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ELI5 Explain Like I'm Five Podcast
Explain Like I'm 5
Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast
Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.
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Ratings & Reviews
4.8 stars from 207 ratings
Love this podcast!
I’ve been Listening to your podcasts at night while I’m winding down and have found myself repeating some the new facts I’ve learnt from you during the following day. I did a shoot with Goretex recently and shared your podcast with the team! Super super interesting, keep up the great work
KellySouthAfrica via Apple Podcasts · South Africa · 04/19/24
Weekly listen
I’m into this show and listen every week
Khhhrrr667788 via Apple Podcasts · Singapore · 04/10/24
Good stuff
Good show, maybe do more complex topics?
MKULTRA83 via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/06/24
Recent Episodes
Can you explain the role of a jockey during a horse race? Why do horses start side by side in a race instead of a staggered start like in human races? How does horse racing differ from dog racing, and why is the latter often frowned upon? How betting odds work in horse racing? ... we explain...
Published 05/03/24
How did the NATO phonetic alphabet come about? Why were specific words chosen for each letter? Has it changed over time? Why is the number 9 spoken as “niner”? ... we explain like I'm five Thank you to the r/explainlikeimfive community and in particular the following users whose questions and...
Published 04/26/24
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