Listen to this episode to get helpful tips on how to handle overwhelm, stress, or anxiety. They are real emotions, but there are tools out there to help. See how Danelle has used these tools that she learned through life coaching that have helped her in her life. 
Published 09/18/21
Are you trying to control others emotions with your actions. Check out this episode to help you understand what the problem is with people pleasing and why it never works.
Published 09/10/21
Doesn't it feel like some people always make the right decisions? In this episode I am going to teach you how to make your own right decisions. Some decisions seem so easy and simple while others do not, but you have the power to always make the right decision. Check out this episode to figure out how.
Published 09/04/21
Does your mind ever spin about the future and all the "what ifs?" Mine sure does. I am going to teach you how to manage your mind around these what ifs with a couple simple examples. Listen in to calm your mind and keep yourself excited about the future.
Published 08/28/21
It is that time of year again. We are all thinking about heading back to school. Some of us are very excited. Some of us are just a little bit nervous, and some of us are having tons of anxiety about it. Listen to this episode of Empower You Podcast for Teens to help get your mind in the right place so that you can feel better about this years upcoming adventures.
Published 08/14/21
Have you ever wondered why there is so much pain in the world. Do you ever wonder why your loved ones have to go through pain. Wouldn't you like to take it all away. Listen in this week for Danelle's take on pain and why we all go through it.
Published 07/29/21
Through 18 years of marriage, I have learned the truth about love. This truth can benefit any relationship you might be in. Listen in for some of the lessons I have learned.
Published 07/06/21
Do you look at others and wonder how they are so lucky. Today I am going to teach you the secret to being lucky. Did you know that I am lucky, and I can teach you how to be lucky too!
Published 06/23/21
It is always the big question for students. Should I get a summer job? Listen to this podcast to see the benefits of getting a summer job or at least finding things to work on. 
Published 06/16/21
There are 5 things to give up trying to control in your life. When you give up these things, you are going to feel free. You will start focusing on the things that you can control and find great joy in your life.
Published 06/01/21
This week's episode reminds you that your mom cannot actually make you do anything. You ultimately get to chose your life. Your life is full of agency, and you get to create whatever you want. Listen in to learn more.
Published 05/25/21
Comparison is the thief of joy. It is so easy to compare ourselves to others especially with the world wide web. We are seeing the best and the worst of people all around the world. When we get stuck on the comparison ladder, we often feel crappy. Listen in as Danelle teaches you how to get off the ladder and find joy within. 
Published 05/19/21
Do you want to know how to conquer your worst enemy. Listen to three tips that you can use to help you will your mindset on those that you don't like.
Published 05/11/21
No matter what happens to you in your life, you still have the ability to control the future. Listen to find out why this is the best news ever.
Published 05/04/21
In Today's episode you will learn how changing some of your thoughts can up level your game. Listen to Danelle tell about her mental struggle as she played college volleyball and learn about the tool that can change everything for you to be successful in any sport you wish to try.
Published 04/27/21
In this episode you will learn that thinking about yourself in 3 different ways makes it easier to take care of yourself. Listen for some quick and easy thoughts that will help improve the relationship with yourself!
Published 04/18/21
Many days in life, we are running away from ourselves even though we are blaming the feelings we are having on sources outside of us. Come explore why we blame other people for how we feel and also learn how loving ourselves is a good thing to do to propel ourselves into the future.
Published 04/11/21
Sometimes we don't like what others do so we think we can show them. I do it all the time, but we must remember that we are in control of our own results and we cannot make others think, feel, or act in a certain way. Listen to how you can improve your life, stand up for what you think is right, and still take care of yourself.
Published 04/04/21
How many times do you tell yourself, "I'll be happy when..." I hear it all the time. I think it quite regularly as well. The big question is WHY WAIT? Do you know that you can choose to be happy now? Also, do you know that you don't have to be happy all of the time? Listen for truths and power about being happy now.  
Published 03/28/21
In this episode, teenagers will learn that everyone has self doubts about themselves, even those that are gorgeous. They will learn three reasons why we have self doubt. You will also learn that it is ok to have imperfections and to go out into the world anyways. 
Published 03/21/21