Ep.15 - Louise Grubb - Business lessons from a 2-x exited female founder currently building her third business.
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Let me start by sharing a statistic that’s quite shocking- less than 2% of Venture Capital funding goes to all female founder teams. So those female founders who’ve managed to get started, and raise some capital are rare in the extreme. Those who’ve done it multiple times and had successful exits are even rarer - so Louise really is something special.  A born entrepreneur who started working in her father’s store as a schoolgirl and then after college started her own business using a car loan - shhh don’t tell the bank that she started a company instead of buying a car! She went to grow her first start-up and successfully sold it several years later - and then did it all over again in a different company, funded with bank loans and through private investors. That second business was scaled successfully and sold earlier this year - and guess what?  She’s going again with a new start-up which looks like it could be the most successful of all her companies. She did all this whilst raising a family and even doing a master’s degree in her spare time -  Superwoman has nothing on Louise! The three lessons I learned from our conversation are: Always be networking - Louise puts a lot of her success down to good old-fashioned face-to-face networking. Getting out to meetings, conferences, and coffee catch ups. Asking questions and sharing ideas.Build a 10-slide pitch deck - this is your calling card and you share it with anyone who may be interested. It’s a snapshot of the business and your credentials and summarises why your business is the best at what it does and why people would want to invest or become a client.The power of PR - Louise managed to get a slot on radio explaining what her company does and she won several huge client contracts as a direct result. She is a huge fan of sharing your message, using TV, radio and social media to let people know who you are and what you do.I’m so pleased to have Louise on the show, and I hope she’ll inspire other entrepreneurs, especially female founders to build their businesses and make an impact in the world as Louise has surely done. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Louise Grubb This podcast is produced by GR Media Sponsored by Capital Asset Management
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