Our guest this episode is Surfer Jim, surfer, entrepreneur, and Bitcoin Adviser! We dive deep into the philosophical and practical aspects of Bitcoin, examining its impact on individual freedom and the broader economic landscape.
Published 02/26/24
In this episode, we’re joined by Cory Klippsten, CEO of Swan Bitcoin, and staunch defender of Bitcoin against scams and bad actors.
Published 02/19/24
In this episode, we’re joined by our friend Matteo Pellegrini, founder and CEO of Orange Pill App! We discuss the new merchant feature, views on the Bitcoin network vs the asset, the nature of social media, and more!
Published 02/12/24
This episode delves into Natalie Brunell’s journey from mainstream media journalist to a Bitcoin advocate. Discover how Bitcoin injected a dose of optimism into her life, reshaping her views on the future and financial independence.
Published 02/05/24
In this episode, we’re joined by our friend Metamick, the co-founder and CEO of Geyser, a revolutionary Bitcoin crowdfunding platform. Discover how Geyser is breaking barriers and offering unprecedented access to creator funding across the globe.
Published 02/01/24
In this episode of the Freedom Footprint Show, Stephan Livera joins us for a conversation on Bitcoin, Austrian Economics, Bitcoin ETFs, current issues such as ordinals and CTV, and more!
Published 01/29/24
Join us in this enlightening episode with Ella Hough, Generation Z Bitcoin advocate. Engage with Ella as she shares her journey from initially perceiving Bitcoin as a mere investment to recognizing its deeper significance in fostering freedom and knowledge.
Published 01/25/24
This episode of the Freedom Footprint Show features our good friend Volker, German book translator and social media luminary. Hosts Knut Svanholm and Luke de Wolf discuss with him the concepts of free will, consciousness, and the societal impact of Bitcoin.
Published 01/22/24
Luke Broyles returns to the show to talk about his new role with The Bitcoin Adviser, and everything else he’s working on in the Bitcoin space.  This episode explores Bitcoin multi-sig self custody, its risks, and advancements, while contrasting to custodial solutions such as the recent Bitcoin ETFs. The conversation also explores the potential for Bitcoin to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, including politics, energy, and the concept of value storage.
Published 01/15/24
Join us on an inspiring episode with our friend Roger9000, a musician deeply embedded in the Bitcoin community. Roger shares his journey from music to Bitcoin, illuminating the paths of self-discovery and authenticity.
Published 01/12/24
In this episode we’re joined by Bitcoin Mechanic to talk about how Ocean Mining is revolutionizing the Bitcoin mining pool concept while fighting malicious attacks on Bitcoin through ordinal and inscription spam.
Published 01/08/24
Join us as we explore JAN3’s global mission for Bitcoin adoption with Samson Mow and Prince Filip. They discuss the debut of Aqua Wallet and their efforts to integrate Bitcoin into the fabric of nation-states.
Published 01/03/24
In this episode we’re joined by Giacomo Zucco to discuss ordinals, inscriptions, and other forms of spam on Bitcoin, including their impact on fee rates, and what can be done about them in the future.
Published 12/28/23
In this episode we’re joined by returning guest Angelo Morgan-Somers! We delve into Angelo’s latest projects and his insights on how to effectively communicate Bitcoin’s value to a wider audience.
Published 12/22/23
This episode features an in-depth discussion with Bitcoin analyst Dylan LeClair, who shares his comprehensive view of Bitcoin’s role in the global economic framework.
Published 12/18/23
In this we welcome Rob Brinded, the author of ”Mind Decentralised: Becoming Masterless”. Rob shares his unique perspective on human behavior, conditioning, and the transformative power of observing our own minds. He delves into the concept of ’hamster wheels’ - the mental patterns we form early in life, which dictate our behaviors and shape our reality.
Published 12/15/23
In this episode we’re joined by André Loja, entrepreneur and Bitcoiner from Madeira and good friend of the show! We explore the upcoming Bitcoin Atlantis conference, a landmark event in Madeira, and delve into how Bitcoin is reshaping the island’s future.
Published 12/11/23
Today we are joined by Dominic Frisby for a captivating discussion on the complexities of money and taxation. Dominic takes us on a journey through the history of money, taxation, and the quirks of the metric system. His unique blend of humor and insight offers an engaging exploration of these topics.
Published 12/04/23
Join us as we welcome Niko Laamanen from Konsensus Network to discuss ”21 Futures: Tales from the Timechain,” a Bitcoin fiction anthology that explores 21 possible Bitcoin futures. Niko reveals how stories can be a powerful tool for introducing complex ideas like Bitcoin and Austrian economics to a broader audience.
Published 12/01/23
Join us in this episode of the Freedom Footprint Show, where our guest, Aleks Svetski, tells us about the Spirit of Satoshi Bitcoin AI project, and we discuss related philosophy together.  Aleks, known for his work on the Uncommunist Manifesto and Bitcoin Times Magazine, shares his insights on the true nature of intelligence, the potential of AI, and how Bitcoin's framework can reshape societal structures. The conversation also touches on the impact of Nietzsche's ideas on modern society,...
Published 11/27/23
Join us as Ariel Aguilar shares his insights on the historical presidential win of Javier Milei in Argentina. Aguilar, a passionate Bitcoin proponent through the Bitcoineta project, sheds light on the economic turmoil in Argentina and how Milei's libertarian values might reshape the country. Key Points Discussed:🔹 Milei's libertarian principles and economic strategies🔹 Argentina's struggle with inflation and economic isolation🔹 The potential of Bitcoin in revolutionizing Argentina's economy🔹...
Published 11/23/23
In this episode of the Freedom Footprint Show, Bitcoin privacy advocate Max Hillebrand discusses the imperative of privacy in the Bitcoin network, offering actionable insights for safeguarding financial freedom. Explore the depths of Bitcoin’s potential to revolutionize personal sovereignty in our latest bitcoin podcast episode.
Published 11/20/23
Recorded at the Princess Hotel in Germany, known as the world’s first 21-star Bitcoin hotel, Marc Guilliard shares his unique perspective on how Bitcoin, much like music, serves as a universal language, bridging divides and enhancing spiritual and personal growth.
Published 11/17/23
In this episode we welcome Jeff Booth, acclaimed author of ”The Price of Tomorrow,” for an enlightening conversation about Bitcoin and its transformative impact on society. Jeff delves into the concepts of deflation, technology’s exponential growth, and how Bitcoin could be the key to a prosperous, equitable future.
Published 11/13/23
Join us in this riveting episode of the Freedom Footprint Show as we dive deep into the concepts of monetary anarchy, Bitcoin, and the future of decentralized finance with our guest, Alexander Eser. Hosted by Knut Svanholm and Luke the Pseudo Finn, this episode explores the intricate relationship between state, money, and individual freedom.
Published 11/11/23