C. S. Lewis's final novel Till We Have Faces is a novelization and adaptation of the Roman myth "Cupid and Psyche." Rather than tell the story from Psyche's perspective, Lewis tells it from her sister's, a character with no name in the original myth. In this multi-layered and very difficult novel, the main character hears a strange pronouncement about her fate from the god of love. "You are also Psyche." This short sentence is one of several short pronouncements that acts like keys to...
Published 03/28/22
In this episode of "Fantasy for our Time," fantasy author Nicholas Kotar tackles the difficult task of addressing the war in Ukraine. As a creator of epic fantasy stories inspired by Russian fairy tales, and as someone with deep Russian roots, the complex narrative of the conflict has served to be a point of extreme internal tension.  How can we resolve such internal tensions in a society of isolation, with no communal mechanism for inner healing and catharsis? Kotar explains how the...
Published 03/21/22
In this first episode of "Fantasy for our Time," fantasy author Nicholas Kotar explains his premise for the podcast. This isn't a review podcast, though there will be discussions of fantasy books old and new. Using a framework developed on the Science Fiction podcast by Damien Walter, Kotar critiques works of classic and new fantasy (and occasionally, sci-fi) rather than reviews them. In other words, these stories that we read are more than our personal likes and dislikes (reviews). They...
Published 03/14/22
Join me in my cozy corner of the internet to learn what you can expect from my new podcast!
Published 03/02/22