Sometimes we are called (or ordered) to get up and go! This might provoke us to ask ourselves “Did I accomplish everything God called me to do?” It’s easy to just plug along and forget we are on a mission. We may forget our God and Savior Jesus Christ has saved us for a purpose…right now, wherever we may find ourselves, and wherever He may send us. Are you going places?
Published 07/30/22
We are all motivated or compelled by something. Every person has an agenda. That said, what is God’s motivation? His agenda? Those who know Him, know He’s interested…invested in reconciling sinful mankind to Himself through Jesus Christ. But why? To put it simply—He is good! Through and through, He is good. His motive, inclination, mercies and grace are rooted in His goodness. I hope you will be inspired to remember how good He has been to you and yours.
Published 07/23/22
When it comes to God in Christ, the cross and resurrection, if you know, you know! If you know Jesus, and he knows you, you want to live for him out of gratitude for what he’s done on the cross. If you don’t know Jesus, it’s all going to seem weird and maybe even foolish or stupid to you. This podcast addresses the fact that salvation has appeared to all mankind, but not all are saved.
Published 07/16/22
Our world (and the church for that matter) is full of characters—interesting people of all kinds! Establishing the local church in 1st century world, and specially on the little island of Crete, came with many challenges. And while many of the Cretans (especially the religious types) were described by Paul as “liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons”, the apostle Paul had better things in mind for Titus and the church there, saying, “But as for you…” (Titus 2:1-10)
Published 07/09/22
For many of us, “independence” simply carries the idea of “being on our own.” For the founding fathers of the United States and the people of the first 13 Colonies, true independence would not come without deliverance from Britain’s king and government—this meant war. They began fighting for their freedom in April 1775 and would do so until September 3, 1783. Even so, while human rights come from one Creator God, true freedom and independence cannot be experienced apart from deliverance from...
Published 07/04/22
Speaking truth may be misunderstood as “name-calling.” Some profess to know God, but their actions, words, beliefs & values say otherwise. When it comes to preserving the truth, and specifically addressing those propagating lies, it will take courage. In this episode Paul instructs Titus in appointing those qualified to preach truth and confront lies infiltrating the church at Crete.
Published 07/02/22
Do you see time as a blessing or a curse? We hate waiting, but we only know what it feels like to wait because we have time to measure the experience. That said, time is meant to be a gift given us to measure healing and growth, to gain evidences to trust again, to celebrate relationships, anniversaries, to mark significant milestones in our lives. In Titus (1:1-4), Paul writes “in hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began…”
Published 06/25/22
What good thing can you do to make your witness more effective? Is there someone you should let go? Is there someone you should receive? Is there someone you should forgive? Is there someone to whom you should prove yourself trustworthy? Paul’s letter to his friend Philemon helps us address these questions, because those forgiven forgive.
Published 06/18/22
“Contend earnestly for the faith” Jude said, “which was once for all delivered to the saints.“ The saints— not a title granted by some church council, but the very status and position of every true and spirit filled believer in Jesus Christ. In his closing remarks (Jude1:20-25), Jude provides practical instructions for living in holiness.
Published 06/11/22
The reality is, when fighting for the truth, sometimes the combat zone is not “out there”; it’s in the church. Our opponents are those who may claim to be Christian when they are actually apostates (those who’ve renounced fundamental gospel truths)! Jude (1:16-19) calls believers to remember Jesus’ teachings delivered to them by the apostles. In this octagon (if you will) it’s the word of the apostles versus the apostates.
Published 06/04/22
Jude warns of those who do not know or love the Lord Jesus; who want to consume you and I and our resources; they want the benefits of what we share (fellowship, closeness, peace with God, biblical knowledge), but only in the sense of being members of a religious community club. And then there are those who do you believe in and love Jesus, but treat the church in the same way (religious community club). This episode (Jude 1:12-15) discusses the believer’s response to consumer “Christianity”.
Published 05/28/22
Jude notes those who’ve crept into the church unnoticed. Selfish ambition, sexual immorality and rejection of authority are hallmark traits of those not holding fast the faith of Christ. This podcast addresses just how we are to address the infiltration of those in our midst who have no intention of loving or obeying God in Christ.
Published 05/21/22
Weird = “involving or suggesting the supernatural; unearthly or uncanny” (Dictionary.com). Many in the church have been so super naturally neutered that when asked about the parting of the Red Sea, bread falling from heaven, water coming from a rock, the ground opening up to swallow thousands of rebellious unbelievers, or the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they are tempted to either scientifically explain it away, or pass it off as an allegory or figure of speech. Jude calls his audience to...
Published 05/07/22
While our fight is spiritual—largely against rogue angels and demons—we cannot ignore the fact Satan enlists human beings to do much of his dirty work. This may take the form of initially unsuspecting persons (unbelievers) in the church who aim to pervert gospel-truths and promote sinful living. Jude’s letter calls believers to fight for the truth. This episode (Jude 1:1-4) discusses how we may do that, starting by keeping our head on a swivel.
Published 04/30/22
What is our response to someone who wanders from the truth? The apostle James says (5:19-20) our intervention may very well save someone’s soul from death and “cover a multitude of sins.” There is, however, no cookie-cutter intervention, and we’ve got to check our own hearts before we address others’ sins. The truth of the matter is, we’ve got to be prayed up, walking in the Spirit, to know whether they need a hug or a holy hand grenade! This podcast discusses how we might go about knowing...
Published 04/23/22
How does Jesus’ sacrifice 2,000+ years ago affect you and me today? This episode discusses the relevance of Jesus death and the significance of His resurrection. Because He lives, we can face tomorrow!
Published 04/16/22
A Good Friday message! Sharing ancient passages (Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53), reflecting on Jesus’ passion—bogus trials, betrayal, false accusations against Him; physical assault and ultimately the murder of the only real good person who ever lived. Jesus died the death penalty you and I should have died. This is why it is called “Good Friday”!
Published 04/15/22
Looking at one of the most powerful, prophetic, and emotionally charged days in human history. Palm Sunday or Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem was foretold by the prophets of YHWH more than 500 years prior. This segment discusses Jesus courage as well as the prophetic nature of our Scriptures. Hosanna!!!
Published 04/09/22
Why don’t we pray as we ought to? Prayer can seem boring. We think our problems are too small to “bother God.” We don’t have time. We’re afraid of sounding stupid compared to others. Maybe we’re so convinced of God’s sovereignty we don’t pray because we know He’s got this! Regardless our feelings, James (5:13-18) tells us to pray until something happens (PUSH).
Published 04/02/22
Amidst our plans and ambitions we should seek God’s will. Sounds simple, but how are we to respond to suffering and loss, like when people hurt us or those we love? Sometimes God calls us to wait, and wait quietly. The problem is we feel waiting is passive and our silence to be weak. James says otherwise (James 5:1-12)
Published 03/19/22
We have a tendency to measure success by setting and achieving goals. But God measures success different than we do. Where you and I may think we have arrived by getting to a certain place or position, or receiving some token of success, God measures success in increments of faithfulness. This podcast discusses our plans and discerning God’s will (James 4:13-18)
Published 03/12/22
This podcast (James 4:11-12) discusses the impact of slander & backbiting in the church, and how to prevent it. When we judge others from a place of anger, hurt, and envy, we neglect godly judgment, bringing God’s judgment on ourselves.
Published 03/05/22
“Where do wars and fights come from among you?” This segment (James 4:1-10) discusses the impact of selfishness and poor communication upon our relationships with God and those made in His image. Our sinfulness aligns us with Satan, but James calls us to humble ourselves—submit to God and resist the Devil. Herein the listener will find practical tools to do just that.
Published 02/25/22
Got wisdom? James says, “Show it!”This episode (James 3:13-18) discusses godly wisdom vs. demonic. Proof is in the fruit. This isn’t to say evil spirits in dwell or possess believers when we operate in worldly, demonic “wisdom”, but when bitter, envious, and self-seeking, we are behaving like the enemy.
Published 02/19/22
The bit, rudder, tongue & fire…small things capable of steering, influencing and consuming on a large scale. This segment (James 3:1-12) discusses the power of words, and the connection between the tongue and the heart.
Published 02/12/22