This week Formidable Opponents puts on our best pair of sunglasses, picks up our cordless phones and we're all watching you.  Since we are, there's no better opportunity to join us and listen to a fun and interesting take on songs about obsession.  These hits sometimes hit the mark and quickly grew to be instant obsessive classics, others have just failed and  have been mired in cringe and unintentional comedy.  Check out Formidable Opponents this week as we debate and discuss, "Most...
Published 09/04/23
Football makes for a great backdrop when it comes to movies.  The personalities, stories, relationships, collisions, the emotion, the excitement, what's not to like?!  From inspiring stories, to epic battles on the field, the movies we discuss in this episode capture the essence of the game.  Whether it's the underdog triumphing, the team coming together, or bad Texas accents, or finding out decades later you weren't adopted and only used to monetary gains by a family who provided a studio...
Published 08/24/23
We're back talking 90s music videos with our friends Stephie and Lindi from "Turn of the Millennials" podcast.  For this episode, we're running back the 90s video music talk.  During one of our previous collaborations, we talked about "Worst 90s music videos" and we had another great time talking about one of our collective favorite past times as kids.  Our selections couldn't be more different and we promise no monkeys were harmed during this recording.  Also, we wrap up the episode by...
Published 08/09/23
This week on Formidable Opponents we examine one of our favorite past times. Sitting in a dark, air conditioned room and escaping the Summer heat while enjoying a great movie.  Not only a great movie, a great summer movie.  A movie where you can shut your brain down for a couple of hours and enjoy an action packed thrill ride.  The films we discuss are what summers were made for.  Classics that will live on forever!  We'll never get tired of these flicks as much as our listeners might get...
Published 07/26/23
The 90s music scene.  What an iconic era.  An era for new expressive sounds, lyrics and personalities.  An era that created an outlook for bigger, better, louder, angrier.  With that sound came a new voice, new problems, new feelings and we explored beneath the surface levels of whom we listened to.  Although plagued with loses of some of the biggest paragons who defined the time, the emotion and the rawness of many of the musical acts of that era have stood the test of time and continue to...
Published 07/19/23
We're back!  We haven't let the sweltering Texas Summer heat hold us back another week as we talked about the people who make the world go round.  That's right, this  week Los Estupidos Romanticos, otherwise known as Formidable Opponents debate and discuss "Best Song About a Woman."  Check out our takes and humor regarding some of the most epic songs inspired by the most important people in our lives.  A lot of history, controversy and backstories about the music that has captivated our minds...
Published 07/12/23
This week on a  Supersized episode of Formidable Opponents, we take on Fast Food.  With so many options and experiences, there is no doubt that many of our memories growing up are tied to these restaurants and food items.  They indeed share a special place in our hearts...at least that's what our physicians tell us during our EKG tests.  We cover everything from long forgotten food items, orders we regretted, and times shared with our family and friends.  Most of all, we share some pretty...
Published 06/16/23
For episode 90, we're taking it back to the 90s!  We've previously covered "Best 90s One-Hit Wonders" on a revisit, now we are taking on the worst.  The 90s were an eclectic time full of opportunity and joy in the music industry.  Those opportunities and that joy though short lived remains a part of our core memories and on every preset on every radio for anyone who is over 35 sending minivan owners singing along (windows up and quietly to themselves)  all over the world.  On the flip side of...
Published 06/07/23
For every Dark Knight, there is a Batman & Robin, for every Empire Strikes back, there is a Phantom Menace, for every Godfather II, there is a Godfather III. This week Formidable Opponents is talking about that perfect imbalance of bad sequels.   Those movies whose predecessors brought you back thirsty for more and left you completely disappointed.  Look, they can't all be House Party 2 but there's no doubt that when a hit movie rakes it in, studios keep drinking from that well until it...
Published 05/31/23
This week Formidable Opponents gives the people what they want (to tolerate).  That's right, splash on some of that Curve cologne and put on your best structure polo because we're talking sexy 90s music.  Music from an era, for a mood and yes, we each have our personal and hilarious interpretations of what that means.  After all, nothing is sexier than three middle-aged guys reminiscing about a simpler time where monk chants over a seductive beat and a plum colored suit is all you needed for...
Published 05/24/23
Great movie plot twists are like a rollercoaster ride.  They take you on a journey of emotions and keep you guessing until the very end.  The cleverest of twists will make you want to watch the movie again and again just to see how it all came together.  This week on Formidable Opponents we break down these twists, we also show our appreciation of Amanda Peet and perform three of the worst Mark Wahlberg impressions you’ve ever heard but that won’t stop us from talking about what we think...
Published 05/16/23
To be funny and meaningful is a trait of a truly unforgettable comedian.  Chris Farley was a comedic powerhouse that captured the laughs and the admiration of an entire generation.  25 plus years after his death, we still remember the times where he not only made us laugh but also inspired us with his humor and his genius.  Though we lost him way too soon and through tragic circumstances that we will discuss, we will talk about his legacy as a physical and energetic performer, as well as what...
Published 05/03/23
80s Metal has a special place in our hearts, it gave us speed, thrash, pulse pounding music that defined a generation and continues to inspire generations after.  Sure, it gave us *ahem* hair metal and we are obligated to mention that's a point of discussion, too.  However, we are mainly touting the legacy of an underdog genre that was loud, in your face and continues to be both relevant and popular today.  80s metal has been featured on many of today's popular movie and TV shows and it's not...
Published 04/19/23
This week Formidable Opponents is talking songs in movies and there's nothing like a great soundtrack playing over some of the all-time most memorable scenes.  It's a natural combination that adds to the experience and gives us all that immersive feeling.  So, whether you're into those heel characters who violently torture their victims, deal drugs while badly singing along to 80s classics, or worst of all, laugh for no reason after a sexual encounter, this show is for!  Join us this week as...
Published 04/05/23
Hi, Everybody!  This week, Formidable Opponents takes you to the happiest place on Earth: Tijuana!...err. Springfield.  This week we are joined by our good friend Jiovanna Perez @jiowritesstories (who's the only person who calls us "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene"), as we discuss all things Simpsons .   On this episode, we are focusing on the secondary characters that brought Springfield to life but don't boo us (we'll assume you were saying Boo-urns), we talk about the entire ...
Published 03/28/23
Our 2023 NCAA brackets are enough to make us drown our sorrows in alcohol but this week we celebrate!  We celebrate our return, our listeners and we celebrate the music that bonds us.  You can pretty much call anything a drinking song, and if you do, there is help.  However, there are a chosen few tunes that are your prime go to's.  Maybe they remind you of good times, maybe you're a glutton for punishment who wants to reopen an old wound, maybe you just want to sit back and take the moment...
Published 03/21/23
As many of us know the only thing worse than an ending to something we love is a bad ending to something we love.  When a television series ends badly, we are left with questions, confusion and disappointment.  They aren't always reliable and consistent.  When those "jump the shark" or "slow burn" moments start happening, we usually prepare for the end and sometimes the final episode is a dimly lit match compared to the bright candle we held for the series.  This week Formidable Opponents...
Published 03/02/23
This week Formidable Opponents is elated, excited and pumped up to talk Emo music (odd, isn't it?)  Yes, we are standing outside your window holding up our radios as we tackle a music genre that takes us back.  Much how we associate party anthems with the great times we had in our youth, emo music played in an important role in how we dealt with growing pains, heartbreak and having to run laps in P.E.  We are joined by our good friend (and a guy who can apply eyeliner like no other) Jomichael...
Published 02/22/23
This week Formidable Opponents is celebrating all things Super Bowl.  The memories, the games, the players, and the exorbitant amount of fanfare that surrounds "America's biggest holiday."  The Super Bowl has always been a time capsule of get togethers, fun, and food and we're covering all that and more!  It's an episode you wouldn't want to miss, even if you're Scott Norwood.  We talk about all the great moments that happen in between those sacred "white lines" (No 90s Dallas Cowboys jokes,...
Published 02/09/23
This week Formidable Opponents continues our 90s themed episodes as we debate and discuss what we felt was the golden age of rap and hip hop.  An eclectic, energetic time where the genre not only seeped into the mainstream, it dominated it.  The songs, the artists and the stories painted a picture of a life many did not know, its storytellers becoming worldwide icons.  In the spirit of these songs that played during some of the most important moments of our lives, this week Formidable...
Published 02/02/23
Call us The Joke Ridge Boys for this episode, as Formidable Opponents explore previously uncharted territories and we've gone country.  We explored the pop country explosion of the 90s replete with the artists, sounds and bulk striped shirts that made the era a memorable one.  If your show heifer won grand champion at the local livestock show, heck, even if it didn't, we invite you to tune in to this episode and take a look back at the decade that brought us Shania Twain (and those other guys...
Published 01/26/23
After a long break, we wish we could go back.  No, not to the holidays but back to a simpler time.  Yes, we are talking 90s music this episode.  What better way to jump into 2023 than to debate these golden classics (ouch) and have a few laughs while doing it?  So, whether you understood every lyric to Yellow Ledbetter (liar), or you like your music with a side of melancholy, or even smidge of hee-hawing, we promise you'll enjoy this episode of "Formidable Opponents."  Support the showReach...
Published 01/19/23
The end of the year and our last episode of the year brings some truce to our lives.  Join Formidable Opponents on this episode as we discuss the true meaning of the Christmas Spirit, good gifts, bad gifts, orange highlighter running shorts, drink mixers, trips to Spain on pain killers and a "Best of" Tracy Morgan SNL DVD.   It's all here, plus our year in review and some of our best memories of our 2022 episodes.  So, give us a listen as we celebrate the holidays and celebrate our 75th...
Published 12/22/22
On this episode of Formidable Opponents we cover those often overlooked heinous characters we love to hate during Christmas (No, not your relatives), we're talking the most despicable, evil and selfish individuals that attempt to rob us of holiday joy (No, not politicians).   Tune in as we put a little love in your heart by hating on the heartless.  So, leave that high powered rich attorney and join us on the goat farm as you discover your self-worth and the true meaning of the holiday...
Published 12/16/22
It's the Holiday Season and we are back for another series of  fun Christmas themed episodes.  This week on Formidable Opponents, we're debating "Best Christmas Song."  With over 500 versions of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" to eagerly sift through (each more somber than the next) and the fact that we're all mostly in good spirits, what could we possibly disagree on?  So, tune in to find out which Christmas songs made the cut and which of us does the worst Sammy Davis Jr....
Published 12/09/22