OCD - What Is It? - Episode 5
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In Episode 5 we discuss Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We review the symptoms, treatment, and go over examples. OCD is more than having to be on time every where, or organizing your music collection alphabetically by genre.  We also look at the recent news from American Psychological Association, and how individuals within the professional organization were involved in consulting with the Department of Defense on torture during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Check out the New York Times article for more information.  http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/11/us/psychologists-shielded-us-torture-program-report-finds.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is when an individual is overcome with an unwanted thought, or feels compelled to do an unwanted action. This thought or action takes up significant parts of their day, and interferes with their day to day life. It is characterized by the following symptoms: Obsessions — unwanted intrusive thoughts Constant, irrational worry about dirt, germs, or contamination.  Excessive concern with order, arrangement, or symmetry.  Fear that negative or aggressive thoughts or impulses will cause personal harm or harm to a loved one.  Preoccupation with losing or throwing away objects with little or no value.  Excessive concern about accidentally or purposefully injuring another person.  Feeling overly responsible for the safety of others.  Distasteful religious and sexual thoughts or images.  Doubting that is irrational or excessive. Compulsions — ritualistic behaviors and routines to ease anxiety or distress Cleaning — Repeatedly washing one’s hands, bathing, or cleaning household items, often for hours at a time.  Checking — Checking and re-checking several to hundreds of times a day that the doors are locked, the stove is turned off, the hairdryer is unplugged, etc.  Repeating — Inability to stop repeating a name, phrase, or simple activity (such as going through a doorway over and over).  Hoarding — Difficulty throwing away useless items such as old newspapers or magazines, bottle caps, or rubber bands.  Touching and arranging  Mental rituals — Endless reviewing of conversations, counting; repetitively calling up “good” thoughts to neutralize “bad” thoughts or obsessions; or excessive praying and using special words or phrases to neutralize obsessions. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 2.2 million adults in the US suffer from OCD which is less than 1%. It is equal in men and women, and about 1/3 of people develop symptoms as children or adolescents.  Check out these sites for more information.  National Institute of Mental Heath - http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml   Anxiety and Depression Association of America - http://www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd   International OCD Foundation - https://iocdf.org/about-ocd/#obsessions   As always you can find me at www.drneilstafford.com, Dr Neil Stafford on Facebook, drneil06 on Instagram, and drseab on Twitter. You can email me directly at [email protected].
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