The Book of Acts ends with Chapter 28 but the story of Acts continues as followers of Jesus carry the Gospel where they live, work, and play.
Published 12/17/23
Courage In Life's Storms   1. Paul knew God was with him 2. Paul knew he belonged to God 3. Paul knew he was doing God's will 4. Paul trusts God's sovereignty
Published 12/11/23
Principles for being a faithful witness:   1. Address unbelievers respectfully 2. Exalt Jesus, not yourself 3. Share the need for and the benefits of the Gospel 4. Focus on the resurrection and the call to repentance 5. Rely on God’s help 6. Be prepared for rejection 7. Pray for the people you sharing the Gospel with
Published 12/03/23
The Gospel Paul Preached Righteousness: What God Demands Self-Control: What God Desires Judgment: What God Will Do
Published 11/26/23
When you need courage, remember: - The Lord knows you - The Lord is with you - The Lord is for you - The Lord isn't finished with you
Published 11/19/23
The main takeaway is that the most compelling case for Christianity is our own stories of how Jesus Christ has transformed our lives. Just like Paul, we should be ready to share simply and compellingly how we have encountered Christ.   As we saw, Paul's testimony followed a simple but powerful outline: Life before Christ: He described his former life as an extremely zealous Pharisee and persecutor of Christians. His old life was marked by sin and misguided religious passion. Encounter...
Published 11/12/23
A Warning to Heed:  - Do not conform God's will to your preconceived notions   Principles to Apply - Spend time with God regularly - Seek godly advisors - Obey what you know God wants you to do
Published 11/05/23
Key takeaways: - Serve the Lord: - Carry the Gospel - Surrender to the Holy Spirit - Guard Against Counterfeits - Practice Generosity - Embrace Suffering
Published 10/29/23
How The Church In Ephesus Started - Mini Pentecost (Acts 19:1-7) - Gospel Expansion (Acts 19:9-10) - Extraordinary Miracles (Acts 19:11-16) - Transformed Society (Acts 19:21-41)   How The Church In Ephesus Ended - They lost their love and passion for Jesus (Revelation 2:1-5)   How Do We Finish Well? - Wholeheartedly Worship Jesus (Acts 19:17) - Genuine Confession (Acts 19:18) - True Repentance (Acts 19:19) - Growth in God's Word (Acts 19:20) Connect with Freedom Bible Church:...
Published 10/22/23
How does God help us move from discouragement to hope? - God encourages us through his people (Acts 18:1-8) - God encourages us through His promises (Acts 18:9-17)   When you're feeling discouraged or defeated... - Surround yourself with God's people - Press into God's Word - Allow God's promises to renew you
Published 10/15/23
How can we turn the world upside down with the Gospel? - Identify points of contact where you live, work, and play - Look for opportunities to share the good news of the Gospel - Leave the results up to God   How did Paul engage the culture with the Gospel - He was moved with compassion - He connected with people far from God - He met people where they are - He revealed the gaps in their lives - He proclaimed the Gospel
Published 10/08/23
The Power of the Gospel: - through our words - Act 16:13-15 - through acts of mercy - Acts 16:16-18 - through our example - Acts 16:19-34   As Gospel Carriers, We Must: - Share the Gospel with those who are seeking - Serve those who are hurting - Spend time with those who are far from God
Published 10/01/23
How Does God Lead Us: - God leads us through conflict and failure - Act 15:36-40 - God's direction is discerned through others - Acts 16:1-5 - God’s Direction comes through Closed Doors - Acts 16:6-7 - God leads us through Opened Doors - Acts 16:8-10   Four Principles For Understanding God's Will: - Obey what you already know - Before the Lord can turn us, He often has to stop us - God never closes a door without a plan to open another - Doors open and close according to God’s timing
Published 09/24/23
We should not make it difficult for those who are turning to God!
Published 09/17/23
An overview of Paul's first missionary journey and key takeaways to help us on our spiritual journey.
Published 09/10/23
Is prayer your last resort or first response?
Published 09/03/23
The Church in Antioch is a model of authentic Christianity.
Published 08/20/23
Peter's interaction with Cornelius proves to us that the Gospel is for ALL.
Published 08/13/23
In this podcast, we will explore the similarities between Saul's and our conversion stories. While they seem vastly different at first glance, there are actually a lot of similarities in every Christian conversion .
Published 08/06/23
God’s Kingdom advances when ordinary people, surrendered to the Holy Spirit, carry the Gospel in both word & deed where they live, work, & play.
Published 07/30/23
In this podcast, we will be continuing our series on the Book of Acts. Following the death of Stephen and the persecution led by Saul, the church was forced to scatter. As a result, Jesus' followers had to step out of their comfort zones and spread the Gospel to Judea and Samaria. God’s Kingdom advances when ordinary people carry the Gospel in both word & deed where they live, work, & play.
Published 07/23/23
We are all living for something; whatever we live for eventually captures our hearts and controls our lives. In other words, what we are living for has become the lord of our lives. In Acts 6:8-7:60, we see a man named Stephen who has surrendered his life to the ONLY Lord worth living for, and, if need be, dying for.
Published 07/16/23
The church in Acts experiences growing pains and deal with their first conflict within the body of Christ
Published 07/09/23
Acts 5:12-42
Published 07/02/23
Lessons from Ananias and Sapphira
Published 06/25/23