not without constant roadblocks, only adding to what makes this film nothing short of iconic.   //***Discussions include***\\ State of the Hollywood studio system & mafia movies pre-GODFATHER; writer Mario...
Published 03/01/22
For being based on a true story, GIRL, INTERRUPTED’s highly-praised & harrowing ensemble cast had to lead with sincerity to leave an enduring impact. Just like the memoir on which it was based, this film continues to affect those looking for authentic connection, while also being well-deserving of rediscovery.     //***Discussions include***\\ The challenging transition from memoir to screenplay, Winona Ryder’s initial involvement & writer/director James Mangold’s fable-style...
Published 02/08/22
It’s hard to believe a voyeuristic tale about mortality became the biggest blockbuster of 1990. Although GHOST embodied the essence of human connection, it was not the easiest to initially sell. Nevertheless, the film went on to inspire real world conversations about life & death, solidifying  its place in pop culture history & proving to be a love that would last forever. //***Discussions include***\\ Studio reluctance & unimaginable director choice; story inspiration, script...
Published 01/18/22
For a film about imprisonment, THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION is an unassuming & bold entry as one of the most popular films of all-time. With inspiration in the face of adversity as an undercurrent, the film speaks in universal themes, emotionally effective & profound in its storytelling. Hope may be a dangerous thing, but for how SHAWSHANK came to fruition & the enduringly powerful impact, this authentic tale remains an timeless touchstone for all audiences. //**Discussions...
Published 12/07/21
As soon as it hit theaters, RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK became the blockbuster pinnacle of where imagination meets adventure. Forty years after its release, this powerhouse pairing of George Lucas & Steven Spielberg remains a massive achievement within its genre, the film to which all others are compared. And the journey of how Indiana Jones became an icon is a complex & wild ride all by itself. //**Discussions include**// Origin story & humble, inspired development behind Indiana...
Published 11/16/21
A low budget horror film becoming a massive success is almost unheard of. When it evolves into a cultural phenomenon, its called Sam Raimi’s THE EVIL DEAD (1981). With its blood-spattered intensity, ingenuity & masterful achievements in resourceful filmmaking, this picture had a brutal, exhausting road to tread. Now entering its 40th year of existence, it’s clear this film will never die. //**Discussions include**// Evolution of high school film hobbyists gaining experience into full-on...
Published 10/26/21
Even with previous slasher movie influences, MY BLOODY VALENTINE stood out in amongst the saturated horror market of 1981. But even a well-crafted, creative story couldn’t guarantee immediate success for this film, yet it continues to be a celebrated slasher 40 years later.   //**Discussions include**// State of horror movies in 1981 & the Canadian horror pop; unique story & character setups, atmosphere & importance of location; playing on & against horror tropes;...
Published 10/19/21
Creating a fresh, well-developed horror movie within the age-old monster genre is no small feat. In 1981, AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON blew minds for its special effects, tonal blending & compassionate story involving doomed characters. The innovation involved not only influenced countless films to follow, but WEREWOLF remains one of the most renowned of its genre. //**Discussions include**// John Landis’ story inspirations, initial conception & journey of getting the film...
Published 10/05/21
RUSHMORE cemented director Wes Anderson as one of the most influential & distinct filmmakers of contemporary time. By standing out from the herd & pairing Bill Murray with a feisty, fresh faced newcomer, RUSHMORE’s innocence & heightened realness set the bar for Anderson’s career. And the creative trust & emotional depth put into making the film are just as heartfelt as the movie itself. //**Discussions include**// The brief history & writing process of Wes Anderson...
Published 09/14/21
Not only is BEVERLY HILLS COP one of the biggest movie franchises, but it also helped propel a cross-genre of films still thriving today. Almost 40 years after its release, this film is as fresh as ever, and certainly a mega standout amongst action-comedy pairings. But what makes this movie so smart & thoroughly enjoyable goes deeper than just box office results.     —**Discussions include** The origin & evolution of story development involving multiple writers; finding a lead actor...
Published 08/24/21
Comedic documentaries existed, but were scarce until Christopher Guest took the reins with WAITING FOR GUFFMAN. By directing, co-writing & starring in the film, Guest assembled a company of actors & manner of heartfelt storytelling. And twenty-five years post-release, GUFFMAN’s “comedy is reality, but one step further” philosophy has become one of the most popular genres.   **Discussions include** Brief career history of Christopher Guest from the ‘70s to GUFFMAN; Guest’s...
Published 08/03/21
On its 45th Anniversary, TAXI DRIVER can still boast about being socially relevant & controversial at once. It’s a shockingly honest character study blended into a mesmerizing reality & falling into the darkest depths of a disturbed psyche. And the journey of creating this film is just as engaging as the movie itself. **Discussions include** How writer Paul Schrader, director Martin Scorsese & Robert DeNiro came together, evolution of the script & producer involvement;...
Published 07/13/21
Now celebrating its 20th Anniversary, GHOST WORLD remains a uniquely non-formulaic blending of adolescent maturing & evolving friendships placed in a world of disillusionment. The film has remained a clever, underground favorite for the last two decades & continues to hit hard with audiences of all ages. As it verges on cult film status, join us in this exploration of the sophisticated, quirky & cutting edge reality of GHOST WORLD.   **Discussions include** The relationship...
Published 06/22/21
Often called the quintessential hangout movie, DAZED AND CONFUSED offered up a new type of film about teenage life. This timeless story served up the familiar truths of adolescence while encompassing the universal aimlessness of the time. Let’s cruise through how this fresh film spoke to multiple generations & launched careers, but was also not without its difficulties. **Discussions include** Writer/director Richard Linklater’s transitioning from independent filmmaking to working with...
Published 06/01/21
It’s our 3rd Anniversary!     The massively exhilarating science-fiction thriller, THE TERMINATOR (1984), served as a launching pad for everyone involved with the production. Dive behind-the-scenes of this legendary ‘80s blockbuster & discover what makes it one of the most popular action films of all-time.   Discussions include: The origin of & artistry behind THE TERMINATOR, how the streamlined story came to fruition, James Cameron’s vision & selling the story; conjuring an...
Published 05/11/21
A Special Journey Through the Evolution of Marijuana in Movies! Next Episode: Third Anniversary of DPP! THE TERMINATOR (1984) Rate, review & subscribe! Complete Episode Archive, Videos & Store: www.dontpushpausepodcast.com Facebook @dontpushpause Instagram @dontpushpausepodcast Twitter @dontpushpause Subscribe on YouTube, Don’t Push Pause Podcast Email us: [email protected] Hosts: Justin Johnson & Lindsay Reber // Music: Matt Pace // Announcer: Mary Timmel // Logo:...
Published 04/20/21
DEAD PRESIDENTS gave a voice to Vietnam veterans who experienced the atrocities of war, only to return home & find the struggle was not over. This intense coming of age journey continues to cut to the core, while being a uniquely realistic depiction of Black Americans during the post-war 1970s.     ***Discussions include*** Capturing the Black experience before/during/after the Vietnam War; the director’s visions for the film, plus positives & drawbacks of loosely adapting true...
Published 03/30/21
A year of recording remotely prepared us for an epic battle of genre-bending proportions! Time to rediscover the creative genius behind the martial arts adventure, BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA! **Discussions**Reinventing the story’s origin, inspiration, uniqueness, significant rewrites, & John Carpenter’s influence; atypical heroes, martial arts integration & cultural sensitivity; special effects, set production, pacing, atmosphere & multi-layered tones; character strengths &...
Published 03/09/21