We explore how the potential to grow and perfect ourselves is a unique spiritual quality of human beings.
Published 12/29/20
Here we introduce the idea that there is a deep spiritual connection between the nation of Israel and the Torah.
Published 12/09/20
We’re exploring the concepts of heaven and hell, The Garden of Eden, the Messianic Era, and the Afterlife in the thought of Nachmanides.
Published 05/18/20
One of the pillars of our faith is that punishment and reward await us in the next world in accordance with our behavior in this world. It’s a fundamental believe, but it receives no mentioning in the Torah.
Published 09/23/19
Exploring the nuanced perspectives of the Ramchal, the Maharal, and Rav Kook on why God created the world.
Published 05/27/19
We find in the Talmud and Rishonim short ideas on the creation of the world that leave much to the imagination. We’ll explore those ideas and the depth behind them. Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/efroni-schlesinger/message
Published 05/16/19
We explore the one of the most fundamental questions in Jewish though, the reason for existence.
Published 05/02/19
Understanding the larger ideological implications of why God Created the world.
Published 03/18/19
Getting our questions answer and clarifying the different perspective on why we do Mitzvot
Published 02/28/19
Seeing the commandments as a system for eternal spiritual satisfaction: Rav Kook on Mitzvot
Published 02/14/19
Seeing the commandments as spiritually strengthening exercises- The Ramchal on Mitzvot
Published 02/03/19
The commandments as a purification of the soul: Mitzvot in the eyes of The Maharal
Published 01/28/19
The commandments as character refinement- performing the Mitzvot through the eyes of Nachmanides. 
Published 01/24/19
We explore the Rambam's perspective on the objective of performing mitzvot.
Published 01/22/19