Powerful episode right here! For all the ladies out there who ever felt like their voices aren't heard in the relationship... or for anyone else who feels like women are clearly "inferior" to their man in the relationship... get ready to have your thinking challenged! This happens so often and it creates many long term issues. We're going to address the heart of the matter, what can follow as consequences, its deeper roots, and proactive solutions! Get ready to break free from patters...
Published 11/21/23
In this eye-opening episode, we uncover practical ways to create and sustain a harmonious and interdependent loving relationship with the person you love, by becoming and staying a unified TEAM. You'll learn practical strategies and heartfelt insights that will transform your relationship into an integrated partnership that grows together (and not apart, like so many do) in life! Whether you're newlyweds or celebrating decades together, these tips will keep the flame burning and your...
Published 11/08/23
Join us as we dive even deeper into the last 4 simple (yet transformative) btips on building effective communication in a relationship.  Having the skill of overcoming conflicts that can (and will) arise in your relationship comes down to communication - it’s what determines those who come out on the other side as victorious, or the victims of defeat… In this episode we give you some real life examples through ways that we have worked on our own communication triggers (along other...
Published 10/24/23
Join us in Part 1 of this short series, as we uncover the top tips we have for building and strengthening the communication in your relationship. Proper and effective communication is an art that takes practice and serious intentionality between both parties. Most people think they are great communicators, but that's until strong emotions get involved... Our goal for you is that you leave today more prepared to take on one of the important (and overlooked) areas of relationships, with...
Published 10/19/23
The Scriptures are very clear when they say we should be equally yoked. But is that the only requirement when the goal is to have a life-long, thriving marriage? It can't be! If it was, 50% of marriages (including those who are professing Christians) wouldn't end up in divorce! Yes, you read that right... It's alarming and harsh, yet true! We must go deeper and look beyond the simple (although most important) "box to check off", which is spiritual alignment. This episode will be a...
Published 10/03/23
Aware that you have some emotional "baggage" and opportunity for healing in that area? Great job... you're way ahead of the masses! But HOW MUCH should you heal emotionally BEFORE feeling confident and certain enough that you will actually set up your relationship for success and not destroy something that has the potential to be a long term? What a great question to ponder on (although we will give you an ever better question to ask yourself today). OH... and the answer is not what you...
Published 09/19/23
In part 2 of this short series we continue our journey towards complete emotional maturity by exploring practical steps and actionable items to grow into emotionally mature adults who live out biblical values with wisdom. We delve into the challenge of living out our commitment to Christ and His teachings in today's complex world, as relational beings due to the lack of focus on our emotional lives in society, and how it's impossible to live out spiritually healthy lives without also being...
Published 09/05/23
Assumptions, manipulation, control, excuses, conflicts, misunderstandings, etc.? Join us as we explore the concepts and stages of emotional maturity. Our emotional life affects the quality of our relationships, our ability to communicate effectively, and our overall happiness and well-being. We bring up real-life examples and behaviors that can often stem from a lack of emotional maturity, and how they create unhealthy dynamics in our relationships. We go over ways to identify where you are...
Published 08/16/23
Join us as we delve deep into the intricacies of building a successful marriage, exploring ALL the challenges, sacrifices, compromises, and investments that will be required in order to create and sustain a fruitful relationship... Our real conversation will bring LIGHT to what everyone should consider before getting married, and we hope you leave prepared and inspired as a result! Whether you're single, engaged, or married, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone who's seeking a...
Published 07/28/23
Hi family, In this episode, we break down the most essential ingredient that can make or break any relationship (seriously)! Being conscious of and implementing this very simple "secret sauce" in your love life can guarantee you'll build a thriving relationship, as it holds the POWER to transform your unity into something truly extraordinary. Overlooked and neglected by many, this one thing separates those who are able to work through anything that they face and those who allow their...
Published 07/14/23
Are you ready to be set free from your relationship traumas that are keeping you stuck in the past? God invites us all to a deep level of heart healing, and He uses all the relationship hurts, pains, wounds, and traumas from the past for our favor as long as we learn to invite him in. Tune in and embark on a path of emotional healing, hope, and grace as we explore 5 key things you must know to build a Christ-centered relationship after relationship trauma. We cannot set you free, but...
Published 06/30/23
Are you aware of the POWER your words hold over your partner's future? Join us as we explore the profound impact that our words have on our partner and learn biblical principles (along with practical strategies) to cultivate a culture of encouragement, support, and love. Discover the simple ways to create a ripple effect of happiness, intimacy, and growth in your relationship. Tune in and unlock the "secrets" to harnessing the language of love for a stronger, more fulfilling connection...
Published 06/16/23
Are you tired of settling for mediocre relationships? In this eye-opening (and even triggering) episode, we delve into the transformative power of raising your standards in love. Join us as we explore how embracing the Spirit of Excellence in your love life can revolutionize your entire relationship landscape. Finding and sustaining a truly exceptional, Godly relationship that thrives does not happen by accident... it's BUILT! Get ready to redefine what's possible and witness...
Published 06/02/23
Are you a single lady desiring to prepare for your future Godly marriage? Or a single man looking for green flags in a woman? This episode is for you! In Pt 1 of this short series we went over many scriptural resources on the matter. Pt 2 we gave 7 practical tips for the MEN. And now in Pt 3, we finally focus on the beautiful and blessed women of God. The wife is the crown of her husband. And the preparation begins even before marriage. We go DEEP on this episode guys. Touching on...
Published 05/23/23
Are you a single man wanting to prepare for a successful marriage? Or a woman looking for signs of the right man for you? In this jam-packed and fun episode, we reveal 7 POWERFUL THINGS men can (and should) work on while single to make the most of the very special season and become truly ready for a Christ-centered, fulfilling, and thriving marriage. These practical tips will equip you to become a "complete man", which will translate into having a strong foundation for a lasting and loving...
Published 05/07/23
For the next 2 episodes, we will tackle a topic that is close to the hearts of many - how (and why) to fully trust God in the season of being single, as you prepare yourself for marriage with the right partner. In part 1 we bring insightful guides from the Scriptures that will help you navigate the ups and downs of the single life, what to focus on, and how you will emerge stronger and more confident in your trust in God.  We know the waiting period can be frustrating, confusing, and...
Published 04/22/23
Are you tired of failed relationships that always end up going nowhere? Do you find yourself wondering what you could be doing wrong? This thought-provoking podcast explores the top 5 reasons why so many relationships seem to fizzle out or fail miserably. From seeking fulfillment in the wrong places to carrying the baggage of past hurts, and we delve deep into the complex dynamics that can lead to relationship breakdowns. Join us as we uncover the secrets to building lasting, fulfilling...
Published 04/11/23
Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. Without it, there is no long-lasting love. In this episode, we'll unpack and dive into some simple, powerful, and proven methods to establish and nurture TRUST between partners. From open communication and active listening to practicing support and showing vulnerability (and much more), we'll cover a range of practical tips that you can apply to any relationship in your life. We hope this information blesses you! - Join our FREE FB...
Published 03/24/23
This episode will explore the top 5 ways to recognize a toxic or dysfunctional relationship.  Whether you think it may be you, or you know someone who may be in one, we'll cover some major RED FLAGS that need to be looked out for. We'll dive into each warning sign, providing real-life examples and practical tips for identifying them and how to best deal with them.  Whether you're in a relationship or simply want to learn more about building healthy connections, this episode is a...
Published 03/10/23
In this episode, we dive deep into the world of emotions in relationships and explore practical tools and strategies for navigating them together individually and as a couple.  From identifying and expressing emotions effectively to active listening and empathy building, we discuss a range of techniques that can help you and your partner build stronger emotional connections and resolve conflicts with greater ease.  Whether you're a newlywed or a long-time couple, this episode is a...
Published 03/03/23
What an exciting topic we have for you today!  It has certainly been pivotal for us through many seasons, helping us gain clarity, deepen our relationships, and more. We're confident you're going to love it. We all know life can get overwhelming with the Internet, TV, jobs/businesses, bills, family, and kids. Is there something we can do about that? Actually, the solution is VERY simple... that's what we're speaking about today. A forgotten, not-so-obvious "secret" that those who live...
Published 02/17/23
After many people reached out and asked us to speak about this... in this episode, we finally had a conversation to discuss how to find and recognize the RIGHT Christian partner. This episode is mainly for singles (if it's not for you, share it with a Christian friend who could benefit). We go over many important points that will ensure you are equipped to successfully enter into your next relationship and make the most out of it. Let us know your main takeaways by leaving us a review...
Published 02/10/23
Revitalize your relationship with the top 3 secrets to unity as a couple!  Discover why intimacy without true unity is destined to fade and learn how to reignite and protect the spark in your partnership.  Join us as we uncover the power of showing interest in each other's careers, making time for meaningful conversations, creating intimate moments, etc. Plus, we'll delve into the importance of creating the right environment for healthy communication and provide practical tips at the very...
Published 02/03/23
Have you ever found yourself constantly criticizing your partner for their negative behavior?  It's easy to get caught up in focusing on what we don't like about the person we love, but does it help the relationship at all? We should address our concerns, but when and how?  What do you do if you can't seem to change your partner's negative behavior? In this episode, we discuss powerful strategies for addressing negative behavior in relationships and helping you find more creative ways to...
Published 01/06/23
In this episode we wanted to talk to you about how to be one in marriage (or any romantic relationship) as two separate people, striving to achieve unity amidst individuality. Becoming one in marriage is a spiritual thing, something that is not achievable in the natural realm.  We get to define when to really lean in and help one another and when to step back.   The Bible gives us an example of how to work together in unity in Galatians 6:2 which says, "Carry each other's burdens and in...
Published 12/22/22