Emily Moon (my wife) on Kids and their Fitness and Nutrition along with Listener Questions
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Emily gets the normal round up of...  Mental Toughness Challenge Fitness Challenge And Book Recommendation each episode. Foster Cline Then, she jumps into...  Questions from listeners: Is there a workout you can beat Jerred at? What does your training/nutrition look like as a breastfeeding mom? Do you enjoy working out. If yes, with your husband or by yourself? If no, why? How often in the beginning did you think Jerred lost his mind? What does the work/life balance look like with Jerred working from home? Then, we hop into kids and their fitness and nutrition!  Lastly,  End Questions: Hardest workout you’ve ever done? In your opinion, what’s the best activity for building mental toughness? If you could only have one piece of equipment to train with for the rest of your life, what would it be (i.e. barbell, tire sled, whatever, etc.)? Best advice you have for becoming a better human? This is 100% open-ended.