Today we continue our exploration of miraculous healings, specifically those who have suffered from decades-long paralysis who are wonderfully healed.
Published 05/24/22
Two more stories of confirmed miraculous healing are before us today. You don’t often hear of one being healed of cerebral palsy, but today, in this episode, you will.
Published 05/13/22
You’re going to love this one! In this episode, we talk about the healing of a lady who was immobilized in a wheelchair for 15 years. It’s a beautiful story of God’s marvelous and miraculous power.
Published 05/10/22
In this episode we hear of even more documented cases of miraculous healing of those who once were blind.
Published 05/06/22
In our continuing analysis of Craig Keener’s book, Miracles Today, we look in this episode at several documented accounts of blind eyes being healed.
Published 05/03/22
In this episode, we explore stories of healing from cancer, specifically pancreatic cancer.
Published 04/29/22
We continue exploring the miraculous work of God in healing the sick. Prayer is powerful, as we once again learn of what God does when his people faithfully seek him.
Published 04/26/22
Today we continue our journey through documented incidents of truly miraculous healing.
Published 04/22/22
In this episode, we look at accounts of healing at the Roman Catholic Shrine of Lourdes, France. We also hear stories of people being healed of serious brain damage. Be encouraged!
Published 04/15/22
In this episode, we continue hearing about miraculous healings as chronicled in Craig Keener’s book, Miracles Today.
Published 04/12/22
In this episode I tell several stories of miraculous healing, specifically involving infants in the womb and soon after birth.
Published 04/08/22
Today I share with you an incredible story of the miraculous healing of a woman burdened to near death by MS and other physical complications. I trust you will be encouraged to continue to pray for the sick and ask God to bring healing to those in your life who are suffering.
Published 04/05/22
This is the final episode devoted to unpacking and critiquing what is known as Progressive Christianity. My final word of counsel is that you should purchase Michael Kruger’s book and read it closely and carefully. You won’t regret it!
Published 04/01/22
We are fast approaching the conclusion of this series based on Michael Kruger’s book, The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity. In this episode we examine the sixth, seventh, and eighth of the ten.
Published 03/29/22
Today we explore the fourth and fifth of the so-called ten commandments of progressive Christianity, as explained in Michael Kruger’s book, The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity.
Published 03/25/22
In this episode we continue our study of Michael Kruger’s book on the nature of so-called “progressive Christianity.” Here we discuss the second and third of the “ten commandments” of this movement.
Published 03/22/22
Today we begin a series of podcasts based on Michael Kruger’s excellent book, The Ten Commandments of Progressive Christianity. The first of these ten concerns the view of Jesus himself. What do so-called “progressive Christians” believe about Jesus?
Published 03/18/22
In this fourth episode on one of the more sensational and controversial topics in the book of Revelation, we explore the meaning of the “mark of the Beast” and the number 666. Enjoy!
Published 03/15/22
We’ve now arrived at that text in Revelation 13 that speaks of the False Prophet. Who or what is this, and what influence does this beast from the earth have today? We seek to answer those and other questions in this episode.
Published 03/11/22
In this episode we continue our exploration of Revelation 13 and what John says about the Beast and his/its persecution of the people of God.
Published 03/08/22
Who or what is the Beast of Revelation 13? Is this the end-time Antichrist? And what is the relationship between Satan and this beast that arises out of the sea?
Published 03/04/22
In this final episode on Christian Hedonism we turn to the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul and observe how the “joy” of the people to whom he ministered was his ultimate and allconsuming goal. Why? Because Paul knew what we’ve seen repeatedly in these programs, that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied and joyful in him.
Published 03/01/22
In this episode, we continue to explore and unpack the practical implications of Christian Hedonism and how it empowers our pursuit of holiness in Jesus.
Published 02/25/22
What exactly is David saying to us in Psalm 37:4 when he commands us to delight ourselves in the Lord and he will give us the desires of our heart? Is this an endorsement of the prosperity gospel? We’ll explore this verse in this and the next episode to find an answer.
Published 02/22/22
Of what practical benefit is Christian Hedonism? How does joy and delight in God serve to strengthen me against the temptations of the world, the flesh, and the devil? In this episode we answer those questions.
Published 02/18/22