The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.
Published 03/05/19
The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.
Published 02/26/19
The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.
Published 02/19/19
The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.
Published 02/12/19
Attitude!?! What attitude?? In this podcast I will equip you with 4 ways to CHANGE your attitude. Because we can’t always change our circumstances or the people around us but we can CHOOSE to change something about ourselves, choose to change our attitude.
Published 02/05/19
Don’t let 2019 be just another year of doing the same ole, same ole. Start praying now about what God is calling you to and then start pursing it… do the thing. It’s not too late!
Published 01/29/19
Life can be hard. The secret to when life is hard, when life isn’t palatable, is to add water, but not just any water, Living Water. I’m going to share with you where to find the Living Water you need when you’re going through the hard of life.
Published 01/22/19
Many of us surround ourselves with people who tell us how awesome we are, who affirm all our decisions as good, who constantly lift us up. We do need women like this but we also need women who are willing to say the hard things, the honest things.
Published 01/16/19
As you run through life, towards your own finish line, are you paying attention to the people around you? Sometimes we need to come along side someone, give them a boost, a chance to breathe and then complete the race that has been set before them.
Published 01/16/19
James 1:22 tells us, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It doesn’t say “Do what it says” when we feel like it, when we have the time, when we’ll be perfect at it…we need to actually just do it!
Published 07/06/18
By popular demand - welcome to the full session on “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” God expects His women to be obedient but obedience can be hard! In this podcast, you’ll hear why we struggle with obedience and strategies for success.
Published 06/28/18
In the final video of my 4-part series “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” We’ve cover more tools and steps we need to take to be obedient. We need to lean into the Holy Spirit! We cannot achieve obedience without Him. We must also encourage one another.
Published 06/21/18
In the 3rd of my 4-part series “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” we’ll focus on the tools and steps we need to take to be obedient. The first one is the easiest, and so critical - open our Bible. We must exchange the lies of the enemy with the Truth.
Published 06/14/18
In the 2nd of my 4-part series on “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” I continue with why we struggle with obedience due to things such as “not nice” women. Anyone know a not nice woman? Anyone been a not nice woman?
Published 06/07/18
Welcome to the 1st of my 4-part series on “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” God expects His women to be obedient but obedience can be hard! In this series you’ll hear why we struggle with obedience and strategies for success with obedience.
Published 05/28/18
I LOVE Christmas and my favorite Christmas song has always been "Joy to the World!" Christmas is about celebrating the birthday of Jesus. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is King, Jesus is our Savior, Jesus does reign and Jesus is coming again!! Are you ready?
Published 12/16/17
Let’s talk about forgiving ourselves. Romans 3:23 reminds us that we all mess up “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” If you’re like most of the women I meet, we tend to be very hard on ourselves and slow to forgive ourselves.
Published 12/07/17
Tomorrow is the first day of December and the “crazy” is now on steroids. Luke 2: 7 “Mary wrapped Jesus in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Do you have room in your home this December for Jesus? Or have you filled it with busyness, craziness? It is especially easy to catch the “crazy fever” now that we have Facebook and Pinterest to remind us of what we are failing to do – create the “picture perfect” Christmas. Some of us get caught up in the...
Published 11/30/17
Today, I want to talk about 2 things your husband needs and that you have the power to give him!!
Published 11/16/17
It’s the season of Thanksgiving - a time to remember how blessed we are and to have an attitude of gratitude. A great way to say, “Thank you” to Jesus for our many blessings is to BE a blessing to others – here are 5 easy steps to “B.L.E.S.S.” others.
Published 11/09/17
When someone has wronged us, we want them to stay in the prison we’ve created until they apologize. We want them to feel the weight of what they have done – but DOES CHRIST DO THAT TO US? Today I’m going to share with you 3 steps to forgiveness.
Published 11/02/17
We’re about to enter the season of Thanksgiving...and the season of CRAZY!! During the holidays, sometimes the crazy can take over. I’m going to share my VERY SIMPLE plan to keep the attitude of my heart focused on Thanksgiving, not the crazy.
Published 10/26/17
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I suddenly realize that I’m in the middle of a pit of sin. I didn’t mean to end up there, but somehow that’s where I find myself. Proverbs 7 illustrates how we end up there, and also shows us how to avoid sin.
Published 10/19/17
I get that sometimes life can fall into a routine, a rut, and actually be kinda boring. Why not take a break and escape with your husband!! I’ll share four ways to have an affair with your husband. I’ll give you some ideas, but be creative – go for it!
Published 10/14/17