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A Doctor, a Professor, an Illusionist, a Priest, and a WWI Demolitionist are brought together by a one Professor J.A. Smith to investigate some paranormal activity in Cornwall, England. What could possibly go wrong? This is Episode 1 of our Horror On The Orient Express campaign. We will be playing this game as written, doing all side-quests and story-lines as well as adding some of our own. There may be a few references to the prequel Gaslight campaign we played. If you are interested in watching those, you can find them starting with Episode 5 of DungeonsDeepRPGs Call of Cthulhu campaign on YouTube. Music written by Ben Asaro, (c) 2019 Intelligent Egg Productions. Used with Permission. All Rights Reserved
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Whilst the Dreamlands Express speeds along the mysterious dreamscape, the Investigators are acquainted with their fellow Passengers over a formal dinner.
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Published 06/07/21
After awakening in a dream-like land, the Investigators follow Grekov's lead, board a mysterious dream-train, and are exposed to the strangeness and splendor it has to offer.
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