How do you teach your kids who is, and isn’t, ok to talk to? Tim and Damion discuss.
Published 04/25/22
Despite the tech gremlins in this podcast, Damion and Tim share their child-rearing experiences and advice.
Published 04/11/22
Damion and Tim discuss everything from school emails to exams and the cost of entertaining kids when they’re off school.
Published 04/04/22
Just had a baby? Then you’ll need some nappy changing advice.
Published 03/28/22
We discuss what Mother’s Day really means ..
Published 03/22/22
Damion and Tim chat about world issues - and are later joined by dentist, Dr. Arti Shah.
Published 03/14/22
How do we explain war to our kids?
Published 03/04/22
Tim and Damion reflect on how life can be viewed after fatherhood.
Published 02/23/22
Time is the most important gift you can give your child. That’s the conclusion Tim and Damion come to in this episode about what it means to be a parent. (But don’t forget to give yourself time, too!)
Published 02/11/22
Tim and Damion discuss how important a father is in his child’s life - especially when it comes to sons.
Published 02/04/22
Tim and Damion discuss the “man cold” and how to cope when the kids are ill and stuck at home, too.
Published 01/28/22
Is it old fashioned to teach your kids manners?
Published 01/17/22
Can it really be 20 years since FQ Magazine started? Tim and Damion discuss this and a whole bunch of other stuff to do with parenting and that precious thing called life.
Published 01/10/22
Damion and Tim chat about the ups and the downs of this life this festive season.
Published 12/21/21
How do you manage expectations in the run up to Christmas? Tim and Damion discuss.
Published 12/21/21
How do you manage expectations in the run up to Christmas? Tim and Damion discuss.
Published 12/10/21
Tim and Damion continue their discussion about what makes us and our kids tick. Is it nature or nurture? Plus a whole lot more …
Published 12/03/21
Damion and Tim discuss topics related to the nature/nurture debate. How much does nature or nurture influence the way we are wired?
Published 11/26/21
Damion and Tim discuss the “First World” issue of having to ferry their kids around to activities. And, as ever, the conversation evolves to talk about other issues, such as how important these activities, sporting or otherwise, are for children.
Published 11/19/21
It’s depressing - but we will all die. That means we should get a will sorted - especially if we have kids. Ok, deep breath .. listen to Damion and Tim discuss this now - and maybe afterwards you’ll get your will sorted too.
Published 11/13/21
Tim and Damion discuss the current flying situation, what it’s like flying with kids and how to deal with tantrums.
Published 11/08/21
Is trick or treating harmless fun? Damion and Tim discuss.
Published 10/29/21
Will it be half-term heaven or hell?Tim and Damion discuss how to cope with the kids being at home (again!) over the next week or two.
Published 10/22/21
Dads, feel like you’re on your own at the school gates? Don’t be afraid to chat to other parents - especially mums. They’re a great source of support, as Damion and Tim discuss.
Published 10/15/21
Dads often feel left out, but why is this the case? Tim and Damion discuss.
Published 05/28/21