Every couple hits a rough patch now and again. Sometimes you can’t seem to have a simple conversation without bickering, sometimes your individual rhythms are completely out of sync, and sometimes life brings you obstacles that set you down a difficult path. But is a rough patch always something to be overly concerned about? How can you make steps to get back on track as a couple. Join Rich and Aindrea as they discuss these points and more. 
Published 10/25/20
This week, Aindrea & Rich continue their series focusing on inappropriate behaviours in relationships and discuss spending habits. How can financial issues, spending habits, and ignoring monetary goals and agreements within your relationship be inappropriate? How can you work together for a common goal and support one another, forgiving the occasional financial slip up? Listen now to find out. Related Episodes: Episode 27, Money Management for Couples...
Published 10/18/20
Aindrea and Rich are joined by Ziv and Shachar, hosts of the Generous Marriage podcast (https://generousmarriage.com) . Ziv and Shachar are both successful business owners, and educate men on how they can be more successful both in business and in their relationships. In this episode, they explain how men can be more present in their relationships, why that's important, and the similarities between relationships and businesses. They also have a 21-day blueprint to accelerate your results in...
Published 10/11/20
Closing the distance in your LDR can and should be an exciting time. But that’s not to say that there aren’t big conversations to have or that you won’t have some concerns and doubts. It’s a big commitment, so how do you know if it’s worth it for one of you to make the big move? This week, Rich & Aindrea talk through the preparations you should make and the issues you should discuss with your partner to help make the decision. You might want to also listen to episode 36, on when to call...
Published 10/04/20
This week, Rich & Aindrea continue their ongoing series of things that are, or could be, considered inappropriate behaviour in a relationship. The topic of the day is flirting. What actually is flirting? What defines inappropriate flirting and perhaps harmless flirting? Is it sometimes ok, and how do couples potentially look at this differently? All this and more is covered in episode 94. 
Published 09/27/20
This week, Rich and Aindrea are discussing a topic that many couples have to face at some point during their relationship - getting along with the in-laws. Every family dynamic is different, but it’s not uncommon for there to be some struggles when it comes to having a good and comfortable relationship with your partner’s parents. The severity of these struggles can vary greatly, and Aindrea and Rich take a look at what these problems can look like and how to address them. 
Published 09/20/20
This week, Rich & Aindrea continue their series on Inappropriate Behaviours in relationships. But this week they are joined by special guests and marriage experts, Tony and Alisa of the ONE Extraordinary Marriage podcast to discuss emotional affairs.  How do emotional affairs stop? When are the lines being blurred? Why is it so important to make your partner or spouse your first port of call for ALL things in your life? Listen as we delve into this with Alisa and Tony. Discover more...
Published 09/13/20
This week Rich and Aindrea are joined by special guest and CJEA Coach, Esty Rappaport. Esty explains how journalling with your non-dominant hand can be an important and groundbreaking therapeutic treatment, and how this can be very helpful when it comes to relationship issues.  Find Esty here and get a free mini session: @LifePixRelationships  For a FREE mini session: http://LifePixRelationships.as.me 
Published 09/06/20
What counts as inappropriate behaviour in a relationships? In this first part of an ongoing series examining inappropriate behaviours in couples, Aindrea & Rich discuss the trend of adult or sexual subscriptions on platforms like Only Fans. Is using something like Only Fans cheating? Is it wrong? How can you talk about this with your partner? Discover this and so much more in this new episode. 
Published 08/30/20
This week, Aindrea & Rich are joined by Orit Krug, a dance movement therapist and trauma expert. Orit explains how trauma from previous experiences can sabotage our current and future relationships, and what we can do to heal from this trauma once and for all. Tune in for a fascinating and incredibly helpful episode.  Learn more about Orit: Website: http://www.oritkrug.com Free Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lastinglovemovement/ Also, all of our listeners are invited...
Published 08/23/20
It’s vital to make sure that you’re on the same page as a couple when it comes to your future. This week, Aindrea and Rich are discussing the importance of aligning your future visions and deciding how you’re going to work towards and achieve them. This could be career goals, financial goals, family planning, working towards a dream vacation - literally anything. But how can you achieve these things if you don’t talk about it and work towards it together? This episode discusses exactly that. 
Published 08/16/20
Sometimes, silence is the best balm. Biting your tongue in your relationship, whether it’s off the back of a snappy remark or in the middle of a full blown argument, can totally change your relationship. In this week’s episode, Aindrea and Rich share steps for biting your tongue and how it has completely transformed their own marriage. 
Published 08/09/20
This week, Aindrea and Rich are providing 3 actionable, quick and easy tips for how to show your partner appreciation. It's easy to get caught up in the day to day and neglect showing your partner the gratitude they deserve, but it's important to make an effort to do this, and their 3 tips are the perfect place to start. Other episodes worth listening to: Episode 42: Showing Gratitude in Your Relationship (https://www.longdistancetomarriage.com/showing-gratitude-in-your-relationship/)
Published 08/02/20
Sometimes in relationships, one partner needs full support from the other. The reasons can vary - a new, challenging job, mental health issues, a time to shine, or a change in circumstance. This requires the other partner to take a step back sometimes, and offer full support. This can be a challenge for both parties, and in this episode Rich & Aindrea discuss how to do this with grace, love, and how to to see the bigger picture when it comes to being selfless. 
Published 07/19/20
In this week’s episode, Rich & Aindrea are talking about one of the hardest long distance related topics - saying goodbye after spending time together, and heading back to that LDR life. With tips to coping and strategies for making it work, this episode can help you deal with the pain of saying goodbye, especially in uncertain times such as these. You might also find Episode 30, Coping between visits in a long distance relationship...
Published 07/12/20
This week, Aindrea & Rich are revisiting the topic of nudes, originally covered in episode 23. But this time, they’re looking at how incorporating the sending of nudes in your relationship can actually establish trust, reinforce intimacy, and really help couples who are apart - even those who have found themselves in a temporary long distance relationship as a result of coronavirus lockdown restrictions. 
Published 07/05/20
In this week’s all new episode, Rich & Aindrea are focusing on loneliness in relationships. Long distance presents it’s own challenges with loneliness, which are discussed at length, but so do face to face relationships. Many people living in the same home as their significant other experience loneliness. What does it mean, and what can cause it? When is it valid, and when is it in your head? What should you do about it? Hear all this when you tune in to episode 82. 
Published 06/28/20
Aindrea & Rich are discussing the burden of time differences this week, and how to face them together as a couple. For long distance lovers, a hefty time difference can make it difficult to find time to say a quick hello, let alone enjoy deep and meaningful conversations. This episode offers tips on how to make the most of the time you can spend talking, how to cope when you can’t, and everything in between. 
Published 06/14/20
Join in this week as Rich & Aindrea discuss the steps that all couples should take when entering the stage of building a home together. You might be making the step of getting a place together or even getting married, but either way there are conversations you should have to prepare for the big changes. Get tips for learning to deal with arguments, arrange household management styles, establishing traditions and much more. 
Published 06/07/20
This week, Rich & Aindrea are bringing you up to speed on all the guests that have ever appeared on the From Long Distance to Marriage podcast. They highlight each of the guests, from relationship experts to couples battling the distance, and the points that can be taken away from each episode. The guests all bring something unique and special, and whether you’re looking for ways to keep things special over the miles or how to communicate better in your relationship, there’s something for...
Published 05/31/20
This week, Joshua and G from Sycamore Tree Design join the From Long Distance to Marriage podcast. A long distance couple, they use their creativity to create the most incredible and unique jewellery, and are offering a generous 50% discount to listeners with the code LDTM. Joshua and G explain how they met singing karaoke in an app, have suffered big disruptions through coronavirus, and how they started their own company making wooden jewellery for customers around the world. View their...
Published 05/24/20
One of the hardest parts of a long distance relationship is feeling like so much is out of your control. There are a lot of unknowns to deal with, and now we have coronavirus that has suddenly wiped out a lot of plans for a lot of people. In this episode, Aindrea and Rich discuss ways of dealing with the unknown, looking for the opportunities within it, and the silver linings to make the most of these negative situations.
Published 05/17/20
Aindrea & Rich’s first returning guest, Dovid Feldman, is here to talk marriage and relationships. A licenced family and marriage therapist, Dovid helps us learn the best ways to communicate to eliminate defensiveness, how to show up in your marriage, and how to reflect on your own behaviours and emotions. Join them for this very special episode.  You can find David on Twitter at @dovidfeldman or over at his blog, https://dovidfeldman.com   If you want to read the article on communication...
Published 05/10/20
This week, Rich and Aindrea area address the concerning news that divorce rates are on the rise because of the coronavirus outbreak. Here, they discuss why this might be happening, how to use this time to invest in your marriage rather than becoming a statistic, and share some helpful resources for nourishing your marriage during these really weird and trying times.  For more--- Listen to their episode with Tony and Alisa from ONE Extraordinary Marriage....
Published 05/03/20
Looking for different date ideas? A way to really sweep your love off their feet and remind them how much you care? Enter the scavenger hunt date. In this episode, Aindrea and Rich walk you through the options for creating this date, whether you're looking for a big gesture or just a fun lead up to finding a surprise or meal at home. This is a brilliant way to mix up your dating life, especially during the endless days of quarantine. There are also long distance options! 
Published 04/26/20