Steve performs a dance interpretation of "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". Actually, it's just Steven, Craig & Mike talking about Blonde on Blonde, the 1966 Double Album, its production, place in history and how dope 1966 was for music. They also discuss Dylan selling his catalog & the upcoming release of his 1970 sessions with George Harrison. 1st of a 2 part special. (This one has a few more cuss words)
Published 12/19/20
Episode 12 looks at Dylan's Christian/Gospel debut (we'll argue about that later) "Slow Train Coming". It's an album that's likely better than you remember and one that delves into Dylan's mindset after his divorce and in the early stages of his conversion to Christianity. Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin aren't theologians, but, they'll play one in this episode.
Published 12/05/20
Episode 11 looks at Bob Dylan's 2001 release "Love and Theft". Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin discuss the elements of theft, pretty lovingly.
Published 11/21/20
Episode 10 focuses on Dylan's 1976 follow-up to Blood on the Tracks, Desire. A rare collaborative effort, famous for "Hurricane", it contains 8 other songs. Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin, um, discuss the compositions? (If you love this record, we're gonna make you sad)
Published 11/07/20
Craig, Steven & Mike gush lovingly about an album that, well, isn't all that loving. But then again, also is. Here's a good book on the recording of the record as well, called "A Simple Twist of Fate" https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Twist-Fate-Andy-Gill/dp/0306814137/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3TY3C5KPJ06RS&dchild=1&keywords=a+simple+twist+of+fate&qid=1603494966&rnid=2941120011&s=books&sprefix=A+Simple+Twi%2Caps%2C536&sr=1-1
Published 10/24/20
Episode 8 looks at Dylan's final "Protest" Album, 1964's "The Times They Are a-Changin'" We discuss Dylan's work for Civil Rights, what songs still resonate today, and his relationship with Phil Ochs. Steve's compiled an Ochs playlist for your listening pleasure. as well. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6i9zTXrUuvnGJjBk2vgKDJ
Published 10/10/20
Craig Calcaterra, Mike Ferrin & Steven Goldman look at Dylan's Delta Blues inspired, "World Gone Wrong", talk about his new Theme Time Radio Hour episode and his place on the new Rolling Stones Top 500 albums list.
Published 09/26/20
Craig, Mike & Steven look at the Dylan/Lanois collaboration, that capped the 1980's for Dylan while hoping not to fall victim to the disease of conceit
Published 09/12/20
Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin take you throw the laughs and loves of Bob Dylan's most over produced album, Empire Burlesque. Who will profess their love for it? Who will feel shunned? Who will go out for cigarettes and never come back? Find out inside...
Published 08/15/20
Published 08/01/20
This time, Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin talk through The Basement Tapes, discussing not just the album, but the hundreds of recordings that Columbia didn't "officially" release in 1975. They also try to come up with an ultimate 12 track Basement Tape Album
Published 07/18/20
Craig Calcaterra, Steven Goldman & Mike Ferrin: 3 Friends & Baseball Writers talk Bob Dylan, and his new album "Rough & Rowdy Ways" in a recurring podcast that will look at Dylan's prolific career, and probably a little baseball from time to time
Published 07/03/20