What is the difference between excellence and perfectionism? By definition, it's the quality of being outstanding or extremely good, where as perfectionism, is a doctrine holding that religious, moral, social, or political perfection is attainable, especially the theory that human moral / spiritual perfection should be attained. Pierce has been on both sides of this conversation and provides a useful framework to understand what excellence looks like, and how to use it to be build a more...
Published 10/18/21
The best way to build your business is with a niche—a specific segment of a larger market which is defined by certain a persona or an identity that makes it unique from the larger market. Joe Newton shows you how to achieve product-market fit by finding your niche and then shows you how to define your ideal client. He’ll show you his exact framework to identify, clarify and sell-to the clients you want for your business. This episode covers the topics of niche business, marketing, clarifying...
Published 10/11/21
Does the thought of starting a new business seem daunting? In this episode, Certified Financial Planner, Jim Crider, walks us through how he started his new business and what he did to set himself, his business, and his family up for success. It’s an inspiring interview about financial stewardship and how the right approach to money can give you peace of mind and greater flexibility in the future. Prior to starting Intentional Living FP, Jim worked primarily with the standard clients of most...
Published 10/08/21
Don't miss this important update from Joe Newton, co-host of the Eternal Entrepreneur. He brings some exciting and interesting news about changes in the show.
Published 10/07/21
Learn why God may be silent about what key aspects of your business. This episode covers the topics of innovation, prayer, direction, Christianity, identity in Christ, and business development. Scripture references: 1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal things,...
Published 10/04/21
The best way to build your business is with a niche—a specific segment of a larger market which is defined by certain a persona or an identity that makes it unique from the larger market. Joe Newton shows you how to achieve product-market fit by finding your niche and then shows you how to define your ideal client. He’ll show you his exact framework to identify, clarify and sell-to the clients you want for your business. This episode covers the topics of niche business, marketing, clarifying...
Published 09/27/21
Discover a deeper experience of God in your business with the story of Jonathan Wield. Jonathan is a serial entrepreneur and Kingdom business leader. In his interview, he shares how he came to know the power of God during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the impact of applying scripture directly to his business. He also shares stories of how to partner with God and what it means to be a good mentor and partner. This episode covers the topics of Hearing God, Partnership, Kingdom Business,...
Published 09/24/21
Attitude is an action. Do you want to accomplish your goals but feel as if you've been distracted in the past? Start by learning three tips to achieve a good attitude. Pierce Brantley teaches his method for accomplishing goals with a framework he uses to keep a good perspective and attitude. The result is a method which will help you stay the course when you might feel like giving up. Best of all, you'll learn some tools to help vet how you feel against what you want to accomplish. This...
Published 09/20/21
You've come so far. It may not feel like it, but you have. In this episode, Joe Newton shares how to appreciate how your relationship with God, and your business, have developed overtime. We all start as baby Christians and entrepreneurs. We don't know everything and there is a definite journey ahead of us—but sometimes, it can feels as if we haven't developed at all. If we focus too much on what feels like stagnant growth, we won't appreciate just how much we've change—for the good. Joe...
Published 09/13/21
Matt goes deep and shares wisdom and insight which will help you live a purposeful life and have an intention entrepreneurial journey. We discuss insights from Moses and what we can learn from his life today as well as some fresh and encouraging stories for business as mission. Matt Wilson was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Birmingham, AL in June of 2007, where he currently resides. Matt is an avid follower of Christ and he has the pleasure of speaking to groups about...
Published 09/10/21
Does God have a call on your life? Yes! And the good news is that you can start to live in it and discover it today. In this episode, Pierce Brantley unpacks the foundational principles of biblical calling, what it means for you to work and live in Christ. He shows you exactly how to start working and enjoying the life and work God to which you have been called. This episode is the first of a series. This episode covers the topics of work, calling, purpose, planning your life, discovery,...
Published 09/06/21
Does God have a call on your life? Yes! And the good news is that you can start to live in it and discover it today. In this episode, Pierce Brantley unpacks the foundational principles of biblical calling, what it means for you to work and live in Christ. He shows you exactly how to start working and enjoying the life and work God to which you have been called. This episode is the first of a series. This episode covers the topics of work, calling, purpose, planning your life, discovery,...
Published 08/30/21
Do you want to be an extraordinary entrepreneur? Ryan Horn will show you how to start the journey. In this episode, he tells his inspirational story of buying and building businesses—not to mention, the struggles along the way. Ryan also shares his 5-part framework for differentiating yourself as a Kingdom Business Leader; which you’re sure to love. As CEO of Academy of Extraordinary, Men Ryan’s mission is to help men rise up as the powerful leaders they were created to be so they can lead...
Published 08/27/21
Does God have a call on your life? Yes! And the good news is that you can start to live in it and discover it today. In this episode, Pierce Brantley unpacks the foundational principles of biblical calling, what it means for you to work and live in Christ. He shows you exactly how to start working and enjoying the life and work God to which you have been called. This episode is the first of a series. This episode covers the topics of work, calling, purpose, planning your life, discovery,...
Published 08/23/21
Does God have a call on your life? Yes! And the good news is that you can start to live in it and discover it today. In this episode, Pierce Brantley unpacks the foundational principles of biblical calling, what it means for you to work and live in Christ. He shows you exactly how to start working and enjoying the life and work God to which you have been called. This episode is the first of a series. This episode covers the topics of work, calling, purpose, planning your life, discovery,...
Published 08/16/21
Jamie Lyn is the host of the Set Apart with Jamie Lyn Wallnau podcast and host of the next America show. On this episode, Jamie talks about her new book Holy Revolution, and inspires us to walk out our faith, in business, with a more intentional and intimate regard for holiness in everything that we do. Christian business owners will learn how to pursue God in their decision making process and learn to trust the Holy Spirit more directly with their entrepreneurial strategy. This episode...
Published 08/13/21
Does God have a call on your life? Yes! And the good news is that you can start to live in it and discover it today. In this episode, Pierce Brantley unpacks the foundational principles of biblical calling, what it means for you to work and live in Christ. He shows you exactly how to start working and enjoying the life and work God to which you have been called. This episode is the first of a series. This episode covers the topics of work, calling, purpose, planning your life, discovery,...
Published 08/09/21
Does tithing still hold relevance for today? Moreover, should tithing be something your Kingdom Business considers? In this episode, Joe Newton discusses his perspective on tithing and how it can build your faith and deepen your relationship with God.This episode covers the topics of tithing, giving, giving 10%, Old Testament, partnership, supporting the Church, Kingdom Business, and entrepreneurship. Today on the Lunch Break we dig into Tithing. Thanks for sharing this podcast and leaving...
Published 08/02/21
Sterling Harris is a Kingdom business leader and widely sought speaker who equips people to hear God's voice and develop their relationship with God. He is a former NFL Player and federal prisoner who's life was radically changed through a relationship with Jesus. Sterling has a gift for articulating and explaining how to hear God speak to you during the day. Using numerous examples and content from his book, he shows listeners how to be aware of the three primary ways in which the Holy...
Published 07/30/21
In this episode of Eternal Entrepreneur we talk about the benefits of accountability and confessing our shortcomings to other believers. He shares stories from his own life and how he believes confession should be a habit which helps be better leaders and stay in the light of community. Reference verse for this episode include: James 5:16 and 1 John 3:6.
Published 07/26/21
What keeps you from taking action in your kingdom business? We're not talking about normal decisions—but kingdom-minded ones. Joe tells you about his life and how he's stepped out in faith to build a business and life which accomplished his goal of empowering 10,000 entrepreneurs during his lifetime. He breaks down why we overthink decisions and what to do about them in the moment. Listen to get encouragement for your faith and the functional parts of your business. This episode covers the...
Published 07/19/21
Ready to leave your day job, say goodbye to corporate America, and discover a life full of fulfilling entrepreneurship with God? Meet Kyla Martin. Kyla is a Career Coach and Dream Life Strategist. She teaches people how to hack their brain to achieve the life of their dreams through Kingdom business and the entrepreneurship journey. This includes uncovering your purpose while peacefully charting an action plan to pursue your flexible, freedom-based, dream life. Kyla believes you already...
Published 07/16/21
Power is a dirty word for Christians. We don't understand power and we don't know how to use it. But the Bible tells us that we don't have a spirit of fear, but of power and love and soundness of mind. Kingdom entrepreneurs need power to be effective business leaders. But Christ-given (Christian) power has a different type of influence then the normal business-world power for which we are used to seeing. Biblical power looks like Jesus. It leads people to Jesus; ultimately, spiritual power,...
Published 07/12/21
Do you feel overwhelmed? Like you've just traded in one job for another? In this episode, Joe Newton shares his advice on how to find freedom—spiritually, emotionally, and most importantly, in your entrepreneurial endeavors, as you seek to discover God's rest in your business. You'll learn how to reset yourself, let go of anxiety, and rest in the work God has given you to do as a Kingdom entrepreneur.This episode covers the topics of anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, overwork, being tired,...
Published 07/05/21
Ed shows you how to discover a more profound relationship with God by unpacking his unique approach to Kingdom partnership in business. He’s no normal Christian entrepreneur. Through combat-hardened discipline, he’s learned to overcome obstacles and achieve his goals. His quick thinking—both in spiritual obedience and business acumen says it all: 950 miles an hour. Now that’s fast. But it’s not nearly as fast as Ed Rush flew in his combat career as a decorated F-18 pilot which included over...
Published 07/02/21