The Foreign Aid Challenge and What YOU Can Do About It: The Global Soap Project and CARE
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Derreck Kayongo, CNN Top 10 Hero, discusses the foreign aid challenge as a context for his Global Soap Project and CARE. Sponsored by the KSU Democracy Project, the Department of First-Year Programs and University College. The Global Soap Project collects discarded soap from hotels and reprocesses it into new bars that are given to vulnerable populations throughout the world. They work with organizations that have existing operations in these communities to ensure the soap is distributed to those in need, with the goal of improving health through personal hygiene. The Atlanta-based Global Soap Project collect used hotel soap from across the United States. Instead of ending up in landfills, the soaps are cleaned and reprocessed for shipment to impoverished nations such as Haiti, Uganda, Kenya and Swaziland. Each year, more than 2 million children die from diarrheal illness -- the approximate population of San Antonio, Texas. According to the World Health Organization, these deaths occur almost exclusively among toddlers living in low-income countries. "The issue is not the availability of soap. The issue is cost," Kayongo said. "Make $1 a day, and soap costs 25 cents.
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