单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day43(421-430)
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 43 421. Closet n.壁橱,储藏室;adj.秘密的,不公开的 There's someone hiding in the closet. 有人藏在壁橱里。 He has a large closet in his bedroom. 他的卧室里有个大壁橱。 422. Clothes n.衣服,衣物;服装,礼服;被褥 They stare at my clothes with disapproval. 他们不以为然地盯着我的衣服。 She spends a lot of money on clothes. 她花了很多钱买衣服。 His clothes were covered with dirt. 他的衣服上沾满了污垢。 423. Clothing n.衣服,服装v.给….….穿衣,为……提供衣服 I usually buy clothing at a local store. 我通常在当地商店买衣服。 424. cloud n.云,云朵;云状物,一团;阴影 The sun disappeared behind a cloud. 太阳消失在云层后面。 The moon emerged from behind the cloud. 月亮从云层后面冒出来。 425. Coach n.教练;私人教师;教练v.训练,指导 The coach accused us of not doing our best. 教练指责我们没有尽力而为。 This team is trained by a good coach. 这支球队是由一位优秀的教练训练的。 She liked tennis and became a tennis coach. 她喜欢网球,成为了一名网球教练。 426. Coat n.外套,大衣;v.用…..….覆盖;给……穿外套 He hid the envelope underneath his coat. 他把信封藏在外套下面。 Hangup your coat, please. 请把你的外套挂起来 She put on her coat and went out. 她穿上外套然后出去了。 427. Coffee n.咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色 There's no coffee left in the pot. 锅里没有咖啡了。 Would anyone like more coffee? 有人想要更多的咖啡吗? "Do you want coffee?" "No, I prefer tea, thanks." “你想喝咖啡吗?”“不,我更喜欢喝茶,谢谢。” 428. Coin n.硬币,金属货币;v.铸币,造币; The boy throws the coin through the window. 那个男孩把硬币扔进窗户。 She opened her purse and took out a coin. 她打开钱包拿出一枚硬币。 429. Cold adj.冷的,凉的;冷淡的,冷漠的;n.感冒,伤风 He takes a cold bath every morning. 他每天早上都要洗个冷水澡。 She died on a cold night in December. 她在12月的一个寒冷的夜晚去世了。 How long will this cold weather continue? 这种寒冷的天气还会持续多久? 430. Collapse v.倒塌;崩溃,瓦解;暴跌n.倒塌,塌陷 The church roof is in danger of collapse. 教堂的屋顶有倒塌的危险。 The country's economy is about to collapse. 该国的经济即将崩溃。
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听前提示 一、每期提供10个单词,每个单词都会有2-3个例句,方便理解记忆。 二、每个单词和句子都会重复5遍,其中第2遍为慢速,有助于识别。 三、本材料的整体难度较低,可以用来听力磨耳朵和单词查漏补缺。 Day 47 461. Complete adj.完全的,彻底的;全部的v.使完整,使完美 She is trying to complete her homework. 她正在努力完成作业。 He is a complete stranger tome. 他对我来说是一个完全陌生的人。 The doctor advised me to take a complete...
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