On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce welcomes three Anglican guests from the US, England, and New Zealand to discuss the status of the Church of England. There will be a discussion on all the good that has come from the Church, but also the downfall in recent years. The panel will also discuss the importance of GAFCON and its direction.
Published 02/03/24
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce and his wife, Claire, will be discussing the importance of marital blessings within the Church. In a world that has produced chaos and confusion on the subject, the Churches have fallen victim to cultural pressure. The Churches across the world have engaged in major debates regarding the subject of same-sex marriage, where historical and biblical teachings are abundantly clear on the matter. Our desire is to confront this issue head-on, but also...
Published 01/23/24
On this Episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will share their long journey that put them on the path to join the Anglican Communion. This was the most requested episode in the last survey, and we hope you enjoy both Stephen and Tyler sharing their perspective of the Christian faith and how God shaped it over the years. For more in-depth discussions on Baptism and Eucharist, there are videos we have done on these subjects already. For Baptism:...
Published 01/22/24
Roman Catholic, Erick Ybarra, is returning for his second episode to discuss the newest developments from the Vatican. Pope Francis has made some interesting statements about Hell and Cardinal Fernandez has been under fire with a book he wrote very early on which had sexually explicit content in it. Tune-in as Stephen and Erik discuss the current issues the Vatican faces. Here's Erick's recent video that what mentioned in the livestream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI5H2C77raU
Published 01/20/24
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen will discuss the historical approach to the offices of Priest (or Presbyter) and Deacon. Can women be qualified for these offices? What did the early church and their councils teach on this matter? Listen-in and learn more about the subject.
Published 01/14/24
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will finish their mini-series on the Letters of Ignatius of Antioch. The final two letters are both written to the Smyrna region. One is written to the congregation and the other to its leader, Polycarp.
Published 01/10/24
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will discuss the development of the Gospel of Matthew from the Hebrew Dialect to Greek. He will spend time dealing with the potential eyewitnesses who were involved and why there's so much confusion when putting the Gospels in order.
Published 01/06/24
Happy New Year to all our listeners! This episode of FACTS will be a challenge to our audience to think deeply about 2024. Dr. Boyce will walk the audience through John Chrystostom's "A Homily for the New Year" to give us ideas to think through.
Published 01/01/24
The Roman Catholic Church is battling great schism over the most recent document released by Pope Francis and the blessing of same-sex couples. Cardinal Fernandez released a full explanation of the statements and clarified Rome's position on the subject of marriage. Even with explanation, many Catholics are still disgruntled with the direction. There's too many questions unanswered and concerns for the direction of the church. On this livestream, Stephen is joined by Roman Catholic, Erick...
Published 12/27/23
On this special episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will explore the incarnation and the celebration of God becoming a man by multiple Church Fathers such as: Ignatius of Antioch, Irenaeus of Lyon, Justin Martyr, Cyril of Jerusalem, Gregory Nazianzen, John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, Mathetes to Diognetus, Athanasius of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, and Ephrem the Syrian. Merry Christmas to all!
Published 12/25/23
What did the Office of Deacon look like in the early church? On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce will explore the writings of Ignatius, Justin Martyr, and Pliny the Younger to investigate the true practice of a Deacon.
Published 12/19/23
On this episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler discuss the importance of church unity and dedication. This is part 2 of the short series on Ignatius' letter and will be covering his letters to the Philadelphians and Romans.
Published 12/15/23
This is part one of three in a short series on the seven letters of Ignatius. Each episode will give an overview of each letter, along with an application of how the modern church can learn from the ancient one.
Published 12/10/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce continues the series on the Twelve Apostles. This episode will cover the life, death, and ministry of Judas not Iscariot. This episode will also cover the discrepancies about his name.
Published 12/03/23
This is part 3 of the mini-series covering the Trail of Blood Myth. On this episode, Dr. Stephen Boyce and co-host Tyler West will be discussing the first ever Baptist congregation and why the movement began. They will also discuss the great schisms between the early Baptists and why it is difficult to trace origins.
Published 11/22/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce continues the series on the life of the Apostles. This episode will cover the life, ministry, writings, and potential martyrdom of John.
Published 11/18/23
On this Episode of FACTS, Stephen and Tyler will covering part 2 of the mini-series on the Baptist Trail of Blood. This episode will cover three groups that J.M. Carroll alleges to be the earliest Baptists: Paulicians, Albigensians, and Waldensians
Published 11/12/23
This episode with be part 1 of 3 discussion between Dr. Stephen Boyce and guest Contributor, Tyler West. They will respond to J.M. Carroll's book from the 1930's and discuss why the history is extremely unreliable. They will also discuss why there are Baptist sects that still use Carroll's chart to trace their belief system back to the Apostles. This episode will consist of two major groups that Carroll uses on the chart for the earliest evidence of Baptist practices.
Published 11/05/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce will walk through Seventh-day Sabbatarianism. Did Constantine change the day of the week that Christians worshipped on in 321 AD? This episode will cover the biblical, historical, and spiritual concepts surrounding "The Lord's Day" and when the Christian Churches gathered for worship each week.
Published 10/15/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce examines the life of Judas Iscariot. Did he find true repentance after betraying Jesus? What was the motivation for his betrayal? Do the Gospel accounts contradict each other about who purchased the Field of Blood? Also, do they contradict each other with narrative about Judas' death? All of these questions will be answered in this episode.
Published 10/07/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce discusses the idea of anonymous Gospels being accepted by the Apostolic churches. Would this ever take place? Isn't that what the consensus of scholars believe today? The listener will be walked through the writings of the Lawyer Tertullian, who was in the churches of North Africa, and how the churches rejected anonymous writings and tested writings with Apostles' names on them.
Published 10/03/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce walks the audience through the probability of Bartholomew and Nathaniel being the same person within the four Gospels. He will also examine both heretical and historical writings attributed to his name. The program will conclude with the differing stories about his death and whether or not he took the Gospel of Matthew with him to India.
Published 09/24/23
On this Episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce draws from a principle of succession from a Galaxy far, far away. He will spend a large portion of time working through Tertullian's writings, along with Paul's letters to Timothy, to demonstrate how the texts of the New Testament were preserved.
Published 09/16/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Boyce walks the listener through the biblical, historical, and apocryphal accounts of the life, ministry, and death of Peter. He also goes through the controversial passage about Jesus' proclamation to him in Matthew 16 and gives his personal opinion.
Published 09/10/23
On this episode of FACTS, Dr. Stephen Boyce goes over the historical and legend accounts describing the life, ministry, and death of the Apostle Simon. He will also go through the different opinions of what "Zealot" means in the Luke and Acts, and if most English translations do a good job of translating Καναναῖος or Κανανίτης in Matthew and Mark's accounts of Simon.
Published 09/02/23