Level 5-Day 18. 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (2)
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词汇提示 1.prosthetic 假设 2.handicapped 残疾的 3.amputee 截肢者 4.pervasive 无所不在的 5.hazardous 危险的 6.refugees 难民 7.casualties 伤员 原文 Diana,Princess Of Wales: 'A Modern Tragedy And Its Consequences' (2) As the Red Cross have expressed it: "Each victim who survives, will incur lifetime expenses for surgery and prosthetic care totaling between 2,000 and 3,000." That is an intolerable load for a handicapped person in a poor country. That is something to which the world should urgently turn its conscience. In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an amputee! Angola has the highest rate of amputees in the world. How can countries which manufacture and trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation? My third main experience was to see what has been done, slowly and perilously, to get these mines out of the earth. In the Kuito and Huambo region I spent a morning with small team from Halo Trust, which is training Angolans to work on the pervasive minefields and supervising their work. I speak of "our team" because men of the Mines Advisory group - or, in this instance, the Halo Trust -who volunteer for this hazardous work are usually former members of our own Services. I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to the work these men do on our behalf- the perils they encounter are not just confined to mines. Two members of the Mines Advisory Group team in Cambodia, Chris Howes and Houn Horth, were kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge a year ago and their fate is uncertain. We can only pray for their safe return. Much ingenuity has gone into making some of these mines. Many are designed to trap an unwary de-miner. Whenever such tricky mines appear, the de-miner will call in one of the supervising team, who will then take over. That is what keeps their lives perpetually at risk. It might be less hazardous, I reflected, after my visit to Angola, if some of the technical skills used in making mines had been applied to better methods of removing them. Many of these mines are relatively cheap- they can be bought for 5 apiece, or less. Tracing them, lifting them, and disposing of them, costs far more – sometimes as much as a hundred times more. Angola,is full of refugees returning after a long war. They present another aspect of this tragedy. The refugee turns towards home, often ignorant of conditions in his homeland. He knows of mines, but homeward bound, eagerness to complete the journey gets the better of him. Or he finds mines on what was once his land, and attempts to clear them. There were many examples of that in Angola. These mines inflict most of their casualties on people who are trying to meet the elementary needs of life. They strike the wife, or the grandmother, gathering firewood for cooking - They ambush the child sent to collect water for the family. I was impressed to see the work being done by many of the world's agencies on"Mine Awareness." If children can be taught at school, if adults can be helped to learn what to do, and what not to do in regions that have been mined, then lives can be saved and injuries reduced. 翻译 威尔士王妃戴安娜:“一场现代悲剧及其后果”(2)正如红十字会所说:“每一位幸存的受害者,都将终身承担总计2000到3000美元的手术和假肢护理费用。”这对一个贫穷国家的残疾人来说是难以忍受的负担。这是世界迫切需要反省的问题。在安哥拉,每334个人中就有一个是截肢者!安哥拉是世界上截肢率最高的国家。制造和交易这些武器的国家怎么能以这样的人类毁灭来问心无愧呢?我的第三个主要经历是,看看人们已经做了些什么,缓慢而危险地把这些地雷从地球上挖出来。在奎托和万博地区,我与Halo Trust的一个小团队度过了一个上午,该团队正在培训安哥拉人在无处不在的雷区工作并监督他们的工作。我之所以说“我们的团队”
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