For this podcast we recommend a slow, steady gorging process combined with assal horizontology.
Published 09/07/20
Eat My Shorts wholeheartedly supports the designated driver program. Now, who wants to party?
Published 08/24/20
When you're experienced podcasters like us, you get a feel for great episodes like these. It becomes natural, like a third sense.
Published 08/12/20
This podcast doesn't just give us a platform, it also gives us the right, no--the duty! to make complete asses of ourselves.
Published 08/05/20
There's an empty spot I've always had inside me. I tried to fill it with family, religion, community service ... but those were dead ends! I think this podcast is the answer.
Published 07/24/20
Don't worry, Shorties. We'll make it to California someday.
Published 07/15/20
A podcast without mischief is like a bowling ball without a liquid center.
Published 07/03/20
It takes two to podcast: hosts to talk and you to listen.
Published 06/19/20
Now with episode notation pencil!
Published 06/12/20
That is the rarest podcast of them all, the podcast Eat My Shorts: A Simpsons Podcast, recorded by podcast artisans who work exclusively in the medium of podcast.
Published 05/29/20
Whenever Eat My Shorts hasn't released an episodes, all the other podcasts should be asking "Where's Eat My Shorts"?
Published 05/14/20
In this very special limited series bonus episode, Irvin and Nacho celebrate two years of Eat My Shorts: A Simpsons Podcast!
Published 05/01/20
In this very special collectors-edition bonus episode, Irvin and Nacho celebrate two years of Eat My Shorts: A Simpsons Podcast!
Published 04/23/20
Hey, you're the listeners who didn't like our digressive podcast talk. When you get to hell, tell 'em Eat My Shorts sent ya.
Published 04/17/20
Good morning, fellow podcast listener! You'll notice we're now a model Simpsons review show. We should continue this conversation later, during the designated podcast award season. Sincerely, Eat My Shorts.
Published 04/09/20
We're better than okay. We're Eat My Shorts.
Published 04/02/20
♥♥♥we bring you love♥♥♥
Published 03/19/20
FROM BEHIND THE PAYWALL!! Don't tell our bosses, but we declassified a secret Patreon exclusive episode!
Published 03/04/20
I have nothing left to say to any of you, so if nobody minds, let's just quietly run out the clock.
Published 01/30/20
This year, give her Eat My Shorts.
Published 01/15/20
Alright, here's the deal. Every time you listen to our show, we will send you...forty dollars*! *checks will not be honored
Published 01/01/20
And this is Nacho writing the episode summary for the podcast before he posts it.
Published 12/18/19
We're Eat My Shorts: A Simpsons Podcast, and now--what you all came here to listen to: HARDCORE NUDITY!!!
Published 12/05/19
Eat My Shorts: The Podcast. Is there anything they can't do?
Published 11/14/19
I paid for a colossal podcast and I'm going to get a colossal podcast.
Published 10/31/19