The largest non-island tortoise in the entire world, the Sulcata Tortoise is definitely not a pet for everyone. These living bulldozers can remove a toilet from a floor and can borrow out of a locked bathroom with ease.
Published 12/29/23
The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world when measured by weight, and unlike their movie reputation, they are much more docile and calculated as a predator.
Published 12/22/23
This amazing little bird is one of the oldest known on the planet and lays eggs the size of Emu eggs!
Published 12/15/23
On this episode we discuss the garden sea slug which was thought, like other animals, to eat algae and then incorporate it into their skin to do photosynthesis but due to new studies it is thought to be cloning the DNA and incorporating it into their own cells.
Published 12/08/23
These little guys are known for both their amazing ability to create some of the biggest and most complex nest design on the planet and for having some of the strongest toxins to ever form in the animal kingdom.
Published 12/01/23
Tapirs are found in Central and South America, as well as Malaysia. Tapirs are the last lineage of ancient order of mammals that's existed since the extinction of the dinosaurs, so lets show Tapirs some love on this episode of Freaky Fauna Friday! Cryptids of the Corn Merch Shop: Shop | My Site (cryptidsofthecorn.com) Leave a Voicemail: Send a voice message to CryptidsOfTheCornEncounters (speakpipe.com) Paranormality Magazine Link: Home - Paranormality Magazine Promo Code: corncrew P.O. Box:...
Published 11/24/23
Hubbs Beaked Whales and their entire family are some the strangest cetaceans to ever exist. Whales with tusks! What's weirder than that?
Published 11/17/23
These powerful creatures came in sizes from raccoon to polar bear and they were the apex predators of their day. They share reptilian and mammalian traits and ruled the world in the Permian age.
Published 11/10/23
These guys are the masters of eating ants and termites. They also use their massive meaty mitts and claws to tear into termite mounds that can sometimes be as hard as concrete.
Published 11/03/23
On this episode of Freaky Fauna Friday we take a relaxing dive underwater to visit the hardest punching animal in the world, the Mantis Shrimp. These little guys can literally boil water with their deadly blows and implode the space around them. They also have the best eyes in all of the animal kingdom, able to see in many different light spectrums. We're even attempting to use these special qualities to detect cancer cells in human beings. So get your swimming trunks and your boxing gloves...
Published 10/27/23
From being so heavily armored that tigers don't care about them to being the most trafficked animal in the world, this week we discuss the Pangolin.
Published 10/20/23
The mean, not green, tick eating machine. Whether playing dead or hissing at you, these freaky fun little guys are natures pest control. They may look scary, but they are nearly harmless. Mama said they got all them teeth but they can't really hurt ya. If you're not an opossum fan, maybe after this episode you will change your perspective. Cryptids of the Corn Merch Shop: Shop | My Site (cryptidsofthecorn.com) Leave a Voicemail: Send a voice message to CryptidsOfTheCornEncounters...
Published 10/13/23
This episode we take a look at the relationship between the Narrow Mouth Frog and the Spiders that protect them as the Frogs protect the Spiders eggs. This phenomenon takes place all around the world. Remember to find joy in the little things in life. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Published 10/06/23
What do you think of when you smell buttered popcorn? I think of the pee soaked Binturong, more commonly known as the Bearcat! This unique ancient creature is the last of its kind and is full of surprises. So sit back and relax and enjoy this episode of Freaky Fauna Friday
Published 09/29/23
This may be one of the most unique patterned animals we've featured on the show, with it's zebra striped legs and its giraffe like neck, it's shocking to find out just how elusive these unique looking creatures are.
Published 09/21/23
This odd monotreme has scared scientists of British decent for millennia. So if you're a crayfish id hide under a rock for this episode.
Published 09/15/23
This odd-shaped anomaly is a carnivorous sponge that preys upon such masterful animals, such as, shrimp, krill, and even fish eggs.
Published 09/08/23
This firetruck red mollusk is able to dazzle you with a bioluminescence light show that looks like lightning stretching across the sky.
Published 09/01/23
Not one but 2 amazing discoveries have happened... the alien like strawberry feather star was recently discovered off the coast of Antarctica and maybe great signs of Antarctic biodiversity under the ice. On the flipside in the deserts of Peru, was recently discovered the largest animal ever to exist, the Colossal Cetacean. This animal is pushing the boundaries of what we understand is possible.
Published 08/25/23
An amazing yet simple fish that also teaches a lesson in being a pleasant human being to others. These little guys may have the smallest brain-to-body ratio of any invertebrate, but they make up for it with a good attitude and a spirt for living life. How many of you actually read this? Were you so interested in the assfish that you had to read the description to learn every nugget of information possible?
Published 08/18/23
These oceanic gentle giants are the only septapod on Earth. Imagine that. These massive fish actually have no defense mechanisms besides jumping and fast swimming and are in dire need of our protection.
Published 08/11/23
Could this smelly animal be the last dinosaur? Born with claws and having a stomach closer to a cow than any other birds these animals' baffle the world!
Published 08/04/23
This episode we discuss one of the most ancient unchanged animals on the planet and the power their prehistoric blue blood holds.
Published 07/14/23
These amazing animals are on the list again for their famous reputation for being the saving Angels of the Oceans. They have been recorded saving stingrays, seals, other whales and even people from predators but especially the orca!
Published 07/07/23
This is one shell of a creature, the Loggerhead, also known as the Alligator Snapping Turtle has a bite force that other worldly. Make sure you get a full count of your fingers and toes after the conclusion of this episode.
Published 06/30/23