The Porters are stowaways on the Oriana and they're in Auntie Tina's cabin! Podcast friend David joins J.D. to chat about this fan favourite festive farce from 1996. Plus, Andrew Marshall gives us behind the scenes details about its conception, the challenges of filming on a cruise ship and more!
Published 12/26/21
Tom Selway returns to chat with J.D. about the Series Six finale.  Bill's bad day worsens; Ben's gone missing and Rona takes home a baby (played by Julia Hill's real life daughter and comedy sensation Abi Clarke), who was left abandoned by a hospital. Poor Bill then has to help Rona retrieve the baby after she becomes trapped in the most awkward of places!
Published 12/20/21
New guest Tom Selway joins J.D. for the two part Series 6 finale. In Part 1, Bill inherits a mink coat and finds herself sold off at an auction to the highest bidder. Part 2 will be released tomorrow.
Published 12/19/21
Ben receives an invitation to join... The Brotherhood of the Plunger. New guest Ian joins J.D. to discuss an episode which includes the most elaborate set in the series and Andrew Marshall reveals its inspiration.
Published 12/12/21
How will the family convince Bill that they can look after a dog? Simple; by pretending they have an imaginary one! So how do they end up with 3?! Podcast friend Matthew returns to dissect The Trouble With Harry.
Published 12/05/21
"One careless move today will result in a serious fall."  Later on, Bill, Rona and Aunt Belle are trapped on a window ledge "like a set of paper doilies." Chris returns to discuss Vertigo, another fan favourite, which includes one of the most effective special effects in a sitcom. And, if you have ever wondered how it was achieved, Andrew Marshall explains it all.
Published 11/28/21
It's Halloween night. Bill grows suspicious as strange goings on occur next door. But surely the worlds most famous vampire hasn't moved to Chepstow Road? Podcast friend David returns to discuss this treat of an episode. Plus, Andrew Marshall provides insight into the mechanics of the script and even reveals a plot for, the never made, Series 9.
Published 11/21/21
A new series begins the Nick Wood era. Seasoned podcaster Tom Mason joins J.D. for Dog Day Afternoon, an episode which sees the lengths the Porters will go to inject some excitement to a boring afternoon. 
Published 11/14/21
It's the 1995 Christmas Special and another dose of Yuletide mayhem as the Porters battle against a pig! New guest Matthew joins J.D. to unwrap the seasonal special that would also become Richard Boden's final episode.
Published 11/07/21
It's not the Halloween specials, but how spooky that our latest episode, released today, is not only called The Truth Is Out There, but includes a seance! Marc returns to discuss the Series Five finale that sees big changes in store for Rona.
Published 10/30/21
Only 2point4 Children could get away with a Prisoner spoof and encountering Shirley Bassey's costume warehouse... in the same episode! Sitcom Stephen geeks out with J.D. over this much loved slice of classic comedy brilliance. 
Published 10/23/21
Bank Holiday Monday. Clive's family, including his German grandmother, visit the Porters. But so do Bette and Aunt Pearl. And it's the Anniversary of VE day. What could possibly go wrong? New guest Marc has a lively chat with J.D. on Mayday and, yes, they do mention the war...
Published 10/16/21
Does Ben ever learn? No, and once again the Porters are responsible for the Grimes' house and something else they haven't been told needs looking after. Too late, as Bill and Ben find dead fish and rush to replace them. New guest Richard joins J.D. to discuss an episode which sees the Porters in The Deep.... more than ever before. Plus, Andrew Marshall recalls the real life inspiration and how, despite careful special effects, the episode ended up becoming a Point of View....
Published 10/09/21
What is David doing? Surely he can't be seeing an older woman? So why does Bill get a bad feeling when hearing Mrs Robinson by Simon & Garfunkel? Podcast friend Martin returns to discuss this rather risqué episode of 2point4 Children. 
Published 10/02/21
It's a rollover week(!) and Ben buys a lottery ticket, despite the chances of winning. We witness an orgy of greed as the Porters argue over how they'd spend the money. So why do Bill and Rona end up wearing Donald Duck masks? All is revealed as Russell returns to chat with J.D. about Greed, the classic "lottery episode" that opens the fifth series.
Published 09/25/21
Bill's hopes for a quiet Christmas at home are quickly dashed by a mysterious advancement in technology known as the internet and the power SHE seemingly has to make anything happen... anything at all! Join J.D. and Forrest as they discuss this unique seasonal special, while Andrew Marshall takes us back to the early days of the Internet.
Published 09/18/21
Thomas and J.D. discuss this very sombre, but never far from laughs, Series 4 finale. You Only Live Twice sees the Porters deal with the aftermath of the house fire. How will they rebuild their lives? Andrew Marshall once again gives us insight as to how the production team approached such a task. 
Published 09/11/21
Frenzy is the first of an exhilarating 2 part finale. Featuring Bill and Rona's surreal cobras encounter, the iconic Blue Brothers performance and culminating with a devastating house fire. Andrew Marshall recollects the talented designers and the effect behind the cobras. Thomas returns to discuss with J.D. what has been voted the most popular 2point4 Children episode ever!
Published 09/04/21
September 3rd, 1991. BBC1 aired the first episode of 2point4 Children. September 3rd, 2021. The Sitcom Squad, (J.D., David and Chris) announce the results of the survey asking fans their favourite characters, moments and more. Join us as we celebrate the best of 2point4 Children in this special 30th anniversary show!
Published 09/02/21
New guest Russell joins J.D. for a dash of Hitchcock in Curiosity Killed the Cat. Bill's sick and, in the style of Rear Window, David gives her a telescope. But what's going on in Rona's house? Plus, Ben has agreed to look after the Grimes' house... again! Now he must find their cat Snowdrop before he becomes the latest addition to Bill and Ben Porter's Pet Cemetery by Appointment to Stephen King. 
Published 08/28/21
Greetings, your name has been selected to receive this copy of the International Chain of Good Fortune... and the nightmare begins! Bill doesn't believe it, so why are bad things happening? J.D. and podcast friend David discuss the chain of bad luck. And, as ever, some fun behind the scenes stories by Andrew Marshall! 
Published 08/21/21
Poor Bill having to hide a fuse wire just so that she can spend a night with the family! And it's far from fun and games as the power goes out, a dog is accidentally picked up on a wire and the roof nearly caves in! New guest Thomas joins J.D. for a chinwag on Family Plot, a very nostalgic 90s episode. (Warning: Due to technical faults, there is a slight echo, from my microphone, on the recording which I was unable to tone down in the editing. The correct sound will resume next week.)
Published 08/14/21
An inflatable Pope and a chocolate box full of cockroaches help to whip up anarchy in The Parent Trap! New guest Martin joins J.D. to chat about this bonkers Series 4 premiere. And Andrew Marshall recalls the talented visual effects Wizard who helped create two classic 2point4 Moments!
Published 08/07/21
The lovely Kim Benson chats with J.D. about her career and memories of playing Christine, The Queen of Sarcasm and 2point4 fan-favourite!
Published 07/31/21
"Oh there's no place like home for the holiday." Podcast friend Chris returns to chat about the 1993 Christmas Special which sees the Porters and Rona get lost in the woods and take refuge in an abandoned cottage... while a escaped lunatic is on the loose. A wonderful two hander between Bette and Pearl and the always-a-treat musical number, this truly is a spooky and camp as Christmas... special!
Published 07/24/21