Each year 1 in 5 women will experience a mental health condition such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and so many others.  Women are twice as likely as men to experience any of those conditions, yet are less likely to seek treatment for their symptoms. Barriers to women accessing help include cost / lack of insurance, lack of awareness to treatment options, lack of time, lack of accessible resources and stigma.    My guest today is on a mission to destigmatize women's mental health issues and...
Published 11/12/21
Losing a loved one is one of the most painful human experiences.   The grief that follows can be deep and prolonged.  But there are skills we can learn to help us when grief of any kind finds us.  I absolutely loved conversing with and learning from AmarAtma Khalsa about Grief, Loss and Resilience.  We hope this episode brings you some hope! *************** In this episode, AmarAtma and I discuss Healing Pain from Grief including answers to the following questions: - How did AmarAtma...
Published 11/08/21
Have you or someone you love experienced grief?   We all have.  We usually think about grief as it relates to the loss of a loved one.   But in today's episode Dr. Yvonne Ator and I are discussing grief as it relates to all the other types of loss we may encounter...  the loss of a job, a friendship, your health, a marriage, a child going away to college, the ability to bear children, and so many more.  Dr. Ator is passionate about helping people, especially physicians, thrive through their...
Published 11/04/21
Have you or someone you love been prescribed a benzodiazepine like Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Librium, Restoril or Klonopin? Did you know that they: - are among the most commonly prescribed psychotropic medications in the U.S.? - have significant potential for physical dependence and addiction? - can cause life-threatening overdose or withdrawal syndrome? - should be tapered and not stopped abruptly? My guest today is on a mission to educate and inform patients and physicians about...
Published 10/25/21
If you live in a human body, this show is for you.  And if you haven't heard about Trauma Informed Care, you should learn about it now as it will change the way healthcare is delivered to our patients.  Trauma is not a specific event.  It is an experience or the way someone experiences an event.  The experience of trauma or traumatic events become part of our biology. Therefore the Trauma-Informed approach to healing is to first give our bodies the tools to deal with the negative impact of...
Published 10/22/21
In this episode, Sex Therapist Dr. Melanie Modjoros & I discuss Getting Your Sexy Back After Breast Cancer including answers to the following questions: *************** - What is a sexual medicine counselor and how did Dr. Modjoros become one? - Why are patients, especially women, reluctant to discuss dissatisfaction in their intimate / sex lives? - How can medical issues contribute to or exacerbate intimacy / sexuality issues? - What are the primary intimacy / sexuality issues related...
Published 10/08/21
In this episode, Board Certified Public Health & Preventive Medicine Physician Dr. Jordana Rothschild & I discuss The Biology of Stress including answers to the following questions: *************** - Is stress harmful? - What is the physiologic mechanism of stress? - How does stress change the body? - How does the body adapt to stress? - Does the body know the difference between life-threatening stress and small stressors? - Can we retrain our brains to reduce our stress? - What is...
Published 10/01/21
In this episode, Family Physician Dr. Catherine Harmon-Toomer & I discuss Patient Self-Advocacy including answers to the following questions: *************** - How did Dr. Toomer's own health scare lead her to a career as a patient advocate coach? - Why does Dr. Toomer use weight loss / management as the center of her practice? - Why don't patients visit a Lifestyle Medicine or Preventive Medicine doctor before they become ill? - Why do patients with multiple medical problems sometimes...
Published 09/03/21
In this episode, Intimacy Expert Dr. Alexandra Stockwell & I discuss Uncompromising Intimacy including answers to the following questions: - Why is it taboo to talk about sex and intimacy? - Do we have to choose between a stable, supportive friendship type of relationship and a fiery, passionate one?   Or can we have it all? - How does the show Sex / Life reflect the loneliness and isolation that can develop in a relationship over time? - What happens when the romance in a relationship...
Published 08/27/21
In this episode, Board Certified Family Physician Dr. Nicole Swiner & I discuss The Superwoman Complex including answers to the following questions: - How did Doc Swiner realize she was burned out? - How does the stress of trying to do it all relate to illness? - How are busy people supposed to find more time for self care? - What are some strategies to optimize your productivity and thus leave more time for self-care? - How do you find / make time for self-care? - How can you optimize...
Published 08/20/21
In this episode, Board Certified Ob/GYN Dr. Hajira Yasmin & I discuss Menopause & Treatment Options / Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) including answers to the following questions: - What is menopause? - How are women with symptoms of menopause evaluated? - Should women be expected to just live with symptoms of menopause? - Why is lifestyle so important to the menopausal woman? - How do hormones affect overall health? - What can we do to prepare for menopause? - What are the...
Published 07/23/21
In this episode, dietician-turned-Board Certified Family & Lifestyle Medicine Physician Dr. Lynn Stiff & I discuss Intuitive & Mindful Eating including answers to the following questions: - Why did Dr. Stiff go to medical school after becoming a dietitian? - How does our lifestyle affect our health? - What is Lifestyle Medicine? - How does LIfestyle Medicine differ from Integrative Medicine? - Can supplements & botanicals dangerous? - How are your nutrition & weight...
Published 07/16/21
In this episode, Board Certified Internist  Dr. Kara Pepper and I discuss Recovering from Burnout & Perfectionism including answers to the following questions: - How do women begin to assess who we are , what we like and what we want to do? - How do we find our calling? - Why do we allow ourselves to live with a certain level of discomfort? - How do we identify, acknowledge & honor our needs? - What is burnout? - How do we deal with shaming from other people, especially other...
Published 07/09/21
In this episode, Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician Dr. Anne-Caroline Norman and I discuss Preparing for Common Family Emergencies including answers to the following questions:  - Is COVID improving and will we be able to travel again soon? - What are the most common family emergencies we can prepare our home and family for? - What do we need to prepare for wound care, allergic reactions and pain? - What supplies should we bring when travelling? - How do we know a situation is...
Published 07/02/21
In this episode, Board Certified Pulmonologist and Mindfulness teacher Dr. Ni-Cheng Liang and I discuss Mindfulness and Meditation in Medicine including answers to the following questions:  - What is Integrative Medicine?   -  How does it differ from Complementary and Alternative Medicine? - How did Dr. Liang’s personal experience with cancer lead her to become a mindfulness instructor? - How did Complementary and Integrative Medicine help Dr. Liang during her cancer and treatment? - What...
Published 06/25/21
In this episode, Board Certified Pediatrician & Sleep Expert Dr. Nilong Vyas and I discuss Healthy Sleep for Infants and Children including answers to the following questions:  - How can expectant families prepare to welcome baby home?  - Whats is the best way for  families develop good sleep habits from the birth?  - Do newborns need a sleep schedule? - Is it possible to breastfeed and create a healthy sleep schedule? - Does sleep training, or the Cry-It-Out Method, work?  Is it...
Published 06/04/21
In this episode, Board Certified Cardiologist Dr. Nicole Harkin and I discuss Whole Heart Health including answers to the following questions: - How do you identify and reduce cardiovascular risk if you have a strong family history?  - How much does stress contribute to the development of heart disease and what can we do to reduce stress? - Does heart disease really begin in childhood? - How do we encourage more young people to engage in a heart healthy lifestyle? - Which diet is best for...
Published 05/21/21
In this episode, Dr. Kim D'Eramo and I explore EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - to Reverse Pain, Illness and Fatigue.  Dr. D'Eramo explains how EFT works, how to do it yourself and gives us additional resources to further our knowledge and experience with EFT.  ***************** Kim D'Eramo, D.O.  is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician who attended residency at Emory University.   She is a conscious physician, bestselling author of The MindBody Tool Kit, and founder of The...
Published 05/15/21
In this episode, Infectious Disease Specialist Dr. Rajeev Fernando and I discuss COVID-19 including answers to the following questions: - How did the pandemic start and how did it get so bad? - How did Dr. Fernando get involved in public education on coronavirus? - How is the US doing with the vaccine program? - How do we reach herd immunity? - What do we need to be able to return to normal? - When will we be able to travel internationally? - Are the vaccines safe? Were they rushed to...
Published 05/08/21
In this episode, Board Certified Trauma Surgeon Dr. Nii Darko interviews ME.  Together we discuss: - Why I decided to start a podcast, - What is Osteopathic Medicine and Osteopathic Manipulation, - What is the difference between and M.D. and a D.O.  - What is the difference between a D.O. and a chiropractor, - How Preventive Medicine and Therapeutic Lifestyle changes can help you live a healthier life,  - What are the goals of the podcast, - How patients can find reliable information,...
Published 04/30/21