22 Supernatural Powers and Abilities
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 22 Supernatural Powers and Abilities    We all want to be powerful, empowered, and, yes, have supernatural abilities. We’ve watched the transformers, bewitched, and the mystical tails of our lost powers.    Supernatural abilities are often associated with the paranormal scope beyond the of natural laws of life. So, what are supernatural powers and abilities? How do I develop my supernatural spiritual abilities? What are the top supernatural spiritual gifts?    Our natural state is mystical. We are born of the stars. Our eternal nature holds the wisdom of the akashic records and all creation.    We have mind-blowing abilities built into our human-computer system, the body.   According to the National Institute of General Medicine Sciences, “If you uncoiled each strand of your DNA, and placed them end to end,  the resulting strand would be 67 billion miles long—the same as about 150,000 round trips to the Moon. 22 Supernatural Powers: Telekinesis: The ability to move or manipulate objects with the mind, without any physical interaction. Telepathy: Communication between minds without the use of spoken words or any other known human senses. Teleportation: Instantaneous transportation from one location to another without traversing the space in between. Shape-shifting: The ability to change one's physical form or appearance at will. Superhuman strength: Strength beyond the limits of normal human capabilities. Invisibility: The ability to render oneself unseen by others. Prophetic Precognition: The ability to foresee or predict future events. Clairaudient: Gaining information about an object, location, or event beyond normal human perception auditorily. Healing powers: The ability to cure injuries or illnesses with a touch or through other means. Time manipulation: Control over the past, present, or future, including time travel. Flight: The power to defy gravity and fly through the air. Immortality: Eternal life or the ability to live for an extended period without aging. Energy manipulation: Control over various forms of energy, such as fire, electricity, or elemental forces. Mind control: The ability to influence or control the thoughts and actions of others. Resurrection: The power to bring the dead back to life. Intuition: The ability to understand or know something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. Empath: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Psychic: Ability to read someone's energetic imprinting on their soul. Channel: The ability to expand consciousness to allow the wisdom of the universe to stream through. Clairsentience: a clear knowing through a feeling or emotion.  Mediumship: The ability to communicate with spirits or entities from other realms. Astral Projection: The belief that one can intentionally separate their consciousness from their physical body and travel in an astral form. Traditional lineage calls supernatural and psychic powers Siddhis.   According to Wikipedia and other sources, Siddhis (Sanskrit: सिद्धि siddhi; fulfillment, accomplishment) are material, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of yogic advancement through sādhanās such as meditation and yoga.    What is the etymology of Siddhi: It means "knowledge," "accomplishment," "attainment," or/and "success.”   How to turn on your supernatural and psychic powers: The Visuddhimagga is one of the texts to give explicit details about how spiritual masters were thought to actually manifest supernormal abilities. It states that abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are achieved through changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. The individual must master kasina meditati
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