0x4F: Linus Torvalds' Comments at DebConf 2014
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Show Notes Segment 0 (00:37) Bradley and Karen discuss the Q&A with Linus Torvalds at DebConf 2014 in Portland, OR on 29 August 2014. (01:09) Segment 1 (04:30) Ryan Lortie asked about an offensive public statement Linus Torvalds made on 6 July 2012. (05:04) Bradley mentioned that Linus Torvalds argued Red Hat was kowtowing to Microsoft using offensive language. (07:57) Karen mentioned that Linus called GNOME an unholy mess. (19:05) Send feedback and comments on the cast to . You can keep in touch with Free as in Freedom on our IRC channel, #faif on irc.freenode.net, and by following Conservancy on identi.ca and and Twitter. Free as in Freedom is produced by Dan Lynch of danlynch.org. Theme music written and performed by Mike Tarantino with Charlie Paxson on drums. The content of this audcast, and the accompanying show notes and music are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike 3.0 USA license (CC BY-SA 4.0).