In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Abby Epstein and Holly Grigg-Spall about the profit motive compromising the pill and women's health, and why women need to think more critically about hormonal birth control.
Published 09/26/22
  The pill has long been heralded as a win for women — a path towards freedom, a woman’s right, a pivotal aspect of the sexual revolution — but is hormonal birth control really all that? The Business of Birth Control, a new documentary from the creators of The Business of Being Born, takes a critical look at the connection between hormonal birth control and women’s health and liberation. Is the pill really a win for women? In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with filmmaker, Abby Epstein,...
Published 09/26/22
Most feminists don’t think of guns as a means to empower women — rather, we tend to see them as a danger. Antonia Okafor Cover, the founder and president of EMPOWERED, an American non-profit, sees things differently. Antonia is the National Director of Women’s Outreach and a national spokesperson for Gun Owners of America. She…
Published 09/15/22
Most feminists don't think of guns as means to empower women — rather, we tend to see them as a danger. Antonia Okafor Cover, the founder and president of EMPOWERED, sees things differently. Antonia is the National Director of Women's Outreach and a national spokesperson for Gun Owners of America. She founded EMPOWERED in order to educate, train, and equip young women in the use of firearms for protection on college campuses, as well as to help women advocate for their Second Amendment...
Published 09/15/22
Earlier this month, Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old resident of Port Townsend, Washington, was banned from her local community pool. Her crime was to ask a male to leave the female change room. Just moments after she told Clementine Adams to “get out of here,” she was told by YMCA aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, “You’re discriminating and you can’t use the pool anymore and I’m calling the police.” There was no signage indicating women and girls should be prepared to encounter males in their...
Published 08/23/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Julie Jaman, the 80-year-old woman who was banned from her community pool for asking a man to leave the woman's change room.
Published 08/22/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Louise Perry, author of "The Case Against the Sexual Revolution," about how modern sexual and relationship norms hurt women.
Published 08/02/22
The sexual revolution is generally understood to have been liberating for women — we could enjoy sex free from social consequences as well as outside the context of marriage and reproduction. Women no longer need to marry or have children if they don’t want to. They can have sex before marriage. They can have casual sex. They can divorce if they are unhappy in marriage. They can, in theory anyway, have sex "like men." This is what we are told, in any case. But is this a good thing? Louise...
Published 08/02/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Norwegian feminist Christina Ellingsen, who is being investigated under hate crime charges for saying that men can't be lesbians or mothers.
Published 07/22/22
Norwegian feminist Christina Ellingsen is facing a prison sentence of up to three years for saying that men cannot be lesbians or mothers. Country contact for Women’s Declaration International (WDI) in Norway, Christina is being investigated under hate crime charges for tweets she made between February 2021 and January 2022, directed at Christine Marie Jentoft, a representative for Norwegian trans activist group, Foreningen (FRI), such as, “You are a man. You cannot be a mother.” In this...
Published 07/22/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speak with Katherine Deves, the co-founder of Save Women's Sports Australasia, who ran as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Warringah in 2022.
Published 07/14/22
Katherine Deves is a Sydney-based lawyer and mother of three daughters. In 2020, she realized no one was standing up for female athletes in Australia, so joined forces with women in New Zealand to co-found Save Women's Sport Australasia. Katherine gained national prominence during the 2022 Australian federal election when she ran, ultimately unsuccessfully, as the Liberal candidate for the seat of Warringah. She was attacked viciously for her efforts to defend girls' and women's sport,...
Published 07/14/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Mary Lou Singleton, a midwife and nurse practioner, about the flaws in the abortion debate and the implications of overturning Roe v. Wade.
Published 06/28/22
Last week, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that established the constitutional right to abortion in 1973. Why did this happen? Who is to blame? What does this mean for American women? How do we move forward? In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Mary Lou Singleton, a family nurse practitioner and midwife who advocates for women's reproductive sovereignty, medical freedom, and bodily autonomy.
Published 06/28/22
On the podcast, Meghan Murphy speaks with Maya Forstater, co-founder of Sex Matters and the 'Respect my sex if you want my X' campaign.
Published 06/07/22
In 2018, Maya Forstater was subject to an internal investigation at her place of employment, the Center for Global Development, after complaints about her tweets. She lost her job as a result, accused of "transphobia." Maya took the case to the Employment Tribunal, which resulted first in a judgment saying her "belief" that sex is real was "not worthy of respect in a democratic society." Maya recently co-founded Sex Matters, a UK-based not-for-profit that works to promote clarity about sex...
Published 06/07/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Holly Lawford-Smith about social media censorship and her new book, "Gender-Critical Feminism."
Published 04/27/22
Twitter has a history of banning those who fail to toe the line in terms of progressive political orthodoxy. In particular, the social media corporation has banned numerous people for challenging gender identity ideology — for saying things like ‘men aren’t women,’ for example. Does twitter have a woman problem? Or are there simply activists working behind the scene to present their ideas as more prominent than they actually are? Will things change now that Elon Musk has bought the company? ...
Published 04/27/22
Surrogacy has become a relatively mainstream practice. Celebrities and those with means treat surrogacy as a harmless option to aid women who cannot or do not wish to carry their own babies or to allow gay couples to have children. Few seem to consider the impact on mother and baby. A new surrogacy bill in…
Published 04/12/22
Surrogacy has become a relatively mainstream practice. Celebrities and those with means treat surrogacy as a harmless option to aid women who cannot or do not wish to carry their own babies or to allow gay couples to have children. Few seem to consider the impact on mother and baby. A new surrogacy bill in Quebec proposes changes to current legislation that would recognize surrogacy contracts, which are not currently enforceable under Quebec law. Surrogacy contracts, arguably, violate the...
Published 04/12/22
The stories of those who exited prostitution tend to be wildly different than those still working in the industry and identifying as “sex workers.” And what men tend to believe about those working in prostitution tends to align with that “sex worker” narrative as well — that some women just really enjoy prostitution, that it…
Published 02/24/22
The stories of those who exited prostitution tend to be wildly different than those still working in the industry and identifying as "sex workers." And what men tend to believe about those working in prostitution tends to align with that "sex worker" narrative as well — that some women just really enjoy prostitution, that it is simply a job like any other, that these women are making such good money it is a fair trade… But when you speak to women freed from the trade, able to look back at...
Published 02/24/22
In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Elvira Pablo of Girls Not Brides about child marriage in Mexico.
Published 02/01/22
Child marriage may be a thing of the past in many Western countries, but remains a reality for many girls in Mexico. While the law has changed, the practice remains, and one in four girls in Mexico are married before the age of 18. The persistence of this practice continues to have harmful impacts on Mexican girls, something Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage is trying to change.  In this episode, Meghan Murphy speaks with Elvira Pablo, regional Policy and Member...
Published 02/01/22
Milli Hill is a freelance journalist and author The Positive Birth Book, Give Birth like a Feminist, and a new book for preteens, My Period. She founded the Positive Birth Movement in 2012 and ran it until recently, when she was “cancelled” for defending woman-centered language when talking about pregnancy and birth. In this episode,…
Published 12/01/21