Downey Adventist Church Sermon Four Tests Bob Wong 25 November 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 11/26/23
This week as we come together and share stories and lessons gleaned from the last 5 weeks of small groups. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Celebration Sabbath Created for Significance series Small Groups 18 November 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 11/18/23
Building on a previous week’s lesson on being a faithful steward is the importance of relationships and sharing with others. This week Bill will lead us as we will be looking at the parable of Lazarus and rich man, and the implications of our actions towards others, and the life to come. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Short Sighted Created for Significance series Bill Aumack 11 November 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 11/11/23
God gives us many talents and resources…how are you managing and investing in them? This week we will be looking at the often misunderstood parable of the shrewd manager in Luke 16, and the lessons that Jesus has for us to be faithful stewards. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Where Are You Investing Your Life? Created for Significance series Chris Famisaran 04 November 2023 www.downeychurch.org Online sermon notes: https://bit.ly/408UAqa PowerPoint, Handout, and Transcript are...
Published 11/04/23
Have you ever thought I have rejected and ran away from God, and I don’t think God can forgive me? God loves you and is waiting for you. In the parable of the prodigal son we see a young man who abandons the farm and a father’s love, only to experience hardship, and redemption when he gains the courage to come home. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Can I Come Back Home? Created for Significance series Danny Chan 28 October 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 10/30/23
Many people ask themselves “do I matter”. When you read Luke 15, you find three items that were lost, and when found, they rejoiced. This week we will be looking at the parables of the lost sheep, and the lost coin, and how they reflect how much we matter to God. Downey Adventist Church Sermon How Can I Be Significant When I Feel So Lost? Created for Significance series Bill Aumack 21 October 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 10/21/23
Have you ever asked yourself what is my purpose in life? Does it have meaning, or have meaning, or am I fulfilled? This week we begin our small group series by studying the parable of Luke 14, and finding our purpose in life. Downey Adventist Church Sermon What's My Purpose? Created for Significance series Chris Famisaran 14 October 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 10/14/23
This week our friends from AUS will be joining us for worship. They’ll be sharing music and story with us. Education is the theme of the day. Downey Adventist Church Sermon What's That and Why? Chris Famisaran 07 October 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 10/07/23
The beauty of the church is that it is incredibly diverse. However, it is not without its challenges. We come from different backgrounds and cultures and do not always agree. This week we will be emphasizing the diversity of the church, and explore several passages from the Bible on why it is important to lift up Jesus as one body. Downey Adventist Church Sermon One Mind & One Mission International Sabbath Chris Famisaran 23 September 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 09/23/23
We don't know much about Tabitha. But she's had an impact on churches for centuries. Bill leads us in this message as we learn how to move from being insignificant to being a doer. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Insignificant or Doer? Unsung Heroes series Bill Aumack 16 September 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 09/16/23
Have you ever felt impressed by God to go and do something, but hesitate out of fear? Such was the case for Ananias when the Lord visited him in a vision to go and meet with Saul. This week we will study and learn from Ananias' story to be faithful, even when it can be uncomfortable. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Are You Sure God? Unsung Heroes series Chris Famisaran 09 September 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 09/09/23
Have you ever been given information that you know is true, but hesitant to speak out? Ebed-Melek, an official in the king's court is given information that he knows may put his life at risk. This week we will study and learn from Ebed-Melek's story that doing the right thing is still prudent, and necessary for Jesus followers. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace Unsung Heroes series Chris Famisaran 02 September 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 09/02/23
Our world is full of heroes. First Responders, athletes, entertainers, movies and comic books. Seems like there are heroes everywhere. But did you know that we can all be heroes? This week Bill leads us through 2 Samuel 23 and we'll see what we can learn from some heroes that applies to us today. Downey Adventist Church Sermon The Last Stand Unsung Heroes series Bill Aumack 26 August 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 08/27/23
Have you ever been in a position to help make a positive difference that would have large ramifications? In 1 Samuel 16, there's a servant whose name we do not even know, but was in the right place at the right time, makes a suggestion to King Saul. Though it was probably seen as something small then, it sets off a chain reaction that will have big implications for God's people. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Are You Ready And Willing To Serve? Unsung Heroes series Chris...
Published 08/19/23
Sometimes God's goodness comes from unexpected places. This week we will be studying from Joshua 2, and discover that God uses many people that we probably would not expect to be faithful to God's calling. Downey Adventist Church Sermon God's Providence Will Surprise You Unsung Heroes series Chris Famisaran 12 August 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 08/12/23
Have you ever been given an order by your boss that you felt was out of line? In the first chapter of Exodus, we find a group of midwives who face an ethical and moral conundrum. We'll look at their courageous and faithful testimony on how they followed God, and played a part in altering Israel's history. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Because I Said So! Unsung Heroes series Chris Famisaran 5 August 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 08/05/23
Bill leads us today as talk about AI (Artificial Intelligence). Should we be worried about the future of the human race? Does the Bible say anything that will help us? Downey Adventist Church Sermon AI: The Future or the End? Bill Aumack 29 July 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 07/29/23
Downey Adventist Church Sermon Why Should I Listen to Ellen White? The Mini-Fundamentals series Chris Famisaran 22 July 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 07/22/23
Ellen White, author, church pioneer, and leader in the Seventh-day Adventist church made many important contributions to the church. However she is often misunderstood. This week we will go back and share her story, and glean a few lessons from her life's work. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Who is Ellen White? The Mini-Fundamentals series Chris Famisaran 15 July 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 07/15/23
The notion of death is generally regarded as a scary proposition. Many have tried to avoid death and live as long as possible. Yet scripture has an abundance of promise through various scriptures. This week we will study and discover that though death is scary and painful when we lose a loved one, there is hope. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Death... is it the Final End? The Mini-Fundamentals series Chris Famisaran 8 July 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 07/08/23
Sabbath, a gift that God blessed us with. Yet some may not fully understand the importance of it. This week we will study and learn why it is important to incorporate it into our lives, but also how to practically observe it. Downey Adventist Church Sermon The Rejected Gift The Mini-Fundamentals series Bill Aumack 1 July 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 07/01/23
One of the big lessons in life we have learned is nothing is guaranteed. Our life, job, security. And to be frank that can be scary. Yet Jesus shares a promise that we can trust God to care for us. This week we finish our series on stewardship with the promise that God does not abandon his children and will provide for them Downey Adventist Church Sermon Don't Worry, Be Faithful Rags to Riches series Bill Aumack 17 June 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 06/17/23
Who or what are you loyal to? Jesus said that no one can serve two masters. In this day and age, we are so busy, it's easy to put God and important relationships to the side. This week we will be discussing how to have a healthy balance between material, relationships, and our ultimate loyalty to God. Downey Adventist Church Sermon God's Always First, Right? Rags to Riches series Chris Famisaran 10 June 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 06/10/23
What is the ultimate goal of a follower of Jesus? Our modern day culture tells us that we should try and make as much money, and buy as many luxuries as possible. But is that what Jesus taught us? This week we begin a new series from Matthew and see that greed is not only selfish, but can have serious implications for our faith. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Don't Be A Scrooge Rags to Riches series Chris Famisaran 03 June 2023 www.downeychurch.org
Published 06/03/23
Many have harbored a desire to be a professional athlete on the biggest stage, but most people will not make it to the top. As a follower of Jesus, we can actually have an impact on the court, and make a difference. This week we will show the importance that we can't be casual fans on the side, but the necessity of being an active player in sharing the Gospel as a united community. Downey Adventist Church Sermon Are You a Player or a Seat-warmer? Discipleship: Not a Spectator Sport...
Published 05/27/23