Do you ever take the time to reflect on all that Jesus Christ has done for you? He not only died for you, but He guides you and fulfills promises from His Word.   Have you moved Jesus from the throne in your life? Do you depend on your power to survive each day? Do you become bitter at Jesus for the many disappointments you face in life?   This episode will encourage you to put Christ at the proper place in your life as you surrender your hurts and disappointments to Him.
Published 07/19/23
What do you need from the Lord today? Courage? Spiritual understanding? Insight? Wisdom? As you walk through the battle you are facing, what are you asking the Lord to fill you with?   In this episode, Charlyne will teach you about asking the Lord to equip you to pray for those around you, asking Him for courage and wisdom to face each day. Grab your Bible and a notebook because you will want to take many notes on this teaching.
Published 07/05/23
Do you find it hard to pray for your enemies? How about praying for the other person your spouse may be involved with?   In this episode, we are going to share some stories of people who have found victory in this area and share some scriptures that will help you as you strive to love your enemies better.   Episode 117 - Testimony of A Restored Marriage: Tim & Natasha   Episode 129 - How to Keep Your In-Law Relationships Strong   Submit a Prayer Request
Published 06/21/23
I can’t think of anyone that wants to go through difficulties in life, but we know it will happen. Do you call on the Lord immediately or do you tackle your problems alone?   In this episode, Charlyne and Lori talk about depending on Jesus in those times of hardship. Grab a pen and paper because you will want to take notes.    Your New Now book   June Scripture Journaling    
Published 06/07/23
Christina and Tim entered their marriage like many others declaring that divorce would never be an option. Years later, a secret life, communication issues, and a desire to avoid conflict led to problems arising in their marriage.   It seemed as if there was no hope for a future together until Christina’s relative shared the miracle God did in her own marriage. This episode will be a wonderful reminder of God’s mercy in each of our lives.   Cari And Ryan’s Remarriage Video   Cari...
Published 05/24/23
There is hope for your marriage! It doesn’t matter if you have had a marriage that has suffered because of addiction, adultery, or unforgiveness, Jesus Christ can redeem those broken pieces and make something beautiful out of the ashes. That is what He did for our guests, Bob and Dannah Gresh. In this episode you will hear their redemption story and find practical ways to move forward as you continue to seek God’s best in your marriage.   Dannah Gresh is a best-selling author and...
Published 05/10/23
Is there hope for a marriage that has been impacted by pornography addiction and infidelity? The answer is yes!   On this episode, you will hear the powerful testimony of Victor and Heidi. They have both overcome addiction and have seen Jesus heal their relationship and restore their marriage.
Published 04/26/23
Every day, we speak thousands of words. How many of those are used to encourage others, and how many are used to belittle someone? In this episode, Charlyne and Lori talk about improving communication in three stages of life: in marriage, when you are going through separation or divorce, and in restoration.   Francis Chan – Until Unity   How to Forgive When You Don’t Receive an Apology
Published 04/12/23
Forgiving someone that wounds you is difficult, but it can be more challenging when the other person has no remorse for their actions. In this episode, Charlyne and Lori discuss how to walk through forgiveness.   Why Do I Do What I Don't Want to Do? by Jonathan Pokluda
Published 03/29/23
Do you feel like God has forgotten that you exist? Everyone experiences feelings of doubt or uncertainty at some point in their life. It is important to combat feelings of unbelief with the truth. God has not abandoned you! He loves you and cares deeply for you. Check out this episode and be encouraged.   God Has Not Forgotten You
Published 03/15/23
It is so vital that we have people in our lives who disciple us. In today’s episode, Charlyne and Lori talk to their guest, Odain, about how the Lord brought people into his life to act as a mentor when he was a teenager, and that trend has continued into adulthood.   The Lord may be asking you to mentor someone, or you may be that person that someone else needs. This episode will encourage you to be intentional about these relationships.
Published 03/01/23
The Bible has so much to say about running the race of life toward Jesus. That can be hard to do when the race we are on is filled with hardship, marital difficulties, and stress. It can be tempting to look at someone else’s race and want that path. Charlyne and Lori discuss running the race that God has you on well in today’s episode.   The 12 Days of… book by Bob Steinkamp  
Published 02/15/23
In today’s episode, Lori shares four things the Lord has been teaching her and how it can apply to your life as you seek the Lord for answers to prayers. 12 Days Of… by Bob Steinkamp Pastor Resources
Published 02/01/23
Do you ever ask yourself questions like, “I don’t like my spouse right now, how do I change my feelings toward them?” Have you wondered how you will react if your spouse starts the divorce process? You may wonder how you are going to prepare for your restoration process. In this episode, Charlyne and Lori will go over some questions that are commonly asked. My Spouse Has Come Home What Should I...
Published 01/18/23
Even in the hardest day, we have so much to be thankful for. Are you doing a good job of sharing stories of God’s goodness in your life? Charlyne and Lori will challenge you to be on the lookout for God at work in your everyday life. January 2023 Scripture Journaling Submit a Testimony Praying Scripture Marriage Journal
Published 01/04/23
Nothing is impossible with God! Our guests, Brad and Anne share how the slow drift apart fractured their marriage. Their powerful restoration story is a story of forgiveness, healing, and recommitment. Year End Giving: https://bit.ly/RMM_Year_End_Giving Stander’s Affirmation: https://rejoiceministries.org/a-standers-affirmation-3/ Restored & redeemed: http://eepurl.com/hy9ieD Too Good to Not Believe: https://youtu.be/lKVX_XdaP04
Published 12/21/22
The journey to restoration is a process that begins when your relationship and friendship with your spouse is reconciled. In this episode, we will discuss the steps that lead up to the restoration of your marriage. Pastor Resources: https://rejoiceministries.org/pastor-resources/ Year End Giving: https://bit.ly/RMM_Year_End_Giving Rooted in Love – Greg & Missy’s Testimony: https://rejoiceministriesbookstore.myshopify.com/products/rooted-in-love-cd Zip the...
Published 12/07/22
The holidays can be difficult when you are facing adversity in your life. Charlyne and Lori share ways you can not only survive the holidays but thrive with joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Published 11/23/22
Do you ever feel like the lies you believe about yourself are stronger than the truths from God’s word? In this episode, Charlyne and Lori will share how you can live a life focused on truth. Scriptures That Fight the Enemy https://bit.ly/Scriptures_Fight_Enemy On Asking God Why https://bit.ly/RMM_Asking_God_Why The Battle for Your Mind & Thoughts https://bit.ly/RMM_Battle_For_Mind November Scripture Journaling https://bit.ly/Nov_22_Scripture
Published 11/09/22
Do you ever wonder how long must I wait? Does your faith ever waver? Charlyne and Lori answer some questions that come in on this episode about these topics.
Published 10/26/22
Does it feel like you struggle to see the faithfulness of God in your life? In today’s episode, Charlyne talks about how we can be on the lookout for God’s faithfulness around us.
Published 10/12/22
Can you imagine your prodigal being transformed and being the one who wants to pray and stand for marriage restoration? It is not uncommon. In this episode, DeAnn shares her journey from being a prodigal to becoming the one standing for her marriage. At one time, she wanted to end her marriage. When God showed her His will for marriage, her husband had already moved on. DeAnn’s testimony will show you that nothing is impossible with God!
Published 09/28/22
Do you worry that by standing for marriage restoration you are giving up your chance to be a mother or a father? In today’s episode, Charlyne and Lori talk about this very sensitive topic.
Published 09/14/22
Running from his relationship with Christ and falling deeper into a pit of gambling addiction, Andis was searching for peace. That peace was not found with another woman, a casino, or a bottle. That peace was found when he surrendered his life to Jesus. His wife, Lilita, prayed that the Lord would restore their broken marriage, and He did just that.
Published 08/31/22
Joshua Broome spent years in the adult film industry. To the world, he looked happy, but he was silently suffering with shame. A praying mother and grandmother never gave up on God’s ability to rescue Joshua from the enemy's grip. God redeemed Joshua, and He can do it for your prodigal as well. Don’t ever think your prodigal is too far gone. 
Published 08/03/22