Unleash your confidence and speak your mind without fear or judgment! In this episode, we dive into the art of confidence, exploring how to free ourselves from the shackles of other people's opinions. We'll share personal stories, tips, and strategies to help you believe in yourself, prepare for any situation, and focus on delivering your message with conviction. Get ready to transform your life and become the fearless communicator you were always meant to be!
Published 05/02/23
In this fun and engaging episode, Sloane shares her experiences and tips on building a confident voice that commands respect without coming off as bossy or overbearing. She dives into her transformative work with a client named "Lorraine" and demonstrates how small changes in communication can have a huge impact on personal and professional relationships. So tune in and learn how to find your voice, embrace your power, and make a real difference in your life.
Published 04/25/23
In this inspiring and empowering episode of the podcast, expert voice and confidence coach Sloane Reali shares some fantastic tips to help professional women boost their vocal confidence. With over two decades of experience, Sloane talks about how practicing speaking in front of a mirror and sharing your thoughts and ideas when asked can make a huge difference in your confidence levels. She also shares the story of Alice, a woman who learned to speak up and contribute to meetings at work,...
Published 04/18/23
In this kickoff episode, voice coach Sloan Real introduces herself and shares her journey from teaching singing to helping people improve their voice and confidence. She discusses her passion for helping people, especially women, feel heard and valued. Sloan briefly mentions her upcoming episodes that will address various aspects of the voice, both physical and psychological. She also promotes her website, YouTube channel, and Facebook group for exclusive content. The episode then dives into...
Published 04/11/23
This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to find your authentic voice, grow your confidence and unlock your potential creating life changing results. I share weekly tips, tricks, guest interviews, and over 2 decades of helping people just like you learn how to express themselves from a holistic and empowered space.
Published 03/20/23