How well can you understand your choices if you can't even identify how well you know yourself?  if you want to see the video hit here and comment https://youtu.be/4wbe8xXc_WU
Published 07/13/21
Fear is a possible future that may or may not ever happen.... So why do we get paralyzed from what might be over what is? Most of our fear comes from what if, but this could happen, or I sure hope this does not happen. Yet we dismiss what really happens and breeze by how often what we were afraid of... NEVER HAPPENS!  Scene is from After Earth with Will Smith
Published 07/12/21
The most important skill to practice! This is number 1 to be able to make good choices... you have to see them! 
Published 07/10/21
This is a basic foundation for my opinions in the future based on objective Challenging and the Golden Rule. 
Published 07/10/21