Phil James - Season 1, Episode 12
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PhilJames grew up on a diet of MAD comics and Loony Tunes cartoon characters, as well as doodling over the photos in his mother’s Vogue magazines. He then found his way to art school where he was taught technique and ‘real’ art history. All these influences and passions have found a way into PhilJames’ paintings and sculptures in which he melds these images and histories to bring humour, irony and a new and contemporary spin on what we think of as ‘high’ and ‘low’ art. Here Philjames talks candidly about his journey as an artist, including some serendipitous moments which propelled his career forward - such as being a finalist in the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Prize, the Sulman Prize of the AGNSW, the Blake Prize and being selected for the Art Incubator program. You’ll find all the images and more information on Philjames on his website, He is currently represented by in Sydney and in Melbourne. For other episodes go to our Instagram page @FineArtFiona.