Your loved ones can be saved! Don’t let doubt stop you from reaching them with the Gospel. Trust the Holy Spirit to bring them to the Lord. Here’s the easiest way to win your loved ones to Jesus.
Published 12/11/23
As you draw closer to the Holy Spirit, He will begin to reveal a challenging truth to you. Though difficult to receive, it’s the key to greater power and deeper fellowship with the Lord. Only true friends of the Holy Spirit know this truth.
Published 12/04/23
As you dwell in the presence of the Holy Spirit, life-transforming results begin to manifest. His presence becomes evident in your life. Here are 7 major signs that you spend time with the precious Holy Spirit.
Published 11/27/23
God’s presence shifts spiritual atmospheres, makes demons tremble, and releases the miraculous. You can become a host of that presence, a carrier of the glory. Do this if you want to walk in the Holy Spirit’s presence 24/7.
Published 11/20/23
No Christian should ever settle for spiritual defeat. The Holy Spirit wants to give you victory in every spiritual battle, so if you want to defeat Satan, learn these Holy Spirit secrets.
Published 11/13/23
Christians must be aware that the enemy can influence them. Demons use open doors to attack our spiritual lives and attempt to bring us into bondage. You need to recognize and shut these doors immediately.
Published 11/06/23
We all have the Holy Spirit living within us as believers, so why does it sometimes feel like He leaves us? In this teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals the reason why you feel this way.
Published 10/30/23
You don’t have to settle for stagnation in your spiritual life. You can walk in true spiritual effectiveness. In this teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals 5 daily habits of highly effective Christians that you can start applying right now.
Published 10/23/23
In this inspiring message, you’ll learn to identify 5 key signs that demonstrate your personal spiritual growth. If you’re wondering how you look in the spirit, you’ll find this message very helpful.
Published 10/16/23
You need to protect your spiritual life. In this message, David Diga Hernandez reveals how to increase your spiritual strength. This simple habit will keep you spiritually strong even in the greatest trials.
Published 10/09/23
If you want to flow with the river of the Spirit, these simple keys will empower you to recognize and surrender to His will in every moment. Flowing with the Holy Spirit is easy! Here’s how you can do it.
Published 10/02/23
If you’re struggling to pray consistently or have neglected seeking the Lord and want to restart your prayer life, these Biblical truths will help you never miss prayer again. It’s time to dig the wells of prayer.
Published 09/25/23
Salvation is the greatest miracle, and the Holy Spirit is present in every moment of the salvation experience. In this teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals the Holy Spirit’s role in this miracle. When salvation is happening, the Holy Spirit is doing this.
Published 09/18/23
Fear. Pride. Confusion. Sorrow. Those are the destructive fruits of religious thinking. But what exactly is religious thinking? How can one spot religious thinking in their own life? And, most importantly, how can the believer break the power of religious bondage? David Diga Hernandez takes you to the Word of God for answers.
Published 09/11/23
When you go to pray, a faithful Companion guides and empowers your heavenly petitions. As you receive these revelations, you’ll be inspired to seek the Lord in prayer. Here are the amazing things the Holy Spirit does when you pray.
Published 09/04/23
Do you desire to be used by God to reach your generation? In this revelatory message, David Diga Hernandez shares what he has learned about the power of impartation and Heavenly mantles.
Published 08/28/23
In each moment, there is a divine Companion guiding, empowering, and comforting you. Here is everything you need to know about the beautiful ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Published 08/21/23
Increase your spiritual sensitivity and hear in the Spirit clearly. Apply these truths, and you’ll begin recognizing the voice of the Holy Spirit with greater clarity.
Published 08/14/23
David Diga Hernandez shares how to know you have the Holy Spirit with these signs. You will know with confidence that the Holy Spirit lives in you.
Published 08/07/23
If you’re struggling to overcome a stubborn flaw in your character, it’s important that you understand and surrender to the Holy Spirit’s purifying fire. In this teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals how the Holy Spirit fixes your biggest flaws.
Published 07/31/23
Experience an increase in the anointing upon your life and position yourself in the Spirit to catch God’s mantle. This revelation will open your eyes to the power of receiving a double portion anointing.
Published 07/24/23
Every believer desires to know the presence of God, but what happens when you begin to live constantly aware of His presence? In this message, David Diga Hernandez reveals the power of dwelling in God’s presence 24/7.
Published 07/17/23
If you are having difficulty discerning the difference between God’s voice and your thoughts, this message is for you. David Diga Hernandez takes you through the Word to discover Biblical truths that will cause you to recognize God’s voice with both confidence and clarity.
Published 07/10/23
As Christians, there is one thing we should all fear: grieving the Holy Spirit. Here is how the Holy Spirit feels when believers do these things to Him.
Published 07/03/23
Do you feel like you’re under attack from the enemy? Is there a resistance in the spiritual realm that you can’t quite understand? In this message, David Diga Hernandez exposes 2 ways demons attack believers.
Published 06/26/23