Pete M0PSX from Essex Ham caught up with the Chairman of Suffolk RED, Sarah 2E0ISJ to find out more about their popular amateur radio skills event. Details at www.suffolkred.co.uk
Published 06/23/17
Video Feature: Pete M0PSX from Essex Ham caught up with the Chairman of Suffolk RED, Sarah 2E0ISJ to find out more about their popular amateur radio skills event. Details at www.suffolkred.co.uk
Published 06/23/17
Amateur Radio Newsline is a weekly news service from the US. We caught up with Caryn KD2GUT to find out a little more about their weekly news reports
Published 06/20/17
The South Essex Amateur Radio Society was active at the Bay Museum on Canvey Island for Museums On The Air weekend. Here is an interview with SEARS Secretary Mark 2E0RMT about the event
Published 06/19/17
Between the 12th and the 14th of February 2017, Jim 2E0RMI ran a special event radio station to celebrate 95th anniversary of 2MT in Writtle, the first broadcasting station in the UK. Just after Radio Emma Toc, Jim's station, closed down after a long few days, we caught up with Jim and Tim Wander to find out more about the celebration of 2MT...
Published 03/05/17
In February 2017, Jim Salmon set up radio station Radio Emma Toc, to celebrate 95 years since the launch of the first broadcast station in the UK, 2MT. Programmes came live from the original 2MT hut, at Sandford Museum in Chelmsford, the birthplace of radio. The Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society were also operating as GB952MT. Find out more at www.emmatoc.com (Video: David Salmon)
Published 02/14/17
Between the 12th and the 14th of February, Essex Ham member Jim 2E0RMI will be running a special event radio station to commemorate the 95th anniversary of 2MT in Writtle, the first broadcasting station in the UK. We interview Jim to find out more
Published 02/10/17
Here is Essex Ham's Review of 2016 - Another busy year for members of Essex Ham. Thanks to everyone who has supported Essex Ham in 2016, as we promote amateur radio. For more, see www.essexham.co.uk
Published 01/01/17
Essex Ham's Shack Kitten, Splodge, gets his own YouTube video - If you have two spare minutes and a thing for cats, watch our Splodge explore the shack and get to grips with the Essex Ham website.
Published 11/16/16
In October 2016, hundreds of scouts and guides gathered at Belchamps in South Essex for the annual JOTA. Here is an audio interview with Derek M0SCE, the organiser of this very busy JOTA activation. Photos at https://www.essexham.co.uk/news/belchamps-jota-2016.html
Published 10/20/16
Pete M0PSX catches up with Bob G0FGX from TX Factor at the National Hamfest in Newark for a preview of what they'll be up to. More details at www.txfactor.co.uk
Published 09/29/16
A two-minute introduction to amateur radio - designed to be used to show to anyone interested in finding out more about the hobby, what is involved, and how to get started. Includes images of Essex Hams in action. Updated for 2016. More at https://www.essexham.co.uk/videos
Published 09/25/16
Sunday the 11th of September 2016 saw a very impromptu gathering of Essex Hams at Shoebury East Beach. Here is a short video review of the amateur radio get-together.
Published 09/12/16
Pete M0PSX was interviewed on Basildon Hospital Radio about amateur radio in Essex. The interview was also broadcast on Gateway FM, on 1287AM, inside Basildon Hospital and online. Here is a copy of the interview. More details at https://www.essexham.co.uk/news/radio-interview-may16.html
Published 05/30/16
In April 2016, Pete M0PSX from Essex Ham caught up with SteppIR Founder Mike Mertel K7IR, who was visiting Waters & Stanton to supervise installation of their new SteppIR antenna. Here is our interview with Mike, where he explains the background to the antenna design. More at www.essexham.co.uk/steppir
Published 04/28/16
A short video featuring a time-lapse of the Essex Skills Night, held in March 2016 at the village Hall in Danbury. For more, go to www.essexham.co.uk/skills
Published 03/23/16
Video explaining what happens at a UK amateur radio Foundation exam session. Part of our Getting Started in Amateur Radio video series - More information at https://www.essexham.co.uk/foundation-exam
Published 02/20/16
Sunday the 7st of February 2016 was a very busy Canvey Rally, run by the South Essex Amateur Radio Society. Here is our short video montage of the 2016 rally, at The Paddocks on Canvey Island
Published 02/07/16
Sandringham School in St. Albans was the first school selected to make contact with Tim Peake on the ISS. This is a recording of what was received by Pete M0PSX from 08:50 on 08 January 2016
Published 01/11/16
2015 was a very busy year for the Essex Ham team and its members, with lots of field events, promotional activities and on-air get-togethers. Our 2015 review of the year highlights what some of the members got up to over the year
Published 01/02/16
Essex Ham was very lucky to be able to get an interview with former BBC weatherman Jim Bacon G3YLA to discuss Tropospheric Ducting and Sporadic E. In this interview, Jim explains how these two weather phenomena work and provides several useful tips on getting DX on the VHF and UHF bands.
Published 12/29/15
The RSGB's 2015 Amateur Radio Survey was launched in September to help assess the state of amateur radio. The survey ends on New Year's Eve, and in December, Pete M0PSX caught up with the RSGB's President, Dr John Gould G3WKL, to find out how the survey's going. If you haven't done so already, you have until the 31st of December to have your say. Go to http://www.rsgb.org/ar-survey
Published 12/21/15
Extract of BBC Radio 4 Saturday Live show broadcast on 12 December 2015, featuring Dr Helen Sharman discussing amateur radio in space
Published 12/13/15
The Kempton Rally is one of best rallies in the south of the UK, and in November 2015, a team from Essex Ham went along to soak up the atmosphere. Pete M0PSX caught up with Paul Berkeley M0CJX from RadioFairs, organisers of the Kempton Rally. For more, go to www.essexham.co.uk/kempton
Published 11/13/15
Essex Ham was at the 2015 National Hamfest in Newark. Here, Pete M0PSX and Charlie M0PZT chat about what goers on at the National Hamfest. More interviews can be found at https://www.essexham.co.uk/news/hamfest2015.html
Published 10/25/15