We have all heard those bump in the night stories... welcome to mine... Its all well and good hearing the bump as if that would not be scary enough but imagine seeing the thing that caused the bump. Welcome to another creepy pasta story that will probably not make you want to investigate another sound in the middle of the night again.
Published 12/01/23
What's worse... Your house being haunted or you? Either or is bad enough right? What would you do? Well this family called Ed and Lorraine Warren! As soon as you hear those names you know things have to be bad! Join me as I speak about the Smurl Family Haunting, which has been described by many as the worst case ever recorded. Join me where I will ask the questions and give it the FFB treatment.
Published 11/24/23
Wether ur a drinker or not... We all love going to a good old fashion country pub! The location and the atmosphere create's this location.. But some are just not as same as others... And this place completes that last statement... Join me as I ask the question... Could a 900 year old pub be haunted? Could it be one of the most haunted places in the world?
Published 11/16/23
This family done something you should not have done... and especially on Halloween... Could this family have been haunted? Could this mother have been violently attacked by a demon? could this family been haunted by one of the most dominant demons out there? Join me as I ask these questions.
Published 11/10/23
In 1942 the United States of America was attacked by a foreign nation on their own soil.. But what was to happen later was completely different... Alarm bells rung and shots were fired, But what did they fire on? Join me as I ask those questions...
Published 11/03/23
Welcome to this Halloween Special that can be listened too at anytime. On this episode I will be reading a creepy pasta that I produced and narrated myself, This episode will take you to the deepest darkest places your mind will have ever been to. This is probably one of the most scariest stories I have ever written.
Published 10/31/23
Can a film really be cursed??? With the halloween season coming up and with us all watching as many scary movies as we can, Could this really have been true? Join me as I ask those questions.
Published 10/27/23
Are these things real? Can they really help you speak to loved ones? Or is this just a way for evil entities to torment and punish you? Join me as I ask these questions on probably the most scariest podcast I have ever done.
Published 10/19/23
Join me as we delve into the unknown and look at the haunted goings on at The Eastern State Penitentiary and the infamous Sallie House. Are these really haunted? are they scary? Join me as we uncover the truth and give them the FFB treatment.
Published 10/13/23
How Haunted can a house be? if it was... What would you do? Would you stay there? sell it? Its a question that I don't think I could answer and I think for many its a question we would never like to hear. But for one family they had this and they had to stay... Join me as I delve into the Ammons Family Haunting. Link to Demon House Doc - https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8gutic
Published 10/06/23
From a land that promises Happiness... Laughter... Joyfulness... A land that wants to create an everlasting memory... To Secret Society's... The Occult... To some of the most disturbing things known to society... All this in one of the best known theme parks of the world... Join me as I answer these questions.
Published 09/29/23
What did they see? Was it a UFO? a UAP? Could it have been a secret military plane? How comes the military tried to hide it? Join me where I answer these questions.
Published 09/21/23
Best friends forever right??? We have all said it... And this is why this creepy pasta got me!!! Friends come and go... Its a fact that some people don't want to hear... I get it... The true friends know that even tho we don't speak, your my friend for life! And this is why this creepy pasta got me! So join me on this FFB Podcast
Published 09/14/23
Was this the worst experiment ever carried out? Should a top university have been allowed to do this sort of thing in the first place? This the sort of thing you would read in a creepy pasta story!! You could never imagine it real... or could you? FFB?
Published 09/01/23
People say its a cartoon right? But what if? What if it could be more? Join me where I will be asking the question is this real?Could this be the lost episode of a show we all love? Or is it really just a creepy pasta? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtQjEb5tUcg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eCouZsQVmo
Published 08/24/23
This is a first for me.... 2 short horror stories that I read and i felt that I needed to share... and to be honest they scared the hell out of me!!! Warning too this episode is not for everyone.
Published 08/17/23
Myth? Legend? or Adventure? Its weird when you watch movies now... Like Indiana Jones, National Treasure and the Goonies but are then told this kind of treasure hunting could really be true... Join me on this journey where I will be discussing hidden treasures.. has it been found? or where is it now... #FFB
Published 08/11/23
Most people say that The Rendlesham Forest Incident is the UK's Roswell, I say different... This incident that happened went far far deeper... Dogfight.. UFO shot down.. The notorious MIB and much more. This for me is up there as one of the most mysterious things to happen on UK soil. So join me where I ask the questions and give it the FFB treatment.
Published 08/04/23
Is Dering Woods/Forest the Most haunted in the UK? Join me as I speak about the ghostly things that have been seen in there as well as some of things that have been found in there... This is truly terrifying! Then I will be asking the all important question Fact? Fiction? or Bullsh#t?. Warning this episode might not be for everyone.
Published 07/28/23
This episode is not for the faint hearted.. This episode for me scared me senseless.. If you can imagine a horror story crossed with a home invasion then this is it... What would you do if you were home alone and you heard a noise.. You heard a rustle in your garden... you looked out your window and you see someone starring right back at you.... This is what this episode is about...
Published 07/20/23
The attack they did not want you to know about!.. Why...? How comes the normal person don't know? Join me on this journey! So many questions... Could this be the 1st incursion onto US Land? and if so by who? As you can see, this is the reason why I had to look into this and do this podcast.
Published 07/14/23
Did a United States warship really get buzzed by a UFO? Maybe... did she get buzzed by loads who knows!!! On this podcast I will be asking those questions... Disclosure is real and the truth is out there... https://youtu.be/aPZM3bgTQ7g https://youtu.be/ZKyP79v9e84
Published 07/07/23
Worlds scariest? fake? money maker? Is this doll the worst thing ever? Join me on this journey into the most darkest and depraved depths of the world.
Published 06/30/23
Sorry folks they took our video!!! I wanted to link the video but they removed it!!! Is he telling the truth? I was on the line myself but after this anything is possible.. Its amazing, someone comes out to tell us all alien life is real in our universe and on tv, only for someone to say no and wipe all the evidence. Join me where I will ask the question was David Grusch telling the truth? and could we really be housing aliens on our planet?
Published 06/23/23
You have seen the series on Netflix but now understand the real life story of these true life events. Could you handle knowing that your own home is being watched? Could you cope knowing that said person knows your name as well as your kids? This is truly terrifying for me! Join me where I tell the story of 657 Boulevard and what really happened, And also who I actually think who the watcher truly is.
Published 06/16/23