Acts 13:26-49 It is the story of Christ Jesus' life, death, and resurrection that represents the full picture of what we are to know of His sacrifice. Many people shortchange Jesus’ significance by not believing in His complete work, or by only sharing part of the message. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken explains why it is only the full story that represents the true work of God on Every Last Word.
Published 12/29/23
2 Corinthians 5:14-6:2 Most people seem to ask the wrong questions about God. Does God exist? Why is there so much evil in the world? If God is loving, why is there suffering? In reality, they are trying to figure out if God is acceptable to them. Today on Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken says that the real question should be, are we acceptable to God? And the answer – apart from salvation in Jesus Christ – is no.
Published 12/22/23
Luke 18:9-14 Perhaps you know someone who doesn’t steal or run with a bad crowd. They attend church, pray, and even give generously to the poor. Yet in spite of all the evident devotion, they don't appear to have saving faith. How can this be? Dr. Philip Ryken explains that our pious acts don’t improve our standing before God on Every Last Word.
Published 12/15/23
Ruth 4:1-22 Why did the eternal Son of God have to become a man? It’s a good question, and it connects two very important things – the person of Jesus Christ and his work. Sound a bit too theological? It’s really quite simple. Dr. Philip Ryken explains why the price to redeem us had to be paid by flesh and blood on Every Last Word.
Published 12/08/23
Exodus 15:1-21 If you were to ask people to describe the Bible, how do you think they would respond? Some would probably say it’s a story. Others, a collection of moral teachings. Or maybe just a piece of literature. Listen to Every Last Word as Dr. Philip Ryken explains that the Bible is indeed a story – but the important thing is whose story it is.
Published 12/01/23
Ephesians 1:3-14 Do you know that God’s saving grace is anticipated, accomplished, or applied on every page of the Bible? Christ is our salvation, and in him we are called, redeemed, forgiven, adopted, reconciled, sanctified, and finally, glorified. It’s God’s work from beginning to end. Dr. Philip Ryken explains God's plan of salvation from before the foundation of time on Every Last Word. 
Published 11/24/23
Isaiah 59:1-21 Have you thought about the sinfulness of sin? It may sound redundant, but sin has a compounding effect. It makes us feel ashamed and separates us from God. Even though we’re the ones who are guilty, we often blame it on God. And we’ve been doing that since Adam and Eve ate the apple. On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken points to our need for a Savior and the hope and promise of eternal life. 
Published 11/17/23
Genesis 3:7-24 Sin brings real consequences. It brings guilt and shame, and it’s not something we can cover over or hide. So what do we do? How do we pay the price? The answer? We don’t. Listen to Dr. Philip Ryken's encouragement from Genesis on Every Last Word. 
Published 11/10/23
Genesis 2:15-3:6 There are times when we each face the big questions of life. Who am I? Who is God? What is the purpose for my life? Many times these questions arise when we are facing a trial, or are at a significant crossroads in our lives. Dr. Philip Ryken reminds us that we are saved by grace, and saved by a God who is good and whose plans for us are good on Every Last Word.
Published 11/03/23
2 Kings 13:1-25 Most everyone has heard of Jesus’ resurrection from the tomb, but few know of the resurrections that took place in the Old Testament. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken shows how these Old Testament miracles point toward the work of Jesus on the cross on Every Last Word.
Published 10/27/23
2 Kings 12:1-21 Do you struggle with money? Many people have trouble managing their personal finances and are unclear about how to best serve God with the gifts He has given them. Dr. Philip Ryken shares how we are to be wise stewards of our God-given gifts on Every Last Word. 
Published 10/20/23
2 Kings 11:1-21 Joash, the youngest king in Israel's history, was in danger of losing his life before he ever took the throne. He was the last hope to continue the kingly line of David, which would ultimately lead to the birth of King Jesus. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken tells the story of how God providentially preserved the young king's life to ensure His promised heritage on Every Last Word. 
Published 10/13/23
2 Kings 10:1-36 Giving our whole heart to the Lord is challenging when our self-centered desires for pleasure, entertainment, and money are so strong.  But Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. How are we to do that? Dr. Philip Ryken exhorts us to unwavering devotion to God on Every Last Word. 
Published 10/06/23
2 Kings 9:1-37 Who are you accountable to in your day-to-day life? As we go about our work, tend to our gardens, watch sports, read books, or prepare to go to Church, many of us fail to consider our accountability to God or understand His divine justice. On Every Last Word, Dr. Philip Ryken explains how a clear understanding of God and His authority should impact every aspect of our lives.
Published 09/29/23
2 Kings 8:7-29 We all are very well aware of the presence of evil in our day, including among our political leaders. While the degree of good and evil in our kings and rulers varies, the Bible gives us basic principles for discerning these qualities in our leaders. Dr. Philip Ryken explains these principles from 2 Kings on Every Last Word. 
Published 09/21/23
2 Kings 8:1-6 In our culture, there tends to be a major emphasis on the importance of the individual above all else. For Christians, what this can lead to is an overemphasis on personal conversion and experience. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken explains how this overemphasis hasn’t always been helpful as it has led to an unhealthy view of the Christian life on Every Last Word.
Published 09/14/23
2 Kings 6:24-7:20 All throughout the Bible we hear about good news -- from the Old Testament declarations of a few hungry lepers to the accounts of the New Testament apostles. Listen as Dr. Philip Ryken highlights this good news on Every Last Word. 
Published 09/07/23
2 Kings 6:1-23 Often it seems like we are alone during life’s difficult times. This is especially true when we are blind to the realities of God's presence and are engulfed in spiritual darkness. Dr. Philip Ryken explains how the prophet Elisha’s example demonstrates that turning to God in prayer provides all the spiritual light we need against the forces of evil on Every Last Word.
Published 09/01/23
2 Kings 5:19b-27 A common adage says, "Money is the root of all evil!" You have likely heard this before, and there is obviously some truth to it. The love of money can easily become the object of someone’s greed, leading them into sin and eventually death. On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken explores this most relevant topic: the root of all evil. 
Published 08/25/23
2 Kings 4:1-19a Isn’t it much easier to forget the gifts we have received than to remember them with a grateful heart? This is a common problem for those following Jesus, because we quickly forget that the grace we received was free. We didn’t earn it! And that same free grace we received is what we are called to give others. Dr. Philip Ryken encourages us to remember God's amazing grace on Every Last Word. 
Published 08/18/23
2 Kings 4:38 Many of us take our material possessions and daily food for granted, but we must realize that everything we have is from God. Dr. Philip Ryken reminds us that it is out of God’s great providence that we are provided for regularly on Every Last Word.
Published 08/11/23
2 Kings 4:8-37 Many people spend their lives guarding against disappointment. Success always comes as something of a surprise to them, and failure confirms their suspicions. Certainly in some cases, not getting one’s hopes up may be prudent. But Dr. Philip Ryken explains why it's always appropriate to have high expectations when it comes to the promises of God.
Published 08/04/23
2 Kings 4:1-7 Widows and orphans have always had a special place in the Lord's heart, as is made clear throughout the Word of God. Join Dr. Philip Ryken as he explains why this means that they should also have a special place in the life and heart of the church on today's episode of Every Last Word.
Published 07/28/23
2 Kings 3:1-27 Where do we go to weather life’s storms? Do we turn to false gods and attempt to find refuge and peace through their passing pleasures? Or do we do what we are taught in the Bible and go to the Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit? On Every Last Word today, Dr. Philip Ryken shares why it's important to consider whom you will ask.
Published 07/21/23
2 Kings 2:19-25 People who call themselves God’s servants have a lot to live up to in terms of truly doing the Lord’s Kingdom work. They also have to deal with the worldly adversity that often comes with trying to do what is right. Join Dr. Philip Ryken on Every Last Word as he begins a new series on the prophet Elisha.
Published 07/14/23