Are elections really free and fair? Can we have true confidence in the system? On this Election Day episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we discuss the polling, voter turnout, live data, and voting machines breaking in Pennsylvania, Arizona, and other battleground states. We’re hoping for an overwhelming pushback against evil but more importantly, the real work starts tomorrow. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at:...
Published 11/08/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we come out swinging to reveal the blatant lies the government has been telling you about everything from covid, jabs, nutrition and science. We also talk about the aftermath of Hurricane Ian and how you can help. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show that believes in free speech, original thought and a desire for...
Published 10/11/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we’re back after a long summer break and joined by, C.O. Jones to discuss a variety of events and topics that happened during our absence. From robotic vacuums and the assault weapons ban to the green climate scam and election fraud, we cover a lot from interesting perspectives. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a...
Published 08/04/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, it’s “Motivation Monday!” Our new weekly series helps us get our minds right so we can be the best version of ourselves no matter how much chaos & calamity is happening all around this crazy world. Listen in as @Puttfark & @MemeJoeGreen give insight & illustrations to help you not only survive but thrive in the midst of adversity. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes...
Published 05/23/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we talk about how something smells “Musky” over at Twitter, how the Progressive Left is losing their megaphone, and we question whether or not Republicans have a backbone or not. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show that believes in free speech, original thought and a desire for truth. Follow us on...
Published 05/20/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we discover 11 ways to be the best version of yourself and brighten the lives around you. In today’s world of negativity we need to hit the pause button and prepare our minds to handle everything that’s being thrown at us. Test yourself as we list 11 areas in life we should all be focused on these days. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free...
Published 05/19/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we discuss whether or not the players in the government bureaucracy are mastermind geniuses or idiots running a bogged down machine? We ask what’s up with the new buzzword, “The Great Replacement Theory” and do all this while @MemeJoeGreen risks his heterosexuality doing this podcast from a notoriisly sketchy lake. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at:...
Published 05/18/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, it’s random thought Monday and we discuss clinical data to help fight off the re-emerging mask mandates, share our favorite BBQ joints, our favorite real country artist Dale Watson and a great story of how chinchillas helped Rusty ace a test. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show that believes in free speech,...
Published 05/17/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we discuss how to keep a positive mindset in the middle of all the chaos surrounding us. From the Ukraine debacle and the food shortages to the abortion debate and endless government corruption, we need to have a way to create balance in our minds and in our daily lives. With practical advice on how to take action on the knowledge of our broken world, we’re here to encourage you to starve the negativity and feed the positivity. All that and more...
Published 05/16/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Meme Joe Green is back and we cover the Supreme Court leak, the convenient timing and what this globalist laser pointer is being used to distract us from. We discuss the DHS Misinformation department, the $33 billion Ukraine aid slush fund, Pfizer data and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show that believes in free speech,...
Published 05/05/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we’re stocking up on popcorn as the Twitter meltdown continues, look at the unleashing of conservative truth bombs on the platform, watch liberals as they’re suddenly concerned about election interference and look at the increase of covid infections and deaths among the vaccinated. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a...
Published 04/26/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Elon Musk buys Twitter and the liberals melt down. Now, without censorship, they’ll be challenged and made to present true data, clinical research and peer reviewed studies rather than simply run on feelings and emotion. I also cover the power grab of the mask mandate, Obama’s attempt to censor speech and I challenge everyone to be light and bring joy to someone this week. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and...
Published 04/25/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, I celebrate the elimination of Biden’s unlawful and dangerous 14 month mask mandate, news the Florida House is set to eliminate Disney’s Reedy Creek benefits and their consistent agenda to create gay and trans content in an effort to groom children and normalize pedophilia. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show...
Published 04/20/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, I take a slightly somber tone and discuss the attack on truth in our society from big tech, our government and woke corporations. From the denial to recognize 2 biological genders to the suspension of various accounts on Twitter, we need to take a stand for truth now and deny the cancellation of everything. You’ll want to watch until the end. There’s a powerful song that deserves to be heard. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text...
Published 03/25/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, I’m excited to be back to discuss all the crazy that's exploded over the past few weeks. With the deliberate focus shifting from Covid to Ukraine, the global corporatists are in full blown panic mode as the evidence from their wake of destruction is slowly trickling out. From rising gas prices and the new green deal to the deliberate destruction of the US economy, I'll dive back in and catch up from our time away. All that and more on this...
Published 03/12/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, I’m excited to be joined by Kevin Alvarez, an entrepreneur and President of Blue Lynx Marketing, to discuss cryptocurrency and whether it’s a fraudulent scheme or a true path to economic freedom. We highlight the true benefits cryptocurrency provides as a real world application, and highlight how Bitcoin helped Andrew Torba keep Gab alive and thriving. We show how the current fiat monetary system is rigged, currency is easily manipulated and ways...
Published 01/23/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, I’m excited to be joined again by our good friend, Dr. Alan Bradford, a naturopathic physician from Arizona. Dr. Bradford and I discuss the Supreme Court ruling that overturned the tyrannical vaccine mandate on large private companies but held a separate ruling in place, forcing healthcare workers to comply or lose their jobs, and what political calculations were involved in that ruling. Dr. Bradford covers steps to start making your health...
Published 01/17/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we cover Project Veritas’ explosive top secret military document drop that proves fauci lied before congress, the origins of COVID-19, gain of function research, vaccines, potential treatments which have been suppressed, and the government’s effort to conceal all of this. We also cover the hypocrisy of those in power from the Pfizer CEO to Donald Trump. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored...
Published 01/13/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we highlight the 5 blatant lies the liberal Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor, Kagan and Breyer proclaimed during oral arguments of Former Vice President Biden's OSHA vaccine mandate. We go lie by lie and present clarity and truth with clinical data, research and true science, something big tech and social media will ban you for sharing. We also have a special guest hanging out on the set you won't want to miss. All that and more on this...
Published 01/10/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we welcome you to 2022 and cover a variety of persuasion principles that will help you understand how the game is being played. All that and more on this episode. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at: https://freethinkerspodcast.com Free Thinkers Podcast is a show that believes in free speech, original thought and a desire for truth. Follow us on Gab, Twitter and...
Published 01/05/22
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, we dive in to the realms of psychology and ask the questions, “How compliant to government authority are you?” and “Do the actions of others change or influence your behavior?” Citing the Milford and Asch experiments, we bring light to various studies that show just how easily a certain percentage of the population will blindly follow anything. We also both share our One Word for 2022, celebrate our award from YouTube and share the mission of the...
Published 12/30/21
One this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Rusty returns from an unsuccessful deer hunt and encourages our followers to choose one word to live by for 2022 and discusses the power of this. Resolutions and goals are great, but we often set them so large and challenging, they're unattainable. We encourage you to get involved, let your voice be heard and make 2022 the year we get our freedom back. Sign up for text and email alerts and watch all uncensored episodes at:...
Published 12/27/21
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Rusty discusses the recommended expert precautions hunters should take this deer season (such as wearing masks & gloves), because white-tailed deer now have the COVID. We also talk about the threats from various nursing boards for any "medical misinformation" that contradicts the privately-funded CDC and Pharma-controlled FDA narrative, the UK's announcement that you will need the 3rd booster to be considered "fully vaccinated", and how Japan...
Published 11/19/21
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Rusty discusses the Free Thinkers' recent YouTube censorship ban, shows the clip that mocked and called them out and goes point by point through their "medical misinformation policy" to call out their blatant disregard for any scientific studies or clinical data, in an effort to protect the profits of their big Pharma contributors. We also dive into Pfizer's past criminal activity, question if their CEO has even received the "vaccine" and discuss...
Published 11/16/21
On this episode of the Free Thinkers Podcast, Rusty covers the Virginia bellwether gubernatorial race, introduces you to the amazing Winsome Sears, encourages all Americans to get involved in every local race, covers the ongoing tyrannical mandates and shows hope of what pushback changes. Like we always say, "One by one, we all say NO!" We can make a difference. Last night was the proof off that. Let's enjoy the win, get back to work and tighten the screws to defeat this evil! All that and...
Published 11/04/21