Interview with Scout & Michelle - Scout's Trail. I'm very pleased to announce my third interview with Scout and Michelle from Scout's Trail (USA). It's been over a year since our last chat so I'm excited to hear all about their adventures since we last spoke and to see how Tuk Tuk is getting on with his training. Scout is his carer and trainer and she is only 14 (Tuk Tuk is now 3yrs) she is doing an amazing job with him. I hope you enjoy this podcast with Scout and Michelle (Scout's...
Published 02/26/23
Interview with Dr. Susan Fay. I'm excited to announce an interview with Dr Susan Fay. It was lovely to hear all about Susan's adventures since our last chat when she attended a summit in San Antonio last year, as well as hear about her plans for the future. It's always a pleasure to listen to Susie talk about her passion and her work. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode. Dr Susan Fay. Like many horse-crazy girls, I spent most of my youth pretending to be a horse, reading...
Published 02/12/23
Interview with Michelle Scully. I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Michelle Scully. Michelle was recommended by another one of my podcast guests, Crissi McDonald and I'm very grateful for the connection, as Michelle was such a delight to chat with. She's a very unassuming, gentle lady and has a wealth of knowledge to share, in her own unique way. Sometimes . . .  we don't realise how special we are, as each and everyone of us has endless potential and sometimes . . . we don't...
Published 02/02/23
Interview with Mona Illerbrun. I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Mona Illerbrun from Berkana farm. I have to be honest, I knew very little of Mona and was unaware of her work with horses until a regular listener to my podcast recommended her as a guest and after taking a look at her website, I felt this was a lady I would definitely like to know more about. As the conversation went on I realized, she was an amazing lady, with some amazing life stories to share. So sit back,...
Published 01/26/23
Winter Thoughts.    I recorded this today while sat out with the horses. It was such a beautiful peaceful day and I  had the inspiration to share a few thoughts floating around my head.  Don't worry, I won't share all the thoughts that float around my head, we would be here all day! There were lots of lovely mellow sounds of birds and horses doing what they do best, eat and pass wind  (that's the horses not the birds . . . lol) but the software takes most of that out. Have a wonderful day,...
Published 01/23/23
Happy New Year! A few thoughts floating through my mind this evening, while sat listening to the horses and the rain . . . so I thought I'd share with my listeners because there may be something in the words that may resonate with someone. Remember . . .  inspiration, intuition comes in many forms as my latest podcast guest reminded me.  Finding the feel for what is right for you, is the key to your own evolution and growth.  I'd also like to take this opportunity, to say a big thank you...
Published 01/03/23
Interview with Heather Drummond. I'm delighted and very pleased to announce an interview with Heather Drummond. Heather and I have been aware of each other through interactions on social media and also though our own individual mutual interests . . . intuition and horses. Heather is a woman of many talents, as well as recording her very own podcast, so I was so excited to hear all about her work and her intuition that guides her through her life. I hope you enjoy this informal and light...
Published 01/02/23
Interview with Steve Halfpenny. I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Steve Halfpenny. I came across Steve many years ago on YouTube while doing a little research on gentle horsemanship. I bought a few of his light hands video tutorials (tapes, not cd's so that shows how long ago it was) I loved his approach and manner with the horses he worked with. I hope you enjoy  listening to this interesting and exciting view into the world of Steve Halfpenny at Light Hands Equitation. I...
Published 12/31/22
Interview with Ginny Jablonski. I'm very pleased and excited to announce an interview with Ginny Jablonski. Ginny is a renowned animal communicator, healer, author and so much more. This was one of those "enlightening" interviews, that may take you to places that are hard to go and will certainly make you think in a slightly different way. It was very interesting (and sometimes deep) but a very informative conversations with a very special lady. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this...
Published 12/14/22
Interview with Matthias Geysen. I was very excited to have the opportunity to have Matthias Geysen as a guest on my live podcast. I came across Matthias while doing some research and saw a video of him riding his stallion at liberty, through the mountains of Montana.  I was interested in his background so I asked him if he would like to be a guest and happily he said yes. Of course we'll be talking about his live with horses but also the work he's done in his personal life, regarding his...
Published 12/01/22
Interview with Crissi McDonald and Mark Rashid. I'm so excited! I asked Crissi a while ago if she would like to join me for a chat.  She's been so busy with clinics and travel so it wasn't easy to fix a date but I'm happy to confirm we've finally recorded our session. As an added bonus, Mark kindly agreed to join us both as a guest too . . . how lovely is that! Two wonderful very successful individuals in their own right. I was so looking forward to chatting with Crissi and Mark and I wasn't...
Published 11/30/22
The Sounds of Horses Snoozing (amongst other sounds too!) A recording of a very short impromptu meditation I made yesterday. (First I have to say the actual meditation part may not be as relaxing as I hoped and that's nothing to do with the end part)   I was sat with the horses (with a flask of tea) in their shelter, watching the rain fall and listening to the soothing sounds. I found it very relaxing while recording this myself and also very amusing, which you will discover as to why...
Published 11/04/22
Interview with Andrea Wady - Crossing Bridges. I'm very excited to announce an interview with Andrea Wady. I came across a facebook post introducing Andrea's new book and after reading a short extract, I knew this was a lady I would love to hear more about. We chatted about their amazing adventure in costa rica, alongside one of her companions Elsa Sinclair and equally as amazing their two rescue horses. We also discussed her journey to being a liberty coach trainer and any plans she may...
Published 10/09/22
I'm very excited to announce an interview with Dr Sam fielding I recently came across Sam on a Warwick Schiller podcast were she was a guest. It's no secret that I'm a big fan of his podcast because of the insight and knowledge that is shared to everyone who listens, not only to help our horses but to help ourselves too. I was so struck by Sam that I sent her a private message saying thank you for sharing her story. I hope you enjoy listening to this very vibrant and interesting lady who...
Published 09/27/22
Interview with Kathy Price - Point of Balance I'm pleased to announce an interview with Kathy Price and her guest's. Although I've interviewed Kathy before on her own, as well as along side another amazing lady, on this occasion she will be accompanied by two client's, who experienced Kathy's work and can talk about it from their  own perspective. I hope you enjoy this episode of fun, facts and laughter. Kathy Price. From a very young age horses have been THE passion in Kathy’s life. Even...
Published 09/03/22
Welcome Francis to our little family. I'm so happy to share a little about Toots new field companion.   In the short time she's been here, Francis has already shown so much of her wonderful little character. She settled in well and it wasn't long before the two of them were side by side.  This is a short episode explaining how Francis came my way and what happened when she arrived.   I'm so happy for Toots,  she finally has a field companion once again, as I know she missed her dear old ...
Published 08/03/22
Interview with Carla Bauchmueller - The Intuitive Rider I am very pleased to announce an interview with Carla Bauchmueller from California USA. Carla uses her intuitive and professional skills to help horse and rider connect on a deeper level by listening to each individual and developing exercise specifically for each person and horse to aid them in their mindset. It was interesting to hear how her love of horses when she was a child, has developed into the career she has carved out for...
Published 06/23/22
A Quick Hello - Online Equine Communication Workshop. Just a quick hello and some information regarding my upcoming Online Equine Communication Workshop. For anyone who may be interested or requires further information you can contact me through email:  [email protected] or  message me on fb by clicking on the links below. I look forward to hearing from you! Regards Ronnie https://www.facebook.com/equinevoices.co.uk Support the show
Published 06/07/22
A Little Thank You. A big thank you to all my special guests who firstly said yes to joining me for a chat and also helped me feel relaxed and comfortable during our sessions and of course all my listeners for making this possible because after all without you, there would be no podcast, so for this I am eternally very, very grateful. I have more exciting guests on the horizon  so stayed tuned for my future episodes. Once again thank you. Regards Ronnie. Support the show
Published 05/17/22
Interview with Jane Pike - Confident Rider Online. I was very pleased and excited to announce an interview with Jane Pike from Confident Rider (New Zealand) Jane has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to people and horses. Her work with the nervous system within humans and horses is something I am excited to understand more about, for a deeper understanding into the mind and body and how it not only affects people but how it affects our horses too. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy...
Published 05/16/22
Interview with Betsy Vonda - Balanced with Betsy I was very pleased to interview Betsy from Ontario Canada. I came across Betsy on a podcast I listened too, who was a guest alongside another fascinating lady, who we get to hear a little about during the interview. It was great hear Betsy talk about her passion for horses and how her work has changed her life in so many ways. She has a passion and desire to see beyond the signs, when horses are presented to her for an analysis of horse...
Published 05/02/22
Interview with Dr Susan Fay and Josh Nichol. This is not my first time interviewing these two amazing people, so I was so excited when I announced a joint interview with Dr Susan Fay (from Colorado) and Josh Nichol (from Alberta Canada) . . .  they certainly didn't disappoint. An in depth conversation from both parties that will give you food for thought, whatever your beliefs and who knows, it may lead you to your own insights and realisations about yourself, as well as your horse. So sit...
Published 04/18/22
Interview with Douglas Jones. I was very pleased when Douglas agreed to do an interview with me. He's such a lovely big hearted soul and it was great to chat with him. We first met at one of the summer horse camps I attended as an equine communicator.  Since then we have become friends, albeit at a distance, we have stayed in touch from time to time. He is a kind gentle soul with a passion for his work. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this fun, enlightening and informative  episode....
Published 04/18/22
Interview with Pat Cleveland and Paula Bosher. It's always a pleasure when I get the chance to chat with Pat.  It's always such fun! She has so much energy (which is a bonus in her line of work) that she just jumps of the screen or in this case, the audio. I've had the pleasure of chatting with Pat on a few occasions as a guest but in this episode, we'll see how the process worked from one of her clients point of view, so that we can get a different perspective. It gets even more...
Published 02/28/22
Interview with Karen Rohlf. I was very pleased to have the opportunity to interview Karen Rohlf from Dressage Naturally. She's humble lady with a warmth about her and such a wonderful smile too. It was a pleasure to hear, in Karen's own words, how her life changed for the better, onto a different  path bringing her wealth of knowledge from the horse world and beyond. Karen is very well known for her holistic approach towards horse and rider. I hope you enjoy this podcast with Karen as much...
Published 02/26/22