Published 11/14/22
Published 10/02/22
Published 04/25/22
SUMMARY: Offering insight into a new way of thinking. INTENTION: To help the listeners embrace pausing to evaluate your situation. EXCERPT: "I know I'm type-A." - Hilani RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Connect: Instagram Instagram video: Type a example
Published 04/11/22
SUMMARY: A lively discussion with the focus being leaders and their impact to both themselves and their human capital. INTENTION: Share relatable stories and inspiration for leaders and assistants to think about how they move about their work day.  EXCERPT: "Being a thoughtful listener results in better communication." Jaime RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Connect: Instagram Guest: Jaime Nespor Zawmon Sources: Titan100 Book Suggestion: The 5...
Published 03/28/22
SUMMARY: A collage of different guests sharing their answer to, "What advice would you give your younger self?" INTENTION: To remind the listeners the value of perspective and how information is tailored to you, by you. RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Connect: Instagram
Published 03/14/22
SUMMARY: A wonderful discussion with a passionate professional who has been intentional about her career evolution. INTENTION: Share a story and ideas around how you can approach achieving a promotion in your career. EXCERPT: "Leave it better than you found it." Chiereme RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Connect: Instagram ea University: The Clayton + Workshop
Published 02/28/22
SUMMARY: Grand thinking and a lack of patience may be hurting you and your career. INTENTION: To help the listeners embrace pausing to evaluate your situation. EXCERPT: "There are updates all around us, which is causing pressure to update ourselves too." - Hilani RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Connect: Instagram
Published 02/14/22
SUMMARY: A wonderful discussion with a seasoned professional who  has learned a lot about herself through the years and how she's more vulnerable with avoiding burnout. INTENTION: Share a very relatable story and journey from someone who gets it. EXCERPT: "Identifying what's going on and how to address what you need too. "  -  Nicole RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Connect: Instagram
Published 01/31/22
SUMMARY: A wonderful discussion with a new professional who took her first role out of college to be an executive assistant to a real estate broker. Travel back in time and remember your first admin job.  INTENTION: Remind the listeners about the beginning of their career so they can reflect on where they have traveled through the years. EXCERPT: "Take criticism well and know it's to make you better and stronger."  -  Gracie RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn...
Published 01/17/22
SUMMARY: This engaging discussion covers everything from leadership, attending meetings, learning about budgets, being more than "just" an assistant and how to position your brand in your role. INTENTION: To bring forward ideas on how to work stronger in your role that furthers you in your career. EXCERPT: "Your posture is everything and how you show up in your role impacts your fulfillment."  -  Joan RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari...
Published 01/03/22
SUMMARY: Properly labeling issues that happen at the office. INTENTION: To help the listeners listen and view their impact from a new place. EXCERPT: "How you label an issue at the office matters." - Hilani RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Connect: Instagram
Published 12/20/21
SUMMARY: Cover the importance of knowing how you add value and how that ties into moving the needle of your career. INTENTION: Give the listeners insight and tips on how to best articulate your value creation which support advancement and compensation desires.  EXCERPT: "Knowing where you create value is the biggest thing you need to be aware of in order to advance."  -  Sam RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Guest: Sam Reeve with...
Published 12/06/21
SUMMARY: How you frame your mindset about your career impacts the path in which you will travel! INTENTION: To bring forward for the listeners thoughts and ideas on how to stay positive (and happy) in your admin career. EXCERPT: "Identifying strategies to best approach your work load!"  -  Kellie RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Content: Franklin Covey Connect: Instagram
Published 11/22/21
SUMMARY: A three person discussion between Hilani and two admins who support an admin team committee of 30 professionals. INTENTION: To bring forward inspiration and tips associated with belonging to an admin team. EXCERPT: "I view my success by how much autonomy I have and projects I receive."  -  Sarah RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Tafari Travel Guest: Michele and Sarah Connect: Instagram
Published 11/08/21
SUMMARY: Many question should they make a career change. INTENTION: Gain insight into what you should be considering when making that shift. EXCERPT: "You won't be picking up coffee cups and water glasses anymore." - Hilani RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Connect: Instagram
Published 10/25/21
SUMMARY: Bring to the forefront, how staying stressed doesn't serve you in the end. INTENTION: To drill in (again) the importance of thinking about your health so you can be better at everything you have going on in your life.  EXCERPT: "Correct me if I'm wrong Hilani, but aren't assistants problem solvers and if so, isn't not having time a problem, therefore they are well equipped to solve this problem?"  -  Rachel RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Pearl...
Published 10/11/21
SUMMARY: An engaging conversation with Michelle Zellner covering all things that help you be a better being. INTENTION: You can never hear enough encouragement around nutrition, self-care, and happiness. This episode covers wisdom and tips that are easy to deploy that result in being a better being. EXCERPT: "If you are spending time, money and energy on things that really aren't important to you that's going to make your being deteriorate " -  Michelle RESOURCES: Discover:...
Published 09/27/21
SUMMARY: A fun and lively discussion about working in hospitality then moving to  an admin role. INTENTION: Expect to hear insight that sparks ideas on how to move professions, support your career shift desires, and thrive in a new career. EXCERPT: "Of two things, one is charitable assumptions."  -  Marie RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Pearl Street Lights Research: Charitable Assumptions Connect: Instagram
Published 09/13/21
SUMMARY: Embrace the onboarding period in a new role or when you are making a shift in your new role. INTENTION: Remind the listeners that day 1 is not day 366 on the job. EXCERPT: "You'll move from 1.0 to 1.1." - Hilani RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community
Published 08/30/21
SUMMARY: An engaging conversation with Joseph Brady for the betterment of growing your wealth. INTENTION: You can never hear enough encouragement around money and the importance of being open to discussing it. EXCERPT: "I'm committed to helping people understand money is a good thing to discuss." -  Joseph RESOURCES: Discover: Website Outreach: LinkedIn Community Resource: Pearl Street Lights Guest: Joseph Brady Concept: Behavior Gap (book), The Psychology of Money (book)
Published 08/16/21
SUMMARY: It's encouraging  to hear stories from the lens of a seasoned admin.  The profession has evolved through the years offering additional opportunity to be better in the future. Learning how much WE really have evolved inspires us to keep progressing. INTENTION: Revisiting the beginning of your career to where you are now, should remind you of your own evolution and greatness!  EXCERPT: "You really have to pay attention to what you're doing and how you're capturing information to be...
Published 08/02/21